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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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Plus don't forget O'Briens, The Liar's Club, and now I find out that you can visit the tasting bar at Port Brewing in San Marcos. I hit the Karl Strauss at Universal Citywalk last month (pics to come soon) and it wasn't bad. I'd definitley be up for hitting the one in San Diego or Carlsbad. Man, it's going to be a busy weekend.

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What? You didn't think that just because I was flying to the UK that I would either not drink tonight or keep my faithful followers in suspense, did you?


Tonight found me at the Philly Airport and therefore a quick stop at Independence Brew Pub, between B and C terminals.


followed by a Yard's Saison. good stuff before I go to "the Land of Warm Beer"

later all!


first choice will be the Hop Hog IPA


look at the selection on tap tonight!


Well worth the walk from A west to B-C

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Well, with Derek out of the country for the next few weeks I wanted to make sure and keep the beer thread alive and well. I'm sure between Heath, Wally, Memphish and I, things will be quite ok. Any way, here are a few shots of my beer experiences from this past weekend. Enjoy!


This 60 Minute Man loves me more Rail Mail Rye!


I bought a growler of the Rye to take home!


The Rail Mail Rye! Rye beers are hard to come by but Willimantic makes a great one. So good in fact...


Here's the extensive beer menu, usually full of IPA selections. Sadly, many of the selections were sold out. However, they did have my absolute favorite...


Mr. Whitman's (Ellen's dad) first appearance on the beer thread. He's drinking the Autobahn Mail Alt.


On Saturday I was up in CT and visited one of my favorite brewpubs, Willimantic Brewing Company, with Ellen and her family. Here I am enjoying a Steam Kettle Bier. Smooth and refreshing but light on the hops.

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A couple weeks back, Tom bought me a couple bottles of the new Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA. Finally got around to trying it and hit hop gold!


Double Simcoe has an amazing hop flavor, not overly bitter and somewhat sweet. One of the best IPA's I've ever had! Weyerbacher has a winner.

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  FlyerACE1 said:
Well, with Derek out of the country for the next few weeks I wanted to make sure and keep the beer thread alive and well. I'm sure between Heath, Wally, Memphish and I, things will be quite ok. Any way, here are a few shots of my beer experiences from this past weekend. Enjoy!


Yeah... I guess I could post some stuff. I'll be at Brew It Up tomorrow for lunch with the wife. So I'll post something tomorrow.



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I like those Wally! Wow man, you have promotional materials and merchandise. You're ready to take off with this thing!


Adam, if you liked the Double Simcoe, I read somewhere that Weyerbacher is working on a triple IPA for later this year.


Some random stuff from the last couple of days.


Finally, the Troegs Sunshine Pils. This one is a little light but is still pretty tasty and refreshing.


The newly retooled Weyerbacher Hops Infusion. I was initially disappointed by the original Hops Infusion but this one rocks. Again, very smooth and balanced with much more hops.


The Lost Coast Indica IPA. I really liked this one. Nice balance to this and is one of the more drinkable IPAs I've had in awhile.


The Avery Karma Ale.

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  Rugged One said:
I like those Wally! Wow man, you have promotional materials and merchandise. You're ready to take off with this thing!


Yeah... But no beer available to back it up. Yet that is. I'm going to burn up like Shlitz did in the 70's.


I can't wait to brew Dortmunder tomorrow. I'm actually REALLY excited about it. I know what mistake I made before, and I won't do it again I can tell you that.

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  PhishyBrewer said:

Where's Adam???


Adam was last seen in a cheap motel in Southington, CT, drinking beer with other BACT members.


Some of the remains of the BACT meeting in CT.


It's not the bright red clown shirt that's making him so happy, it's the Insanity.

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