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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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OK...I'll be heading to KD on th 18th as soon as my plane lands around 11:45 am. Does anyone have a suggested plan of attack that will allow me to do everything before park closing? Also, is the water park worth visiting? I'll be by myself but don't mind the creepiness of solo-dude-waterparking, especially if it's hot outside. Any suggestions/recommendations are appreciated. This will be my first visit to the park.

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OK...I'll be heading to KD on th 18th as soon as my plane lands around 11:45 am. Does anyone have a suggested plan of attack that will allow me to do everything before park closing? Also, is the water park worth visiting? I'll be by myself but don't mind the creepiness of solo-dude-waterparking, especially if it's hot outside. Any suggestions/recommendations are appreciated. This will be my first visit to the park.


You should be able to hit all of the main coasters easily in one day. At park opening, go right back to the Congo and get Volcano out of the way before crowds roll in. Then hit everything else in the Congo at your own pace. Dominator's line empties at around 3, so wait until then to hit that up. Everything else should be easy.

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Definitely go to Volcano first. I suggest going to Flight of Fear after, but it's not essential. Try to get to Rebel Yell before too late if you want both sides, as I've usually seen one side closed in the evenings (on empty days at least). Shockwave can take awhile as well- about 6 trains worth of people fit in the station queues, and loading is SOOO slow, but if you are a single you can try to jump up with a group of 3.


Enjoy Intimidator!

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Hey Ya!!!

I've just visited Kings Dominion last Friday ( that is on 6-24-11 if you want to get technical about it), and I enjoyed my day. The day was sunny and warm with a few drops that few in the evening time, and the park wasn't crowded. I rode almost everything in the park and some rides I did it twice in a row ( I rode Avalanche three times in a row because the station was nearly empty). The INTIMIDATOR 305 and REBEL YELL only ran one train and it was all they needed! And I stayed up late to watch Snoopy's Starlight Spetacular wearing my special glasses. It was a great day.


As for speculations on the next attraction for the next season, I don't think it'll be a Windseeker; we already have a ride like that called "Flying Ace" and I cannot see the point of adding another similar attraction inside the park. But I do see two areas that they could add a ride to. Planet Snoopy has space ( if they can clear out that old area that was once Blue's Clues house) to add another ride or two. And how about that blue building that stands between Conga and Kidzville that's vacant? I'm sure they can add something that the whole family will love.


I think the answer will be : WAIT AND SEE.


"No, my answer is come and sleep."

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The difference in height of a Windseeker and Flying Ace is not even comparable. 300' compared to what? 70'...


I do think sooner or later when we do see a KidZville/Planet Snoopy update that Blue's Clues house will be demolished and that's where the new attractions will go. I just don't think KD would make 2 back-to-back "family"/"kiddie" additions with the audience that they target, so I think we will get somewhat of a thrill ride next year. Plus, I think that they would want a little something to compete with BGW's new launched coaster that they can advertise.


The blue building in between KidZville and the Congo was just renovated last year for the Haunt maze "The Doll Factory" so I'm sure that will be there for a few years to come.


For 2012, I think we will see a "thrilling" flat ride. A Windseeker though? IDK, I don't think that's what we are getting, but it is my best guess.

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I was not there last year for the TPR event when people booed,But I would have!

If you would have booed at a TPR event, that would have been the last TPR event you would have ever attended. If fact, if you think it is "ok" to boo your park hosts, please do us a huge favour and never attend a TPR event.


Thank you!



Edited by robbalvey
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The difference in height of a Windseeker and Flying Ace is not even comparable. 300' compared to what? 70'...


I do think sooner or later when we do see a KidZville/Planet Snoopy update that Blue's Clues house will be demolished and that's where the new attractions will go. I just don't think KD would make 2 back-to-back "family"/"kiddie" additions with the audience that they target, so I think we will get somewhat of a thrill ride next year. Plus, I think that they would want a little something to compete with BGW's new launched coaster that they can advertise.


The blue building in between KidZville and the Congo was just renovated last year for the Haunt maze "The Doll Factory" so I'm sure that will be there for a few years to come.


For 2012, I think we will see a "thrilling" flat ride. A Windseeker though? IDK, I don't think that's what we are getting, but it is my best guess.


Well Pat informed me of her plans to visit KI sometime during this week,she also mentioned the new CEO making plans to tour KD so let's see where that goes.


I was told by another employee who was visiting on his day off about KD's total land available & was informed that the park has at least two miles worth of land remaining for development but that they're in no hurry to develop all of it too soon.

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Was in the park on Thursday. Was a very good day, with some crowds for the Kingsfest concert, but no unbearable wait times. The only real thing of note was that while it did start the day with one train, Intimidator had both trains running in the afternoon (and no wait). I don't know if it was just for Kingsfest or what, but it was appreciated.

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Was in the park on Thursday. Was a very good day, with some crowds for the Kingsfest concert, but no unbearable wait times. The only real thing of note was that while it did start the day with one train, Intimidator had both trains running in the afternoon (and no wait). I don't know if it was just for Kingsfest or what, but it was appreciated.


