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BAY AREA BASH 2010 Live Updates!


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This past weekend was a lot of fun. It really felt like one of the bigger TPR trips I went on. Thanks to Robb, Elissa and the great people at CGA, and SFDK for putting this on. The highlight for me was the water challenge by far. As a member of "team poncho" as we're being called now, we should've known better, but who'd have thought being drenched with water in 50 degree weather would have been so much fun. Other highlights of the weekend were the private shows at SFDK, and the backstage tour at CGA. Definitely a memorable weekend!

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One more thing for those who were on the party bus, i know the picture is very blurry, but i think david was trying to take the rap for someone elses puke. You be the judge.


Can't quite make out who it is, but it appears they may have drank too much and become ill. Probably too much wine.

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If my post was uneducated and obnoxious maybe I deserve a rebuttal as to why it was uneducated. Perhaps I am not aware of the standards in which these animals are treated and acquired. If I was to be corrected I would retract my previous statement. It was definitely not meant to anger anyone.


To support nyanko's expert comments, below is a positive article (from an animal activist website) about a rescued sea lion now living/performing at SFDK




Here's a dilemma to consider. What do you do with an injured sea lion that cannot return to his home in the ocean? Is it O.K. to send him to live and "work" at an amusement park?


That's what has a happened to a California sea lion named Sgt. Nevis, who was rescued last December with gunshot wounds to his face. Last week he moved to his new home at the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom theme park in Vallejo, CA.


The 650-pound teenage sea lion will become part of the Seal Cove exhibit where he will live and perform alongside several other sea lions and a few harbor seals. Sgt. Nevis will make his public debut on Friday.


But in light of the recent death of an animal trainer at Orlando's Sea World by an Orca whale, maybe this wasn’t the wisest placement for a sea lion that has only been in captivity for six months.


Sgt. Nevis, who is named after the Animal Services officer who helped save him, was first spotted in the Sacramento River in December. He eluded rescuers for several weeks, but was finally captured when members of the Marin Marine Mammal Center sneaked up and netted him.


The 358-pound sea lion was emaciated and in very bad shape with two deep gunshot wounds above his nose. He has been nursed back to health for the past six months in the hospital at the Center.


Sgt. Nevis was shot by a fisherman named Larry Allen Legans after he tried to steal fish from Legans' boat. Jim Oswald from the Marin Marine Mammal Center noted that Sgt. Nevis was one of 18 sea lions shot by fisherman in 2009. Legans will have his first hearing later this month on May 21.


The shooting left the sea lion with permanent damage to his nasal passages. This limits his ability to dive underwater to hunt for food. The situation made it impossible for Sgt. Nevis to return to the ocean.


"Unfortunately for him he wasn't well enough to be able to return to the wild, in other words to have a really productive life out in the ocean, which is ultimately our goal. But here at Six Flags, we feel very confident that he will be able to thrive and have a productive life," said Oswald.


The theme park has welcomed Sgt. Nevis with open arms and said he is adjusting well. They even let him spend time getting to know two of the female sea lions at the exhibit before moving in.



"Considering what he has gone through, he's very resilient," stated Michael Muraco, the animal care director at Six Flags.


Time will tell if this new public home will be a thriving environment for Sgt. Nevis. Six Flags theme parks are entertainment facilities and not rehabilitation centers. But Sgt. Nevis has already been seen curling up next to his female companions at night and that is a good sign.

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This is a strange request, but did anyone get a picture of the exterior of the Party Bus? The reason I ask is that I had finished eating dinner at Wendy's next to the big SFMM sign after my visit to SFMM on Sunday, and was leaving there when I saw a full size motor coach exit at Magic Mountain Parkway (coming from the north), and turn toward SFMM. It turned right onto The Old Road, then turned left onto the road that SFMM employees use to get to work. I don't know where the Party Bus originated, but when I saw this bus, given the time of day it was (about 7pm) and where it headed, my first thought was "maybe that's the Bay Area Bash Party Bus returning from up north."



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This is a strange request, but did anyone get a picture of the exterior of the Party Bus? The reason I ask is that I had finished eating dinner at Wendy's next to the big SFMM sign after my visit to SFMM on Sunday, and was leaving there when I saw a full size motor coach exit at Magic Mountain Parkway (coming from the north), and turn toward SFMM. It turned right onto The Old Road, then turned left onto the road that SFMM employees use to get to work. I don't know where the Party Bus originated, but when I saw this bus, given the time of day it was (about 7pm) and where it headed, my first thought was "maybe that's the Bay Area Bash Party Bus returning from up north."



This was not the Party Bus.

Edited by robbalvey
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Wow! Bay Area Bash was so awesome! It was really nice to take it easy on Saturday and not have to run from ride to ride to make sure I got on all of them. Usually the park is very busy on Saturdays, but with ERT I didn't have to wait in very long lines, plus the lines weren't that bad through out the day anyways (Good job Six Flags!). Thanks to Captain Lee Munro, Charles, Paul, and all of the other Discovery Kingdom employees for making Saturday such a fun day!


Even though Sunday seemed to have a smaller crowd, it was an equally great day. ERT in the morning was so awesome. I got so much done in just one hour. I don't even know how many times I rode on Flight Deck without getting off. After getting a couple of rides on Psycho Mouse and Demon right after the park opened I waited for Grizzly to open. I ended up riding with a bunch of TPR people. It was awesome. Thanks to Ryan and the other employees at CGA who allowed us to take the backstage tour. That was an amazing experience. I've always wanted to walk down the center service road!


After experiencing Bay Area Bash, I really want to go on a longer TPR trip, so it's time to start saving money. I'm really hoping Bay Area Bash happens again next year! It's really the only event that happens here in Northern California. I had a great time at my first TPR event!

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I totaly regret not being able to participate. Living in NorCal this is my best chance to enjoy the antics of TPR on my budget but unfortunately I had to work that weekend. Well the boss can only go to his kids college graduation once right? Looks like he will need another reason to keep me in town next year.

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What an amazing event! It looks like everyone had a ton of fun! I was cracking up just looking at the Tony Hawk Water Challenge pics Who won that? It's really cool to see all of the behind the scenes stuff as well. I didn't go to Bay Area Bash, but I still want to thank Discovery Kingdom and Great America for treating Theme Park Review so well!

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I decided to take some of my photos of Flight Deck from the backstage tour at California's Great America and make them desktop backgrounds. I wanted to share the first ones with everyone. These are 1280 x 800 because that's what I needed for my desktop.








Enjoy! Feel free to use them if you want to.

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Just got back a few days ago from our extended park trip and wanted to send you a huge thank you from myself, Alex and Sharon for all the fun we had on the party bus. Robb and Elissa, you two put together a great mini trip and also a big thanks to your crew, mainly the bitch twins and the that damn small penis JEW. Everyone was so helpful answering all our trip virgin questions. Look forward to the day I (we) can make it on a longer version.


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