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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I've been on FAR WORSE than Rolling Thunder, (Old Texas Giant, Mean Streak, Psyclone, Villain, Ghostrider all come to mind) SO I'd say a serious retracking with denser wood is at least worth a try. I think every major park should have a racer woodie. It's as much a staple to the park going experience as a mine train or funnel cake, or line cutting.

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^But is an El Toro Intamin prefab not much better


I personaly think that Rolling Thunder, is a painful ride, but I agree with Bolliger&Mabillard( ^^ ) that retracking is an good option for Rolling Thunder. It still is a classic woodie built in 1979 and I think it would be ashame if it would be torn down.

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Actually speaking of Runaway Mine Train, that coaster is 37 years old! It's due for a replacement, and to be honest, doesn't have to be a family coaster, seeing as they already have 3 others. Anyone else think it's time to say "Goodbye" to Runaway Mine Train?

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  Schotcher said:
^ I'd call it painful in a fun way. The only really painful part is the turnaround. I'd say Green Lantern, Bizarro, and Kingda Ka are more painful than Rolling Thunder.


I do not agree with anything in this post!

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  larrygator said:
  Schotcher said:
^ I'd call it painful in a fun way. The only really painful part is the turnaround. I'd say Green Lantern, Bizarro, and Kingda Ka are more painful than Rolling Thunder.


I do not agree with anything in this post!


We all have our opinions. Wheels wear down over time too.

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  Schotcher said:
Actually speaking of Runaway Mine Train, that coaster is 37 years old! It's due for a replacement, and to be honest, doesn't have to be a family coaster, seeing as they already have 3 others. Anyone else think it's time to say "Goodbye" to Runaway Mine Train?


I say "goodbye" to Runaway Mine Train. But I think, replacing it with another family Coaster would be good. Because there are still people that are not as hardcore rollercoaster fans as most of us are. In that way, I think, it can attract a bigger public. More people visiting SFGA, more profit a it maybe can make of it.

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Well the Family coasters SFGAdv have are a bit...kid-ish for a family coaster. They could make a coaster like Cheetah Hunt and call it a family coaster (Cheetah Hunt actually is one). Really all depends on the height requirement.

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Just exchanged a few emails with our Corporate Digital Marketing team regarding our NEW 2012 attractions-- who wants to see some top secret info!?



Attractions? If they're adding what was on the surveys, looks like the 200 foot Sky Screamer along with the bumper cars, musik express, and I believe an elephant ride got better responses than the 300 foot Sky Screamer and nothing else.

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  deathbydinn said:
Just exchanged a few emails with our Corporate Digital Marketing team regarding our NEW 2012 attractions-- who wants to see some top secret info!?



Attractions? If they're adding what was on the surveys, looks like the 200 foot Sky Screamer along with the bumper cars, musik express, and I believe an elephant ride got better responses than the 300 foot Sky Screamer and nothing else.


I'm predicting they opt for a 150 foot model along with the bumper cars and the music express. They'll get the elephant tide too, but it will just be moved from Golden Kingdom. I'm guessing they make up for the shorter SkyScreamer by making the four attractions into a new/revisioned themed area.

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  Schotcher said:
  coasterbill said:
No... it collapsed during the Hurricane.


No no, it was El Toro that fell down.


NO!, it was BOTH Kingda Ka & El Toro that collapsed during the hurricane. Drat, now this park is stuck with Nitro.

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  CoasterLover said:
  deathbydinn said:
Just exchanged a few emails with our Corporate Digital Marketing team regarding our NEW 2012 attractions-- who wants to see some top secret info!?



Attractions? If they're adding what was on the surveys, looks like the 200 foot Sky Screamer along with the bumper cars, musik express, and I believe an elephant ride got better responses than the 300 foot Sky Screamer and nothing else.


I'm predicting they opt for a 150 foot model along with the bumper cars and the music express. They'll get the elephant tide too, but it will just be moved from Golden Kingdom. I'm guessing they make up for the shorter SkyScreamer by making the four attractions into a new/revisioned themed area.


Hopefully, I'm still a little worried the Parachutes are going to be replaced with the SkyScreamer.

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^My prediction is that the parachute tower is safe... well, at least safe from being replaced by a SkyScreamer. I think SkyScreamer will go somewhere else. Not that parachute tower is completely safe from the wrecking ball, just that they won't swap it out for a SkyScreamer... just my prediction anyways...

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As I figured, KK is down for the count.




Park News - (8/31/11) According to several reports sent into Screamscape, Kingda Ka suffered some kind of major malfunction a couple of days before the Hurricane whipped through the area. I don’t have the exact details, but it sounded like something went “klablooey” (my own technical term) with the launch system during a launch, and when the train did a “rollback” down the hill, more damage ensued to the system as well as to the underside of that train. Some are guessing that it could be down for the next several weeks, and possibly open again in time for Fright Fest, while others are not so optimistic and believe it may stay closed for the rest of the season.
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