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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I haven't been able to ride Grizzly for some time now. Too rough. Oddly enough Hurler doesn't thrash me as bad as Grizzly.


And yes Dominator in the back has become a major rattler.



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Notes from yesterday:

-Dominator in the back is the roughest B&M experience I've ever had. (Consistent with earlier this year.)

-Grizzly (yellow train only, yesterday) was fantastic as always.

-Rebel Yell was running quite well, not too rough for such an old ride - and my first real coaster!

-I305 is still damn fantastic, especially in the back where you can't feel the grab of the trims as much.

-I305 is still damn fantastic, even in the front where you can feel the grab of the trims.

-I305 is still damn fantastic, and the new restraints help that fact even more.

-Pre-trims, I'd give I305 a 10/10. Now, maybe a 9.99/10. Big difference.

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I had an excellent day at KD yesterday rode Intimidator 305 2 times...managed to ride just about everything else in that park as well. The park was clean... at least the places I went, and lines were manageable. I waited longest for Volcano...excluding the hour+ wait I had for the front of I305 but that was at the very end of the night...the park was technically closed by the time I got on. I was on the very last full train... after that they ran empty trains with just the people in the front row. I applaud them for making sure everyone in the front row line got their front row ride.

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Nope I wasn't carrying anything... did have a pacman shirt on but I saw the person with the green TPR bag too. They were in line for I305 when I was in line for the front row.... they sat in the 2nd row I believe when I was still a good 8 rides away from getting on.

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^Funny, I must've been right around you! I rode in the last and second rows between 930 and a few minutes past 10 last night, and was on the second-to-last train full of riders, I think. I think two trains after the one with that kid in the front that got applauded by everyone in the station!


Night rides on I305 are SO COOL.

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Was at the park July 2nd:


-Grizzly is horible. I came off with massive headache. My ride wasn't as bad as Hurler, but it was pretty awful.

-Hurler is still god awful, even with the tiny pop of airtime it gave.

-Dominator was pretty bad.

-Volcano had a pretty decent period of down-time to absolutley nobody's suprise, but I got the front row as a reward for waiting... which was awesome.

-Intimidator is hands down the best damn coasters I've ridden. The airtime is amazing, I greyed out 4 of the 5 times I rode it. Trims or no trims this coastr is amazing, and a top 10 in my books.


On a pretty interesting note I got stuck in one of the water slides, and I had to push myself along to the end of it. It was pretty akward.

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I was at K.D. today on the 4th. Just taking a little break at the hotel before returning for their fireworks tonight. They did a really nice thing today for our veterans, and shut down all the rides at noon for the national anthem. That's a nice touch. On Friday and Saturday I was down in Charlotte riding (IMO) the better of the 2 Intimidators. I love "out of seat airtime" and you get a lot at Carowinds.

I will say the new restraints on In-TRIM-adator are more comfortable. At least my arms aren't bruised today from riding with my arms up. It's amazing the park was crowded, but I got 14 consecutive rides on In-TRIM-adator before 1PM. Most of the time I walked right up to the platform. For me the B&M version is better than the Intamin. I never thought I would make that statement.

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  CardCraze said:
Was at the park July 2nd:


-Grizzly is horible. I came off with massive headache. My ride wasn't as bad as Hurler, but it was pretty awful.

-Hurler is still god awful, even with the tiny pop of airtime it gave.

-Dominator was pretty bad.

-Volcano had a pretty decent period of down-time to absolutley nobody's suprise, but I got the front row as a reward for waiting... which was awesome.

-Intimidator is hands down the best damn coasters I've ridden. The airtime is amazing, I greyed out 4 of the 5 times I rode it. Trims or no trims this coastr is amazing, and a top 10 in my books.


On a pretty interesting note I got stuck in one of the water slides, and I had to push myself along to the end of it. It was pretty akward.


I had that happen to me back when HR first opened,it was on one of the cyclone slides IIRC & it took me forever to get down that thing as I kept getting stuck mainly in the curves but it was most likely due to a lack in water pressure.

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  CardCraze said:
Was at the park July 2nd:


-Grizzly is horible. I came off with massive headache. My ride wasn't as bad as Hurler, but it was pretty awful.

-Hurler is still god awful, even with the tiny pop of airtime it gave.

-Dominator was pretty bad.

-Volcano had a pretty decent period of down-time to absolutley nobody's suprise, but I got the front row as a reward for waiting... which was awesome.

-Intimidator is hands down the best damn coasters I've ridden. The airtime is amazing, I greyed out 4 of the 5 times I rode it. Trims or no trims this coastr is amazing, and a top 10 in my books.


On a pretty interesting note I got stuck in one of the water slides, and I had to push myself along to the end of it. It was pretty akward.


The one where you got stuck, were you on that white one? I forget what it's called, but I know I got stuck on a white one.

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  GCS said:
I haven't been able to ride Grizzly for some time now. Too rough. Oddly enough Hurler doesn't thrash me as bad as Grizzly.


And yes Dominator in the back has become a major rattler.




Last time I rode Dominator a couple weeks ago I was in row 3 IIRC & it was rattling like crazy during the 2nd half following the MCBR....havn't had a chance yet this season to get a front row ride as the wait for the front is always so darn long.

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  coasterfreak101 said:
I just rode in the front row, far-right seat a week ago, and it's perfectly fine. The back seat is quite a different story, and when I rode there during Intimidation it absolutely killed me. Any ideas why it's so unbelievably bad in the back rows?


I thought it was the unbearable heat&humidity that's been having an effect on the rides. But, who knows.

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Anyone know what the weather forecast is for the park tomorrow in terms of high temps? I'm supposed be going with a group tomorrow but they plan to spend time in the waterpark if the temps are too high & I'm not sure yet wether some of us in the group will be permitted to just go off on our own to enjoy other rides while the rest remain in the waterpark.

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Anyone know what the weather forecast is for the park tomorrow in terms of high temps? I'm supposed be going with a group tomorrow but they plan to spend time in the waterpark if the temps are too high & I'm not sure yet wether some of us in the group will be permitted to just go off on our own to enjoy other rides while the rest remain in the waterpark.



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  braztaz said:
Anyone know what the weather forecast is for the park tomorrow in terms of high temps? I'm supposed be going with a group tomorrow but they plan to spend time in the waterpark if the temps are too high & I'm not sure yet wether some of us in the group will be permitted to just go off on our own to enjoy other rides while the rest remain in the waterpark.




That's not too bad but we'll have to see what happens.At least the crowds should be light compared to on saturday's when I usually hit the park.

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  braztaz said:
Anyone know what the weather forecast is for the park tomorrow in terms of high temps? I'm supposed be going with a group tomorrow but they plan to spend time in the waterpark if the temps are too high & I'm not sure yet wether some of us in the group will be permitted to just go off on our own to enjoy other rides while the rest remain in the waterpark.




That's not too bad but we'll have to see what happens.At least the crowds should be light compared to on saturday's when I usually hit the park.


Yeah it'd be much better.

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  SFA Regular said:
I have a question to ask about Flight of Fear. Have they been keeping the spaghetti bowl lights, off this season? Or have they been on?


It's kindof semi-dark, at least the times I went. It's very dimmed, but lights are on.

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