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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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After reading the other posts about CF's non-parking-lot history and reflecting on the grading markers I saw the other day that were inside the fence, I feel more confident that they'll raze the toonpike and knock down some trees. Getting rid of kid stuff and obliterating nature seems more CF's style. Now if it was Six Flags Over Doswell, I put my money on "Dominator--the asphalt coaster."


Plus you just don't sound like you really know what you're talking about.

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After reading the other posts about CF's non-parking-lot history and reflecting on the grading markers I saw the other day that were inside the fence, I feel more confident that they'll raze the toonpike and knock down some trees. Getting rid of kid stuff and obliterating nature seems more CF's style. Now if it was Six Flags Over Doswell, I put my money on "Dominator--the asphalt coaster."


Plus you just don't sound like you really know what you're talking about.


If it were going over the toonpike then that would technically put the ride in kidzville.We'll see who's right when the footers are poured & vertical construction begins however.

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Depends on which way the entrance is facing, really. If the corkscrews are heading out toward Scooby Doo, the Entrance will be facing the Beserker, not Kidzville.


And I'm not saying anything about being right or being wrong. I'm just speculating like everyone else.


I didn't mean anything by saying you didn't sound like you knew what you were talking about. I was just winding you up a little.

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Depends on which way the entrance is facing, really. If the corkscrews are heading out toward Scooby Doo, the Entrance will be facing the Beserker, not Kidzville.


And I'm not saying anything about being right or being wrong. I'm just speculating like everyone else.


I didn't mean anything by saying you didn't sound like you knew what you were talking about. I was just winding you up a little.


Wouldn't the entrance be determined by which way the lift is facing? From all the pics I've seen of the station interior guests board the trains from right to left(kinda how Superman's queue/station is designed at SFA).

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From everything I gather it seems like the lift will head towards Beserker and drop towards the parking lot with the entrance being under the 1st drop and the que being inside the Cobra Roll much like how it was at Geauga.


It makes the most sense considering they are saying it is located on International Street.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I emailed the park last night asking about construction updates & got an interesting response this morning.


I was told that plans are in the works to update the official site with a Dominator construction page but they're still working on that....my question regarding the ride's color scheme went unanswered however.


I can C&P the response that I recieved from the park here if anyone's interested in reading it as I've still got it saved in my email folder.

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Here is the response I recieved via email from Kings Dominion this morning.


"Thank you for your recent email. Our new attraction construction pages are currently “under construction” (J) on the website and we expect the site to be posted in the very near future. Please continue to check our website for the most up to date information. Thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you next season."




Bobbie Jo Duke


Group Sales Area Manager


Kings Dominion


(804)876-5346 Office


(804)876-5864 Fax

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wow they are so running out of time. If the guest services lady at the park was correct (in saying Dominator will open in March), there is now way that it will open in time.


Yeah,I'm thinking that at this rate they'll be lucky to have the coaster up & running by memorial day....it is a pretty big ride after all.


Still no updates on the official site as of yesterday when it comes to the creation of the construction page but I'll keep checking the site every so often & if I find something I'll post it here,as well as on the KD source forums.

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If they can have the electrical components of the ride in very soon, they could have it open by April or May. Firehawk, although smaller, did not go vertical until late March, and was open by the end of May. B&Ms tend to go up quite quickly. Look at Behemoth. They have an even harder time putting up track and supports because it is over water more often than other coasters. If the first support and track pieces start to go up in early-mid January, the whole structure could be up by the end of February.


Just my 2 cents.

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If they can have the electrical components of the ride in very soon, they could have it open by April or May. Firehawk, although smaller, did not go vertical until late March, and was open by the end of May. B&Ms tend to go up quite quickly. Look at Behemoth. They have an even harder time putting up track and supports because it is over water more often than other coasters. If the first support and track pieces start to go up in early-mid January, the whole structure could be up by the end of February.


Just my 2 cents.


That's true,they need to get the electronics for the control system & the power systems wired on site & wired up but usually that's among the last things done during construction.


The park can at least begin site work to pour footers while waiting for the electrical/mechanical components to be delivered,remember unlike Firehawk Dominator is a pretty large ride so it'll take more time than your average B&M multi-element coaster to put up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those that have not seen the new sign for I-95



According to the website



Italian Job is now "The Backlot Stunt Coaster"


And Tomb Raider is "The Crypt"


Oddly Drop Zone seems to be keeping its name


XLC is still on the site which makes me think it may be around for another year considering the big rumor this whole year was that Labor day would be its last day but it operated till the end of the season.

They also advertise Dominator as the 14th coaster which would only hold if XLC stays.



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Thanks, Jeff. I haven't been up KD's way since October. The new sign should look rreally nice once it's finished.


I had wondered about the names "Italian Job" and "Tomb Raider." "Drop Zone" is actually pretty generic, so why not keep it? (I just wish they would put a picture of the actual ride on their Web site--they have the wrong Intamin tower up there now.)


I guess nobody wants to buy Hypersuckit.

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I was always under the impression that all of the Drop Zone rides were themed to this movie by Paramount.



I believe they even refered to the movie in the press releases for the original Drop towers in 1996.


As far as XLC it was always rumored all year it was coming down sold or not.

I guess they will give it another year.



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^I'd forgotten about that "Drop Zone" tie in. Still, it is a pretty common term, and it's not like the ride itself has any references to the movie (unlike "Italian Job" and "Tomb Raider").

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