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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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OK guys, since I am going to Kings Dominion, what can I expect waits to be like on a monday for Intimidator 305 in the front, Volcano, and Dominator? I'm thinking 40 minutes maybe for Intimidator 305 in the front?


I was there last year around this time and everything was a walk-on...I don't think you should have many problems at all, even for the front.

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It's simple... instead of waiting 20 times longer (if not more), ride 2nd row like I always do unless it is absolutely dead. With the "stacked" seating that Intamin uses in these cars your whole head is higher than the top of the front row seat... You can clearly see everything, nothing blocks your view.

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Volcano always has a 20-40 minute wait. Dominator will always be a walk-on later on in the day. i305 shouldn't have too bad of a wait for the front row, unless it's running 1 train operations...which it probably will.

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OK guys, since I am going to Kings Dominion, what can I expect waits to be like on a monday for Intimidator 305 in the front, Volcano, and Dominator? I'm thinking 40 minutes maybe for Intimidator 305 in the front?


on a monday, i305 will be between a walk-on and a 15 minute wait for any car other than the front row. my advice is go for the second row. almost no wait, and the stadium seating of the intamin trains makes it seem like the front row anyway.


hit Volcano first thing, even before i305. the line for i305 will be fast all day, but volcano's gets long later in the day. save dominator for late in the day --- everyone sees that as they walk in and it has one of the longest lines until about 2pm, then it clears out.

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You get a bit more airtime in the back. I believe the front gives a more intense ride though...


on most coasters, you get more airtime in the back because the front of the train pulls the back over the apex of the hills. but i305 is moving so fast that the difference in speed over the apex between the front and back car is pretty negligible. i305 is one of the only coasters i've been on where i couldn't really tell much difference between the front and back cars. the view is different, and there's a bit of a difference in airtime for the first drop, but that's about it.

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Speaking of visiting KD...


I'm trying to plan a trip to KD sometime later this year (either in late August or during Haunt). Since I have a busy schedule with work (and eventually classes), I'm aiming for an open weekend I have.


I already have a general idea of how crowds are, but I just have a few questions.

- How are lines for FOF and the woodies throughout the day on a Sunday?

- Are crowds for the mazes pretty bad for Haunt like they are at HOS? How are crowds for Haunt during the day on a Sunday?

- Should I expect lines for major rides Drop Zone and Crypt on a Sunday?


My current attack plan is to start in Congo with Volcano, FOF, 305, and Crypt early on and moving my way toward Grizzly (hitting Dominator, Drop Zone, and a few medium rides in between) as the day progresses and try to throw in some re-rides later Does that sound reasonable?


Are there any park discounts I can nab around here?


I'm also gonna try to work a meetup when I go. Anybody willing to come? For August, I'm trying to shoot for the 21st, although things can change at the last minute. If that doesn't work out, I'm gonna try to open up a weekend in October. Thanks a lot!

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-Flight of Fear will more than likely have a line, but no more than 15-20 minutes I would say. It has gotten a lot more popular since 305 was added. It won't get a line at all though until atleast after noon.


-The woodies will hardly have a wait, if any on a Sunday. The worse you will have to wait is a few trains if you want a certain row.


-For Haunt lines, it really just depends, it is very odd how some nights some mazes will be packed and others those same mazes hardly have a line while others are packed. Last year the longest lines that I saw were for Slaughter House, Toxic Plauge, and Camp Killauee. Like I said though, these lines often are extremely different. KD does a fantastic job though getting people through the mazes though. For a Sunday though, I doubt you would have to wait more than 10 minutes for any maze, but keep in mind KD's Haunt schedule for Sundays is strange this season and not all Sundays in October are open for Haunt so check the Haunt schedule.


-If they are using all the seats on Drop Tower you won't hardly have to wait at all. If they are only using half (to keep it balanced due to low crowds) then the most you will have to wait is a cycle or two on a Sunday. Same with Crypt, worse case scenario on a Sunday would be having to wait a cycle or two.


-As for discounts, KD is running a deal through August 22nd where you can get tickets online for $38.99 as a part of their "Happiness is a Cure! Pink Days".

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Has anyone thought about a new ride for next year other than a Windseeker or a Giant Frisbee? Possibly we could get a Disko, or maybe even a small RollerCoaster like an Intamin Half Pipe.


I don't think we're getting a new coaster but a windseeker is possible at best.


Turns out I've got some family business to take care of in Charlotte so I may be able to visit carowinds for my first time....I so hope I can make it down there for some good coasters.

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Thanks for the tips everyone!


Another random question... does KD have any games with rasta-bananas as prizes? I know BGW has some on whack-a-mole, but I wasn't able to play when I went (I did ring toss and got a regular banana instead). How much are the games in general?


Again, does anyone wanna do a meetup? I'm trying to aim for the 21st, but I do have a trip up to NY the day before so it's gonna be hit-miss until Haunt season takes off.

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Thanks for the tips everyone!


Another random question... does KD have any games with rasta-bananas as prizes? I know BGW has some on whack-a-mole, but I wasn't able to play when I went (I did ring toss and got a regular banana instead). How much are the games in general?


Again, does anyone wanna do a meetup? I'm trying to aim for the 21st, but I do have a trip up to NY the day before so it's gonna be hit-miss until Haunt season takes off.


Yes,they do.

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After going to carowinds yesterday all I can say is KD oh so needs a B&M invert ASAP!! as Afterburn was a great ride...too bad I couldn't get a ride photo as the booth was closed during my trip there but I did get one on intimidator which was a pretty good ride as well.


