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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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Heath, I hate you so much right now. I was going to go to a Brewery this past weekend, but then family came in from out of town and decided they needed to stay with me, with their favorite beer being Budweiser, in a can! Therefore, a trip there was out of the question. Hopefully the weather will be good enough this weekend that I can go somewhere, as my esaver idea for the weekend is out with no fares to anywhere warm. Thanks for letting us know the 10th Ann is out, I'll have to look for it, or just drive to Victory and pick up a 6pack!


The Victory giftshop looks sweet, with almost as much variety as the Shipyard one in Portland, Maine. When I finally get around to fixing up the bar, I may just have to go with a Victory theme.


Starting off the evening with an Alpha King

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Somehow I ended up inspired to drink nothing but Victory Brewing beers for the remainder of the evening.


Maybe if you're a good host, I'll bring you some Storm King Imperial Stout too, Wally!


This may just be my last Festbier. I was saving it for beer bread this weekend, but I just couldn't wait any longer

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You shouldn't have any issues bringing beer on the plane. Everytime I fly back from Ohio I always grab a 12 pack of Great Lakes Dortmunder gold to take home with me. And when my folks visit they do the same.


I was thinking we could hit up the Pyramid Brewery in Berkley and then Anchor Steam Brewery in Frisco. But I'm game for whatever you want to do.


You only can spend so much time in tiny little SFMW. 4 hours... TOPS. But like I said, I'm game for whatever.

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Well I haven't gotten to talk to the person in charge of booking my flights, but I'm hoping I'll be able to catch the redeye on Saturday night, meaning I'll have until 10pm to do stuff on Saturday. Tuesday thru Thurs I'll be availabe from 5pm on, and all day on Friday, though I may do a quick tour of the city and Alcatraz until like 4pm. I'm cool with Anchor Steam and Pyramid, as its former brewer is now my local! Here's one more you'll be enjoying in 28 or so days!


Drinking a Hop Wallop, listening to Disturbed, and engaging in TPR chat, much better than watching pitch problematic American Idols!

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Just because Jeff (the oldest living contributor to the TPR boards) had confidence in me, I decided to have one more variety of Victory for the evening!


Prima Pils, Nickelback on mp3(not Hoobastank covering Nickelback), and TPR chat; welcome to heaven, folks!

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Thanks for the kind words about the BTR everyone. I knew that the Victory lovers on here would appreciate it.


I noticed that the beer fridge has been lacking a good lager lately and I've been wanting to try more of the Otter Creek staple beers, so I picked up some of their Vermont Lager. This is a lager in the truest sense and was just what I was looking for.


The Otter Creek Vermont Lager.

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Yeah, the Otter Creek stuff I've had so far is pretty solid Wally. I have some of their Copper Ale in the fridge that I'll probably put up soon. My local place just got in some of their new ESB as well, so I'm looking forward to trying that.

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Yeah, the Otter Creek stuff I've had so far is pretty solid Wally. I have some of their Copper Ale in the fridge that I'll probably put up soon. My local place just got in some of their new ESB as well, so I'm looking forward to trying that.


Usually our tastes are pretty similar, Heath, but I gotta say I'm not a fan of the Otter Creek. I had a Copper Ale about a year ago and haven't finished the 6-pack yet and at the Big E in MA, Otter Creek had a booth set up and I tried their Oktoberfest. Again, not impressed.


By the way, awesome PTR on the Victory visit. Damn I'm jealous! Gotta see if the local beer heaven carries the 10th anniversary. If not, I'll just finish up my last Hop Wallop over the weekend. Also, thanks to Derek's stellar review, I'll be trying the one Brooklyn Monster Ale I have. I'll try to contribute some photos after the upcoming weekend too.

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Usually our tastes are pretty similar, Heath, but I gotta say I'm not a fan of the Otter Creek. I had a Copper Ale about a year ago and haven't finished the 6-pack yet and at the Big E in MA, Otter Creek had a booth set up and I tried their Oktoberfest. Again, not impressed.


I decided to dip back into the Copper Ale again tonight for a second look. This is supposed to similar to a German Alt (yes the same that Victory just released) and I would definitley agree with that. Nice combo of malt and hops. The thing is the Victory Alt is much more bold and aggressive in taste. I still think that the Copper Ale is decent for the style though.


Just on a side note, I tried the Lager again tonight and it didn't really do it for me like it did last night. Rather plain. I must have really wanted a lager last night!


The one thing I will say about Otter Creek is that for craft beers, the price is good, and they deliver a relible beer. Nothing too spectacular but nothing that I would find offensive either. I'm glad to see that they are starting to release some more styles though.


The Otter Creek Copper Ale. Decent but I'm ready for a real Alt on Saturday!

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OK, twas another wonderful night at Viva. Nice jazz music, good food, great friends, and superb beers. I started off with the night with a new beer for me, the Dock Street Philadelphia Amber beer, which is *very* similar in taste to my #3 beer, Fat Tire from New Belgium.


That means peach for all you non-Belgianese speaking people. Until tomorrow's beer update, peace!


And for dessert, as usual, a Lindemann's Lambic. But this time, Peche


Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse in a Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse glass, Ellen would be VERY pleased with this place


Moving to the lounge, I knew I had made a good decision


After paying the bill, I got a SEVERE headache for no apparent reason, I believe


Oh yeah! and some crab and artichoke dip


My dinner was a Rogue Dead Guy Ale


Before I could get to my Soup du Jour (which means soup of the day) the marsala mushroom, Spiderman apparently sampled it


Yes! Its not a beer I drink for the shear enjoyment like HopDevil, but it is one I could drink frequently.


Will I like it?


Time for me to get another beer credit while I wait for the rest of my friends to show up

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You know you're anticipating a trip when you dream about it the night before. For me, this was like an adult first time trip to Disney World. I finally got to meet up with Rugged One and the Mrs. as well as enjoying my favorite brewery and some extra bonuses along the way.


The best though was all the 4 and 5 year olds sneaking a sip or dip of their daddy's beer! These kids got good taste!


I finished my Victory experience with a Mad King's Weissen


Heath enjoyed his Alt Beer too!


Then I remembered the whole reason I came was for the 10th Anniversary Alt Beer!


After some super hot hot wings, my entree was the Brewer's Penne


And I do the same!


Heath enjoys his Hop Devil Cask


A certain sign of excellence, the Hop Devil!


Dude, just look at all these excellent beers ON TAP!!


My car, my beer, my loves


I arrived at Victory shortly before Heath and Kim

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