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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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^ I would hope they will be retracking Hurler since that its the least fun to ride in the park IMO. Rebel Yell felt the way a classic woodie should and wasn't really rough as it was clackity. Hurler was closed when I went this season though so I can't comment how its running this season but it wasn't very fun last season especially around the turns. I can't tell you how many times I've been hit in the face by the rider next to me.

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Any ideas on what we may see in 2011?


Was reading on kdfansite that some of the folks from GCI were seen in the park recently so could we be looking at a new woodie within the next couple of seasons? If not I'd like some new trains for hurler to see if that'll help make the ride more tolerable granted I think the ride's days are numbered seeing as nobody rides it.


I wouldn't think too much about them being in the park. Roller coaster designers don't just like to design coasters, but they also like to ride them too.


In fact if you listen to In the Loop, you'll notice that they we're just there to enjoy Hurlfest.

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^ Hurler has not aged well. It has steadily digressed into a ride that is not even worth the credit... (though not as rough as Mean Streak or SoB)


If GCI were to do a retracking at KD, I would hope that Hurler would be under the knife.


Rebel Yell has improved significantly improved under the steady work of KD's maintenance staff.


I would like to see a GCI coaster at KD but with our current attractions price tag claiming KD's coffers.

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I still cant figure out why King Da Ka dosn't have lap bars when, but TTD has them?


Because that's what SFI (and their legal department) ordered for the ride.


Especially with the problems that they incurred at Darien Lake.

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Its a shame to see that all of these accidents with Intamin rides seem to be due to the restraint system. That's probably why we will not be seeing lap bars on I305 due to the pure intensity of the ride on those s-curves. Yes, the restraints may be tight on the thighs and somewhat uncomfortable, but after all the problems with Intamin rides due to a restraint, I don't think they have a choice and can't be too careful on this. However, I think the new black "soft" straps will be a nice addition if they do in fact cut down on neck chopping.

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Heading down there today,


even with the extreme heat I'll be able to stay cool at the water park.


Considering the heat, how crowded do you think the park will be?


(Both the water park and the actual park itself)


I want to ride Volcano again, but the lines are just unbearable for that.

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I have to say one positive thing, since there has been so much negative about the ride the past month.


I'm amazed that the park has been able to keep the coaster running like they have. I thought when they started having problems, that it would result in Kingda Ka like downtime, but thankfully no.

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Yeah, I thought this was the worst coaster ever now? So it's all of a sudden amazing? GREAT!




Only because they're giving free beer to riders.


It was still great last week, trims and all, sez I.

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Thematically speaking, the straps seem to work well with the whole idea of a race car and whatnot. But like others, I thought the restraints were fine opening day.


It could have be worse, they coulda went with the actual style racing harness they had on Perilous Plunge for a while

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