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The KFC Double Down


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It looks so wrong, that it just might be right.


I seem to have this weird thing about going to KFC's in other countries, can't wait to hit New York in August ( someone please tell me there is a 24 hour KFC in Times square ? )

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^^I was so disappointed in 2007 on the Midwest trip that I didn't see a single KFC in Kentucky let alone eat at one, I did eat at White Castle which I still cringe at the thought of.


I only eat KFC about twice a year, so I have no idea if we'll get these cholesterol boosters down here.

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For as much as I love bacon, I won't buy one of these. I think I'm making the right choice here to start avoiding these types of items on the menu in hopes they go away because clearly its not in the best interest of the public to have these around, health-wise. The worst part is I eat out a lot, and this is making me not want to anymore.

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I was so disappointed in 2007 on the Midwest trip that I didn't see a single KFC in Kentucky let alone eat at one.


That's the thing--there are no KFCs in Kentucky! My fiancee used to live there; apparently it's a running joke. The closest KFC to Kentucky (at least in the Louisville area) is in Indiana, supposedly.

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^ Ummm....okay.


We can be pretty backwards here in KY, but we're not that backwards...yet.


And for the record, I think the Double Down looks great...just not as a sandwich. I'd take it apart and put it on top of a few biscuists and serve it open-faced with gravy....mmmm....is it lunchtime yet?

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One of my favorite examples of product placement in movies comes from Goldfinger. Bond is being held on Auric Goldfinger's horse ranch near Louisville. Two CIA agents keep tabs on Bond and Goldfinger, and they spend a lot of their time parked in front of a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise. They even eat the product in one scene. I bet the Colonel paid a pretty penny for that.

Edited by cfc
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For as much as I love bacon, I won't buy one of these. I think I'm making the right choice here to start avoiding these types of items on the menu in hopes they go away because clearly its not in the best interest of the public to have these around, health-wise. The worst part is I eat out a lot, and this is making me not want to anymore.

I'm not quite sure I understand what the point of your comment is. Did you READ this thread? We have been discussing that, even though the pictures may not show it, this sandwich is actually NOWHERE NEAR AS BAD FOR YOU and many other offerings at other fast food places. It's about on par with a Big Mac.


Or, like, are you one of those insane people who won't be happy until every fast food place just sells salads with low-fat dressing, apple slices, and bottles of water?


I have to assume you've just not read this thread otherwise you wouldn't have posted what you did. And if in the off chance you DID read the thread and then still responded the same, well, then I just have to assume you're not that educated as far as the nutritional values (or lack thereof) of this food item versus others that are being offered.


--Robb "Read a thread before responding to it is a good thing!" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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For as much as I love bacon, I won't buy one of these. I think I'm making the right choice here to start avoiding these types of items on the menu in hopes they go away because clearly its not in the best interest of the public to have these around, health-wise. The worst part is I eat out a lot, and this is making me not want to anymore.

I'm not quite sure I understand what the point of your comment is. Did you READ this thread? We have been discussing that, even though the pictures may not show it, this sandwich is actually NOWHERE NEAR AS BAD FOR YOU and many other offerings at other fast food places. It's about on par with a Big Mac.


Or, like, are you one of those insane people who won't be happy until every fast food place just sells salads with low-fat dressing, apple slices, and bottles of water?


I have to assume you've just not read this thread otherwise you wouldn't have posted what you did. And if in the off chance you DID read the thread and then still responded the same, well, then I just have to assume you're not that educated as far as the nutritional values (or lack thereof) of this food item versus others that are being offered.


--Robb "Read a thread before responding to it is a good thing!" Alvey



Pffft, Those crazy health-food peoples and their apple slices with low-fat salads! Such fast-food blasphemy!


I've been meaning to try one of these double-down sandwiches, but, maybe I will when I get there next w/ friend or family. Who knows, I eat it sometime in the future.

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I still think that Carl's Jr. has worse burgers for you. Is there anything on any fast food menu as bad as this?


Double Guacamole Bacon Burger - 1090 Calories - 74 grams of fat - 1770 mg sodium.


That's right 74 GRAMS OF FAT!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!


In fact I think Carl's has like 10 sandwiches that have over 65 grams of fast!


Why didn't that Super Size Me a$$hole target stuff like this instead of McDonalds, which actually doesn't have THAT bad of a menu when you compare it to other places!