Seems carowinds lucked out in getting the B&M version of the intimidator series as I got quite a lot of air out of it on each & every hill but of course KD's version is a different beast alltogether that was designed to provide it's own unique ride experience....if IW @SFGRAM is as bad as vortex @ carowinds then I definitely don't want to see it end up at SFA as even with the newer restraints it was horrid although it could've been due to the heat.


Carolina cobra's restraints were comfy & I'd love to see them on anaconda as that would make the ride worth going on again,the mine train was fun but thunder road wasn't as the left side was jackhammering worse than rebel yell on even it's worst day but the right side wasn't too bad by comparison.I may post a short TR with a few pics once I get them uploaded from my camcorder,all in all it's a nice park but I'm glad to have KD as a home park as that's what I'm most familiar with and satisfied with the ride count & selection that KD offers over any park so far.


Does anyone know if carowinds' enterprise is the one from KD? I don't know if they always had one there but ever since AT left in the late 90's I was wondering if paramount sent it down there instead.

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3 new scarezones, 2 new shows, 2 new mazes. It sounds GREAT to me!

From Screamscape:

Park News - (8/4/11) Screamscape was sent a list of some new features expected to appear in this year’s Halloween Haunt at Kings Dominion. According to the list, there will be three new scare zones (Necropolis, The Lair and Iron WorX), several new shows (including something called Blood Drumbs and Uprising) as well as two ‘new’ mazes: Outbreak: The Evolution and CornStalkers. I’m a bit unsure about that last one as CorkStalkers is a very old maze, but perhaps it will be moved and reborn as a new version of itself this year, much like we saw Carowinds move and improve their CornStalkers maze last year.


2012 NEWS!

Windseeker! .....and unfortunately Dinsosaurs Alive.

From Sreamscape:

2012 - New Attraction(s) - Rumor - (8/4/11) While we’re still waiting for some sign that Kings Dominion will be getting a major new ride for the 2012 season, I’ve got a hunch that the park may be getting their own version of the Windseeker tower swing ride. Meanwhile, sources have also mentioned that Kings Dominion is also expecting to import the Dinosaurs Alive upcharge attraction from Kings Island, which really has not received the best reviews… so I’ve got to ask, “Why?”

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2012 - New Attraction(s) - Rumor - (8/4/11) While we’re still waiting for some sign that Kings Dominion will be getting a major new ride for the 2012 season, I’ve got a hunch that the park may be getting their own version of the Windseeker tower swing ride. Meanwhile, sources have also mentioned that Kings Dominion is also expecting to import the Dinosaurs Alive upcharge attraction from Kings Island, which really has not received the best reviews… so I’ve got to ask, “Why?”


Why would Kings Dominion, a less popular park than Kings Island, get a cruddy attraction like Dinosaurs Alive? If it's no good for KI it won't be good at all for KD

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Despite all the crappy reviews from enthusiasts about DA, all indications (including Kinzels comments during the conference call yesterday) are that it has been an absolute cash cow for KI this year. I went through once this year, and honestly prolly will never do it again, but I'm a 25 year old with no kids who was never much of a dinosaur freak. Everyone I know with children have all said that their kids think its the greatest thing ever.

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2012 - New Attraction(s) - Rumor - (8/4/11) While we’re still waiting for some sign that Kings Dominion will be getting a major new ride for the 2012 season, I’ve got a hunch that the park may be getting their own version of the Windseeker tower swing ride. Meanwhile, sources have also mentioned that Kings Dominion is also expecting to import the Dinosaurs Alive upcharge attraction from Kings Island, which really has not received the best reviews… so I’ve got to ask, “Why?”


Why would Kings Dominion, a less popular park than Kings Island, get a cruddy attraction like Dinosaurs Alive? If it's no good for KI it won't be good at all for KD


I so hope they don't put DA in that spot behind the theatre as I'm hoping they'll save it for a B&M invert in the future.


As for windseeker,if that is indeed what we're getting my best guess would be in the asphalt jungle over where HSXLC was since that area is wide & has plenty of room for a ride queue in addition to the tower itself.

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2012 - New Attraction(s) - Rumor - (8/4/11) While we’re still waiting for some sign that Kings Dominion will be getting a major new ride for the 2012 season, I’ve got a hunch that the park may be getting their own version of the Windseeker tower swing ride. Meanwhile, sources have also mentioned that Kings Dominion is also expecting to import the Dinosaurs Alive upcharge attraction from Kings Island, which really has not received the best reviews… so I’ve got to ask, “Why?”


Why would Kings Dominion, a less popular park than Kings Island, get a cruddy attraction like Dinosaurs Alive? If it's no good for KI it won't be good at all for KD


I so hope they don't put DA in that spot behind the theatre as I'm hoping they'll save it for a B&M invert in the future.


As for windseeker,if that is indeed what we're getting my best guess would be in the asphalt jungle over where HSXLC was since that area is wide & has plenty of room for a ride queue in addition to the tower itself.



Plus it would work in the Congo Themed Area.

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I so hope they don't put DA in that spot behind the theatre as I'm hoping they'll save it for a B&M invert in the future.


As for windseeker,if that is indeed what we're getting my best guess would be in the asphalt jungle over where HSXLC was since that area is wide & has plenty of room for a ride queue in addition to the tower itself.



Plus it would work in the Congo Themed Area.


True but think of it this way:DT is somewhat close to that side of the park so it'd look best creating a kind of triangular tower look to the park with ET front & center,DT off to the left & WS off to the right(when entering the park) & it can look stunning from I-95 especially at night if it should g et a similar lighting package to the others already in operation.

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