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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^ You have posted that same thing like 25 times here in different threads and at different forums. We get it. You think you're funny.


I've only posted it twice.

Once on the other Dominator thread, and once hear. I was the last one to post on the other Dominator thread, so I thought I would post it here too.

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Excellent job, Wes! You should get full credit for that totally witty and apt title of Kings Dominion's newest addition!


I totally agree. That is so funny and original. Wes, you are just too much sometimes. Kings Dominion should TOTALLY pay you to use "Dominionator" for their new ride. How did you ever come up with that. So creative. Do they hand out creativity awards on TPR? You SHOULD seriously get one if they had those. [/end overkill]

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Took some pics today.

Lots more track, 1st drop and lift pieces and brake run have arrived now.

Still no site construction yet, My guess is that they start on Monday (I hope)


Enjoy, JEFF




Lift trim (DO NOT USE!)



I Love this pic


lift crest


Begining of the 1st drop pieces


Almost 20,000 lbs


Yes, It really is at KD =)






In 8 Months this will look MUCH different


Lots O pieces


In the Morn.

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Thanks for the great pics....it looks so sweet to see B&M track sitting in KD's lot just waiting to go up doesn't it?


I only visit the KD about once a season since I'm not a pass holder & don't drive,if only I could drive then I'd be at the park more often during the season & since I'm a bit closer to SFA I usually end up getting season passes with friends there instead but after a lousy 2007 season & no new rides planned there for 2008 I have no desire to purchase an SFA season pass next year that's for sure.

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After they get Thunderhawk and Dominator down the folks at Geauga will probabally be taking down BLMR because if the rumors are true, it is opening at CP in 2008. They are trying to get everything opening next year taken down first.





Kiddie Rides


So the boomerang will probably open in 2009 unless they are speedy at taking it down and shipping it by next year. (VALLEYFAIR please)


NICK "Who likes Boomerangs" SMITH

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