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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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^^I'll have to talk to the rest of the Team about a good weekend to do it, but I'm thinking either March 4 or March 11. The 18th is out because St Patty's is the day prior, and after that the parks start opening around here (at least in Virginia anyway). Its rough right now, but I'd say the 3rd, with the 10th being the backup day just in case it snows or something. We'll probably hit both Troegs and ABC, maybe even dinner someplace. I'll give more information in about a week or so for anyone who needs lots of time to plan ahead.

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2. Number two was a bit of a curve ball for me, Wyder's Apple Cider. I was kinda weary of getting this because I thought it'd just be a sissy drink, but it was actually VERY good! After the glass of Young's, it went down super smooth, and there was almost no alcohol flavor........just apple-y goodness. Seriously, it's like getting buzzed from Martinelli's, sweet! This one get's a "great" in my book, will definately have to get again because of the super smooth flavor and easy drinkability.


You and Don(Jeezus Juice) would get a long very well.


I took Don to the Pyramid Brewery a while back, and out of all the beers to try, he choose the cider. I think I know why him and Monica aren't married yet.


Just kidding bro! Oh, and Don, please tell Monica she has to leave my house and go home.


Wally "Bitter About Don Being in Japan Without Me" Weiss

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Since their Lager was pretty tasty, I decided I'm starting off the night with a Brooklyn Brand East India Pale Ale.


Just an "eh" kind of IPA. "If I add a Floyd or 2, maybe I'll end up with something hoppier!"


Happy to be home and beer in hand


"Thank you for calling Dell Tech Support, my name is Jason, how may I help you?" says the East Indian Ale

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Tonight, I tried a new brew... Stone IPA.


As Lil Jimmy Norton (Happy Birthday Jimmy!) would say, it's Phenominal. Very smooth hop flavor, nice mild alcohol bite. Overall, a very nice purchase. And I still have 23 left. Better get drinkin' before I.P.Adam gets here on Friday!!!


Stone IPA - This may challenge Victory Hop Devil as my favorite IPA (Cool painted label on the bottle too!!!)


Me doing the "Confused Derek" face!!

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You and Don(Jeezus Juice) would get a long very well.


I took Don to the Pyramid Brewery a while back, and out of all the beers to try, he choose the cider. I think I know why him and Monica aren't married yet.

Well, I didn't really feel like two beers, and didn't feel like having to decide on one really. I don't care though, it tasted good, and that's what I go for first anyway. There's always the bonus that I don't reek after drinking it either, and that it's sweet......but not sickly sweet like a Smirnoff Twisted or something, those hurt my stomach with the syrupy sweetness.

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Tonight, I tried a new brew... Stone IPA.


That Stone IPA is good stuff Tom. I've got a bottle of Ruination sitting in the fridge that I've been waiting to try. Stone hasn't disappointed me yet.


Finished off my last Sierra Nevada Celebration tonight. Of all the winter brews I've had this season, I think that this was my favorite because it went in the total opposite direction of most of the others. Hoppy as all get out.


Decided to follow up with a Sam's Oktoberfest. Had to balance out the hoppiness of the Celebration with some sweet maltiness.


This is definitley one I'll be visiting with again next winter.


Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale.

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My theory, once you go Victory, you're stuck there for the rest of the night. So my finisher for last night was trusty old goodness Storm King by Victory.


My liver is getting primed and ready for the weekend


This may be my favorite stout now.


My best attempt at the "Confused Derek" look


Because good beers are sometimes hard to find

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Finished off my last Sierra Nevada Celebration tonight. Of all the winter brews I've had this season, I think that this was my favorite because it went in the total opposite direction of most of the others. Hoppy as all get out.


Sierra Nevada... that's where I'll be this Saturday. They just released a special batch of Celebration Ale aged in whiskey barrels. You only can get it at the brewery and on tap.

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Finished off my last Sierra Nevada Celebration tonight. Of all the winter brews I've had this season, I think that this was my favorite because it went in the total opposite direction of most of the others. Hoppy as all get out.


Sierra Nevada... that's where I'll be this Saturday. They just released a special batch of Celebration Ale aged in whiskey barrels. You only can get it at the brewery and on tap.


Then we fully expect a PTR on Sierra Nevada!! A couple years back Tom was able to order pickled Hop shoots from their website. Sadly, that product is now gone but damn were they yummy! I'm sure Derek and I will have plenty of beer photos to post come next week following the Northampton Beer Festival (aka Post EastCoaster Party) this weekend.

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On tonight's quest to find Troeg's Nugget Nectar, I came up unsuccessful. However, I did manage to pick up some Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, as well as several other goods, including tonight's first brew:


And it has a pretty good wintery taste


It tastes like beer


It smells good


Lancaster Winter Warmer, just because I heard good things on the boards.

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As I was putting away today's purchases, I realized "dude, I've got a whole case of random Weyerbacher stuff here!" Fumbling through the case, I discovered tonight's lucky imperial stout, Old Heathen!


*Sadly, I had no Jack Daniels to test this theory


"I wonder, if I did a shot of Jack Daniels before this, would it taste like Heresy?" *


"No, I'm not the Gordon's Fisherman, I'm the Old Heathen!"

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I figured a good ending to the night would be a nice Belgian. Since my Begian stash isn't that spectacular, I went with one of the only ones I've got, the Golden Monkey by Victory.


I's gonna be sleeping good tonight!


Oooooh, look at that pretty goblet its to be served in

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In an evergoing quest to train my liver for the Northampton Beer Festival this weekend, I decided to start tonight off with something I don't think I had before, Lancaster's Strawberry Wheat Beer. It had a hint of strawberry, and since it is a wheat, it didn't have much of an aftertaste. Its more of a dessert beer if you don't have any lambics laying around the house.


And after 1 sip, its doesn't have much of an aftertaste that I like so much.


It don't be smelling like no strawberries!


"I'm a beer, and I also fulfill your daily need for fruit"

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I decided to leave the beer credit whoring for another time. One ok beer at a time like this is not what I need. Going for what I know is good, the next beer is a Troeg's HopBack Amber Ale.


"You may drink the beer!" Awwww yeah! Giggity Giggity!


"I now pronounce you 'My next beer'"


"Let me unite this happy couple into one wonderful entity"


"I've got a beer, and and an empty glass with the beer's name on it. I think they belong together!"

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Finished off the night with the Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale that I've heard good things about on here. I was going to go with another Belgian, but after last night's weird dreams, I decided against it.


Derek likey. Thanks PhishyRuggedOne!


WOW, what a nice taste and a surprisingly hoppy aftertaste


Drink up boy, it'll put meat on your bones


WHOA, sure smells good!


The bottle sure is short and fat, kinda like Danny Devito!

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