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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^^You mean like MaxAir? It gets past 90 degrees, but doesn't invert. That's what a giant frisbee is.


A Huss Giant Frisbee costs between $4.5 - $6 million dollars to install, depending on how much work has to be done to the area the ride will be installed at.


I'd say that's a pretty significant investment.


Significant, sure. It's not a $25 million coaster though - sure, another multi-million dollar coaster is unfeasible just two years after I305, but a flat isn't even close to that sort of price. I just meant to say that they're on a very different caliber of investment - almost $20 million apart.

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Yeah, I'd like a flat too, but I'd like a GOOD wooden coaster soon. Hurler hasn't aged well, the Rebel Yell is just okay... I like Grizzly but some think it's too aggressive. (I guess the former Scooby counts too.) A GCI coaster to replace Hurler or to join the other 3 would make the park better rounded. I say get 5 family flats and put them in different places around the park. (A monters, regular frisbee, etc.) Then in 2013 or 2014 get a world class wooden coaster.

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^Rebel Yell is a pretty fun ride in the back seat. And even Hurler can be fun in some seats, I mean I know I've always enjoyed it...


I used to not like Grizzly, but now I really, really do. And Ghoster Coaster is a good ride for the kids. I think KD's fine in the wooden department, for now at least...

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Yeah, I'd like a flat too, but I'd like a GOOD wooden coaster soon. Hurler hasn't aged well, the Rebel Yell is just okay... I like Grizzly but some think it's too aggressive. (I guess the former Scooby counts too.) A GCI coaster to replace Hurler or to join the other 3 would make the park better rounded. I say get 5 family flats and put them in different places around the park. (A monters, regular frisbee, etc.) Then in 2013 or 2014 get a world class wooden coaster.



They should save t he spot behind the theatre for a new invert & add a flat in the grove where HSXLC was.

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^ Ah, okay. Only been there once since they added it. I could see Windseeker going there. I agree, we do need flats. I just hope KD doesn't decide to take out the flyers or anything.


Does anyone see them moving the old water park slides to the other side of the Rebel Yell at any point? They could expand The Grove into that area. Would be a nice spot for a new coaster and a few flats.

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^Rebel Yell, Hurler, and Grizzly. They're all within a stone's throw of each other.


I know that. I just don't see where one gets the idea that KD has "2 fantastic wooden coasters".


Rebel Yell front seat in the dark, Grizzly back seat in the dark = awesome

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They need to put a Giant Frisbee in where XLC was, then they need to landscape that area to make it look like something other than an "Asphalt Jungle" for 2012.


For 2013-2014 KD needs to take out Shockwave and put one of those Intamin Launched Coasters like Stealth at Thorpe Park

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They need to put a Giant Frisbee in where XLC was, then they need to landscape that area to make it look like something other than an "Asphalt Jungle" for 2012.


For 2013-2014 KD needs to take out Shockwave and put one of those Intamin Launched Coasters like Stealth at Thorpe Park


They could put one in the grove in front of the diner & give it a 50's theme...I kinda think they should theme that little section to a 50's area as it's already got the diner & the mouse is a late 50's era coaster along with el dorado having a 50's themed ride car.

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