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there is a really nice german report about the gerstlauer manufacturing of the coaster... you can see in this report some trackparts of the new belantis coaster, the new eurofighter trains, the controllunit and construction of some other coasters like a Launched Eurofighter for Fujikyu Highlands japan....


By the way there are intresting photos of the refurbished Jet Star 2 "Black Hole" from Alton Towers, which is waiting for sale, in this report...


An intresting point that the report mentioned was that they could build the belantis coaster so fast because it is the one which were build for the F1-X Park in Dubai, which realization is not really sure...


so here is the link to the report, with the really nice pics you shouldn`t miss as coaster fan:



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When I visited last year, the park had a lot of potential, but I felt that it lacked a big signature roller coaster, so I'm glad this is getting built there. When Freizeitpark Plohn build their new coaster for next year, I'd definitely make a visit back to both these parks.

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Sorry to be off topic, but does that say at the bottom that the Schwartzkopf was the Black Hole from Alton Towers? Would just be interesting to know where it's got to.



Anyway I think the new Eurofighter trains look... Interesting...

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More pics made at Gerstlauer Rides (and a Black Hole vid on the second page)...http://www.belantis-board.de/board6-fun/board14-erlebnisberichte-und-fotos/599-warum-man-1000km-an-einem-tag-f%C3%A4hrt/

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Sorry to be off topic, but does that say at the bottom that the Schwartzkopf was the Black Hole from Alton Towers? Would just be interesting to know where it's got to.

They didn´t mentioned where it will go to. The only information they wrote was that Gerstlauer bought and re-engenier it. It´s waiting for an buyer.


Thanks for the link and article, it´s great and interesting. Looking forward to ride this Gerstlauer this year.

Edited by Ledgy
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^ In the picture captions in mentions that it is the Black Hole from Alton Towers. Nice to see the old thing getting some much needed TLC.


I can see Gerstlauer rides like this become staples at themeparks, just like the Wild Mouse is considered a classic ride today. Compact and a fun ride. Not much more small parks can ask for!

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Looks like it's coming along quite nicely!


On the Web site you can vote for the coaster's name - fun! I voted for Tronador. (I thought Zorn der Inka and Viracocha were good choices too.) But Yucatan is clearly in the lead at the moment.

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So tomorrow they will put the last piece of the track into this coaster...


I think its really a fast building record for a coaster! From the first announcement on March 15th till now, they just needed nearly two months to complete the track. So i think i will really open on schedule in june.


A nice Pic from de-de.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=299215&id=120568761287526&ref=mf:

and a nice old one of the top from the beginnig of the building (april 30th) from http://de-de.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=287127&id=120568761287526:

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so they really did it. They completed the coaster in just 12 days!!!


REALLY NICE PICS ON http://www.belantis-board.de/board5-der-park/board13-zukunftsvisionen/567-der-euro-fighter-bau-blog/#post9733 <-- you have to see this ones, there you can see all the nice elements.


I really like the mini airtime hill after the double loop (don`t know the name of that element). And all the track parts really were looking fantastic...

here are some Photos from the belantis facebook-page:

Edited by Kooky
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