I305 was running both trains yesterday.

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Hey Ya, it's me again. I revisited the park on 7-9-11 so I could get more usage out of my Cedar Fair Platinum Pass!!! Okay, and to see Snoopy's Starlight Experience again (so sue me, I just love the lights, especially wearing the special glasses so each light looks like stars).


Anyway, it was something the KDCOASTERFAN wrote:

I was told by another employee who was visiting on his day off about KD's total land available & was informed that the park has at least two miles worth of land remaining for development but that they're in no hurry to develop all of it too soon.


The reason I'm bring this up was the fact that I was inside WATER WORKS on my way to BIG WAVE BAY and I was thinking about all the extra land that lies around that area. If I'm not mistaken ( but I am usually am, so sue me), it's been a while since Cedar Fair put any new water slides inside WATER WORKS, plus I noticed that they took a water slide out (it's the two enclosed pipes that twist around each other and no I'm not sad they took it out - don't sue me for that!). Do you think that the next big attraction for 2012 could be a brand new water slide attraction for WATER WORKS???


Well, it's just a thought to ponder.


"Are you done? Good, now get back to bed!

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Hey Ya, it's me again. I revisited the park on 7-9-11 so I could get more usage out of my Cedar Fair Platinum Pass!!! Okay, and to see Snoopy's Starlight Experience again (so sue me, I just love the lights, especially wearing the special glasses so each light looks like stars).


Anyway, it was something the KDCOASTERFAN wrote:

I was told by another employee who was visiting on his day off about KD's total land available & was informed that the park has at least two miles worth of land remaining for development but that they're in no hurry to develop all of it too soon.


The reason I'm bring this up was the fact that I was inside WATER WORKS on my way to BIG WAVE BAY and I was thinking about all the extra land that lies around that area. If I'm not mistaken ( but I am usually am, so sue me), it's been a while since Cedar Fair put any new water slides inside WATER WORKS, plus I noticed that they took a water slide out (it's the two enclosed pipes that twist around each other and no I'm not sad they took it out - don't sue me for that!). Do you think that the next big attraction for 2012 could be a brand new water slide attraction for WATER WORKS???


Well, it's just a thought to ponder.


"Are you done? Good, now get back to bed!


Could be? however didn't they take that out last year?


There's not much that can fit in that tiny space,besides with the new CEO in place is there a possibility that whatever Kinzel had planned may be cancelled or at least put on hold? only time will tell.

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I have not heard anything about our new attraction to be honest. A Waterworks expansion seems likely, to compete with Vanish Point at WC-USA. The last addition was Tornado (2007 IIRC?) And Pipeline Peak before that (Early 2000's IIRC?) So yeah, a WW Expansion seems likely... I'm still holding out on a Screaming Swing though

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Yeah our last WaterWorks upgrade was in 2007 when we got Tornado, Zoom Flume, and Tidal Wave Bay. That was a pretty large upgrade and looking at Cedar Fair's investments chain wide it doesn't seem like they are very interested in the water parks. Of course, everything could change soon considering that there is a new guy in charge of everything. I'm hoping for anything but Dinosaurs Alive!

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Now what is wrong with Dinosaurs Alive? When I saw it at KI this past month I thought it was a lot cooler than I thought it was going to be, and I grew up with the animatronics at Disneyland. Though its not the kind of attraction that I would personally go see many times on my own and I could care less for the 3D show. But its the kind of attraction that most members of the family (minus the thrill junkies) would enjoy, expecially the kids. And also remember KI did get Dinosaurs Alive, Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular and Windseeker this year. So it may not be the only thing that KD is going to get, if they are ever going to.


I don't know what kinda deal Cedar Fair made with the people at Dinosaurs Unearth, but the attraction is an uncharge, so it probably doesn't cost them too much to install it, at least compared to intalling a new ride. Which leads to a good chance that you would see these pop up a couple of the Cedar Fair parks in the next few years.

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It all boils down to a few simple facts that really can't be disputed. Kids love dinosaurs. Parks will make money off of it. It's a low-risk installation. There's no reason to not install this attraction at other parks in the chain. KD was gifted a B&M and Intamin the last few years, now they need something for families (and making extra money off it can't hurt, either).

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It all boils down to a few simple facts that really can't be disputed. Kids love dinosaurs. Parks will make money off of it. It's a low-risk installation. There's no reason to not install this attraction at other parks in the chain. KD was gifted a B&M and Intamin the last few years, now they need something for families (and making extra money off it can't hurt, either).


Well they're already seeing huge attendance increases with the SSS & NOF attractions added this year,shoot it was another one of those half hour waits just to get out of the season pass lot this past saturday with another 45 minutes to get out of the main lot as the park was packed.


I think that we'll see another thrill ride next year but probably not a coaster just yet & don't think that the DA attraction would be a good fit or enough for the park.

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