--Robb "Who actually likes Carls WAY more than In-N-Out..." Alvey


EDIT even the salads at these fast food places aren't much better! Even the Carls Jr. Grilled Chicken Salad with Blue Cheese dressing has 40 grams of fat and 520 calories!


I prefer Carls as well ... I know that's like sacreligious to most people, but it's true. I can eat In N Out once a year and be happy.


I think the reason why I feel Jack in the Box is worse than Carls ... Carls doesn't "pretend" to be anything but artery clogging burgers. Hot chicks on cars, juices all over them, etc. While Jack is introducing "Deli Sandwiches" and Salads and Chicken Bowls, etc.


It may also be because the closest Carls to us is 7 miles away and we have 2 Jack in the Box's within 2 miles.


Gregg "McDonalds (or Del Taco) is still the fast food place we eat at the most" C

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Me and my friend went and tried it tonight. It looked no where near as delicious as in that picture (of course), but tasted great. I think I should of had a side or biscuits to slow me down while eating it since it seemed to be gone very quickly. I did enjoy the sauce, which I had never had before and I usually only have BBQ.


In the end I'd get it again, but only as part of a value meal- in my opinion $5 is too much for just a fast-food sandwich, even if the buns are made of meat.

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Ok, now I will have to try one tomorrow. I will get one with double bacon.


Just to make Robb a little jealous, will go to Waffle House for breakfast, like most mornings, the KFC for lunch, which is right next to the White Castle. Ahhhh Columbus Ohio, the mecca of fast food. Then after that, a quick trip to the cardiologist for some defib and then the treadmill. Now if I could just get my pancreas to work correctly, would fit in some Cold Stone.....


Eggs, hashbrowns scattered smothered, double covered, and now with gravy, mix it all up and mmmmmmmm Hey, WH is open 24 hours.......


Did you make it to a WH while in VA Robb?

Edited by slither37
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I used to work at a KFC and the thought of this kinda makes me lose my appetite lol. Not because of any health reason or whatever, just because I can just imagine how much of a pain it would be to prepare tons of these (just like the snacker and the mashed potato bowl) during the dinner rush.


In reference to the 'healthiness' of this (as well as pretty much every other item offered at KFC) like others said it really isn't that bad. I know that it was possible to buy a meal (a true meal too, not one of those 'meals' that doesn't fill you up at all offered at some places) with under 500 calories at KFC. There's hardly any calories in the mashed potatoes, green beans (obviously), macaroni and cheese, etc. and most of the chicken really isn't that high in calories until you get into the extra crispy stuff. The original chicken was always surprisingly low in calorie count and we used to have nutritional facts pamphlets from the other places around town (McDonald's, Arby's, Taco Bell, etc.) for certain people to use as a comparison when they'd come in and basically blame us as they ordered for our country's weight problems, as if the 16 year old me had any say in how the food was prepared. I am curious how this thing actually tastes though, as it has cheese, and I know that when I worked there it seemed like that was something that KFC had trouble doing properly. The cheesy Snackers used bottled 'cheese' which was absolutely disgusting stuff, and the mashed potato bowls used grated cheese that was far below the quality of the other items used in the store.

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According to the nutritional information these things aren't that terrible compared to Standard McDonalds food, they're about the same, if not a little less bad.


KFC Original Recipe® Double Down

Cal: 540 Fat:32 Sod:1380

KFC Grilled Double Down

Cal: 460 Fat:23 Sod:1430


Quarter Pounder® with Cheese

Cal: 510 Fat:26 Sod:1190

Double Quarter Pounder® with Cheese

Cal: 740 Fat:42 Sod:1380

Big Mac

Cal: 540 Fat:29 Sod:1040

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On a Big Mac, for instance, you can get it without the sauce, then put a little ketchup on it instead. It tastes exactly the same and saves over 100 calories worth of fat.


I think I could taste the difference between Big Mac sauce and ketchup. Heck, I think that sauce is the most recognizable flavor in the Big Mac. The mystery meat certainly doesn't stand out in flavor.

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You guys are comparing the nutrition facts of burgers to chicken. As far as chicken sandwiches go, there are far "healthier", non-grilled versions available at McDonald's and Wendy's. It's the bacon and extra cheese that really set this thing off. I had no idea the chicken club toaster at Sonic boasted 53 grams of fat!


I personally find this particular sandwich disgusting, but to each their own.

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