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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^^You do realize the "Huss GF" thing was just something they did to mess with the enthusiasts at Coaster Stock, right?


Yes, like I said, I made this a couple days ago when there was only a "Huss GF" marker when it was first posted on Screamscape. Then, the new markers around the park (like the "GCI" one) were spotted which made it clear it was just another Carowinds trick.

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^^You do realize the "Huss GF" thing was just something they did to mess with the enthusiasts at Coaster Stock, right?


Yes, like I said, I made this a couple days ago when there was only a "Huss GF" marker when it was first posted on Screamscape. Then, the new markers around the park (like the "GCI" one) were spotted which made it clear it was just another Carowinds trick.


Still it doesn't rule out such a ride at KD,a windseeker would fit nicely over there as well.

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I really don't care if we get a new ride or not, KD has alot more things to worry about. 1. Paint Jobs for Rebel Yell and Anaconda (They need to paint Anaconda's track black and the supports purple, that would be cool). 2. They need to Landscape a TON!!!!!!!!! 3. Clean the water in the fountains already! But it would be AWESOME if they did all of this and put in a flat next year.



Does anyone know how much a ZacSpin would cost, because that would be cool if KD got one of them instead of a flat, even though KD needs some flats?

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I really don't care if we get a new ride or not, KD has alot more things to worry about. 1. Paint Jobs for Rebel Yell and Anaconda (They need to paint Anaconda's track black and the supports purple, that would be cool). 2. They need to Landscape a TON!!!!!!!!! 3. Clean the water in the fountains already! But it would be AWESOME if they did all of this and put in a flat next year.



Does anyone know how much a ZacSpin would cost, because that would be cool if KD got one of them instead of a flat, even though KD needs some flats?


Sounds like you are complaining about Kings Dominion. Yea, sure they need to landscape but that doesn't make me not want to go.

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I really don't care if we get a new ride or not, KD has alot more things to worry about. 1. Paint Jobs for Rebel Yell and Anaconda (They need to paint Anaconda's track black and the supports purple, that would be cool). 2. They need to Landscape a TON!!!!!!!!! 3. Clean the water in the fountains already! But it would be AWESOME if they did all of this and put in a flat next year.



Does anyone know how much a ZacSpin would cost, because that would be cool if KD got one of them instead of a flat, even though KD needs some flats?


Sounds like you are complaining about Kings Dominion. Yea, sure they need to landscape but that doesn't make me not want to go.


I wasn't really complaining, but if they did landscape and make the park a little nicer they can be listed as one of the most nicest amusement parks, and it can attract more people for its looks and the rides.

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Believe it or not, Cedar Fair is slowly but surely improving the landscaping of Kings Dominion. Each year they add a few planters on the midway and replace asphalt with brick pavers. Just this year they added 4 pretty nice planters with trees and flowers in the Grove and finished replacing asphalt with brick pavers in the Dominator side of Planet Snoopy. I'm sure if they continue this the park will look even better with more flowers, trees, and brick pavers a few years down the road... it might just be a tad more Cedar Fair generic...

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I'm wondering if they should just totally abandon the area themeing concept, or if they should turn the FOF, BLSC, Anaconda, and I305 (possibly Scrambler too...) into a new catchall Action Zone or something. They are all there together, and none follow a Congo theme like the south side of the area does (Volcano, Avalanche, The Crypt). I'd like to see better themeing, but I know Cedar Fair isn't apt to do that.

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Anaconda sort of fits in with the Congo theme. I don't really know if the plan for the Congo was to make all of the rides themed to the Congo, I think the Congo was themed for the Lion Country Safari and Mount. Kilaminjaro rides/ exibits back in the 80's. Now I think the Congo is "themed " either for the best rides for the park or for the best themed rides at the park.

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Anaconda sort of fits in with the Congo theme. I don't really know if the plan for the Congo was to make all of the rides themed to the Congo, I think the Congo was themed for the Lion Country Safari and Mount. Kilaminjaro rides/ exibits back in the 80's. Now I think the Congo is "themed " either for the best rides for the park or for the best themed rides at the park.


Well, I figure they have a lost continent type feel, which is what they were originally going for, as the Lost World was the name of the mountain originally. Anaconda could fit that, but not Congo. (Anacondas are from South America.) I realize that we have Paramount actually to blame for the themeing screw ups, but I don't see CF making it better. I don't really get why, when they have hundreds of acres to expand upon, they feel like they have to continue boxing the park in and mess up what little themeing there is left.

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Anaconda sort of fits in with the Congo theme. I don't really know if the plan for the Congo was to make all of the rides themed to the Congo, I think the Congo was themed for the Lion Country Safari and Mount. Kilaminjaro rides/ exibits back in the 80's. Now I think the Congo is "themed " either for the best rides for the park or for the best themed rides at the park.


Well, I figure they have a lost continent type feel, which is what they were originally going for, as the Lost World was the name of the mountain originally. Anaconda could fit that, but not Congo. (Anacondas are from South America.) I realize that we have Paramount actually to blame for the themeing screw ups, but I don't see CF making it better. I don't really get why, when they have hundreds of acres to expand upon, they feel like they have to continue boxing the park in and mess up what little themeing there is left.


True & twenty years ago that area was entirely themed as safari village,but of course paramount didn't exactly adhere to the theme by placing rides like backlot over there.LWFM was originially to be an area all it's own but as we now know the novelty of it's attractions decreased somewhat as time went on.


Now as we know CF doesn't specialize in theming so to speak & that most of their rides are pretty generic,still they've done a great job landscaping I-street & parts of the grove with the pavers which not only look good but greatly reduce the radiant heat being produced thus making it more comfortable on a hot day.

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^I'm still mad at Paramount removing Diamond Falls and replacing it with Backlot!


Didn't Kings Dominion take out Diamond Falls because people were complaining that it was rough though? I am kind of glad they took that ride out to put in Backlot, because it is one of my favorite rides at Kings Dominion

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Has anyone seen any ride pieces in the parking lot?


If we're getting a flat then the parts would most likely be delivered to the maintenance warehouse adjacent to the season pass lot,I seem to recall seeing the parts for ED & Americana stored there when they were delivered.

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