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Real World DC


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Having spent most of my adult life out and about in the neighborhood where Real World DC was filmed, I spent most of my summer dodging this season's cast.


Now that Survivor, Top Chef, and Glee are not showing new episodes, I need a new TV fix for a while.


What are your thoughts on the first episode?

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It was alright, but this season's cast seems a little more "eh" than Cancun's. I mean, just how do they plan to top Bronne chucking a fire extinguisher over a balcony into a pool? I also don't really want to watch any more religious fights either, as they never really go anywhere.

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^I can't believe the first Real World was 3 years before you were born.


The only reason it has stayed around for so long is because kids like me these days enjoy watching twenty-somethings getting drunk, partying, and then fighting. I've seen a few of the very first seasons, and the expectations of the show have obviously changed to what they are now.

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Ok, so here's the list of all of them. I started watching 'live' on the Los Angeles one and actually enjoyed it up to New Orleans. Back to NY is where the show started to lose me but I would still look in or catch up from time to time through Las Vegas. Las Vegas if I recall was pretty much where they stopped doing anything interesting and it became SOLEY about drinking and sex.


Here are my thoughts on the seasons:


- NY seemed more like a pilot and less of a show. People just seemed to come and go and there was no structure at all.

- LA was interesting. David getting kicked off, someone leaving to get married, people with real carreers.

- San Francisco was too preachy for me and that Puck guy was just the start of the long standing trend of being a douchebag to get your 15 minutes of fame.

- London I remember being VERY boring.

- Miami was interesting. Is this the first one where they had jobs? I remember they had to start a business or something. Plus the gay guy was HILARIOUS!

- Boston I liked a bit. A bit preachy but they at least had a good job and seemed to make a difference for some kids.

- Seattle was starting to get very drama. The whole 'irene gets slapped crap'. Ugh.

- Hawaii was annoying because of Ruthie.

- New Orleans was amusing because of Mormons.


The only one other than these that I had seen more than one episode was Las Vegas and that just turned me off from the series for good.


1 The Real World: New York 1992

2 The Real World: Los Angeles 1993

3 The Real World: San Francisco 1994

4 The Real World: London 1995

5 The Real World: Miami 1996

6 The Real World: Boston 1997

7 The Real World: Seattle 1998

8 The Real World: Hawaii 1999

9 The Real World: New Orleans 2000

10 The Real World: Back to New York 2001

11 The Real World: Chicago 2002

12 The Real World: Las Vegas 2002-2003

13 The Real World: Paris 2003

14 The Real World: San Diego 2004

15 The Real World: Philadelphia 2004-2005

16 The Real World: Austin 2005

17 The Real World: Key West 2006

18 The Real World: Denver 2006-2007

19 The Real World: Sydney 2007-2008

20 The Real World: Hollywood 2008

21 The Real World: Brooklyn 2009

22 The Real World: Cancun 2009

23 The Real World: Washington, D.C. 2009-2010

24 The Real World: Back to New Orleans

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I think DC has potential to be good. There's so much to DC that if they really got out of Dupont Circle, it could lead to some interesting activities.


I have been watching since the beginning and my faves are Philadelphia, Denver, Chicago and Seattle. I do agree the show has changed focus, but the fact that already we see social/religious debates might be a nod to a return to the good ol days of the show.


The seasons I didnt really watch were London, Paris and Sydney. Something about them being offshore kinda disconnected it for me. I also LOATHED Las Vegas because it should have been called Real World: Life at the Palms. I hated that they stayed in the damn hotel all day and night and didnt show more of the city...an inherent result when the "house" isnt a "house".


When I was on my Disney College Program we joked they should have Real World: Vista Way...now that would be entertaining. I too agree that a return to NO should be interesting. I just wish they'd put at least one fat person and one asian person on the show. We need to mix it up.

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My favorite season was San Diego. My least was Paris. That season was horrible! I think the show should just go back to the half hour episodes. I'm noticing in the seasons with 1 hour episodes, especially Brooklyn, not much interesting stuff was going on. It seemed like it was all the roommates walking around and making wisecracks at eachother.

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New Orleans was my favorite. Only because I thought Julie was hot. And not necessarily because she was smoking hot, but she had that whole "I'm cute and innocent" thing going for her.

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I haven't watched a full Real World season since Seattle but since this season is DC, I'm going to watch.


I have spent some time with Dan from the Miami cast while living in Fort Lauderdale. A friend of mine had relations with him and we all use to hang out together.


Now that I no longer live there, I enjoy getting "Dan" stories whenever something come up.


He's not normal. I can only tolerate him after he's down a few drinks.


And he is just as big of a douchebag in person as he was on the show.

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I actually have a friend who is one of the editors for the show, and has told me about some of the things they DON'T include in the show.


I haven't watched the show on a regular basis since I think New Orleans, and haven't watched AT ALL since probably Austin.


I still think that SF was the best season, but I know I'm in the minority on that one.

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I probably should see this show considering Andrew Woods attends the same college as I do. I have not met him personally, but everyone at Colorado State knows about him from his infamous comic strip called "Repeat / Delete" which he wrote for the school newspaper, and was later fired from since almost every one of them was offensive to pretty much every group out there including gays, transgenders, and old people (yes, there was one about them too). Most of his comics were about him trying to awkwardly hook with girls at school. I personally found his comic strip to be hilarious, but the school administration did not. After he was fired back in the spring, he left to go on the filming of Real World, but he will be back on campus next semester according to several friends of mine who know him.

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- NY seemed more like a pilot and less of a show. People just seemed to come and go and there was no structure at all.

- LA was interesting. David getting kicked off, someone leaving to get married, people with real carreers.

- San Francisco was too preachy for me and that Puck guy was just the start of the long standing trend of being a douchebag to get your 15 minutes of fame.


- Seattle was starting to get very drama. The whole 'irene gets slapped crap'. Ugh.


I watched it in those early days also. I don't remember much about NY, but didn't Eric go on to become a VJ and also do that The Grind exercise show?


I LOVED Seattle. I guess because that was around the time I graduated and went off to college, so I related more. The whole Irene thing was weird, but the two guys from Virginia were hot.


My husband and I watched San Diego. Cameron is from our town, went to hubby's high school (they went to TL Hanna High where "Radio" is from) and was a student at the college he teaches CJ at. She made a fool of us all LOL Nowadays she's still trying to milk the fame but basically is a college drop out that needs to seriously GROW UP finally.


I remember Miami being a good season, but other than that, I lost interest.

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I didn't watch Cancun or Brooklyn at all, but I've been watching this one. I used to watch religiously from Seattle to Austin, but lost interest after that. I'd have to say Hawaii, Back to New York, and San Diego were my favorites with Vegas close behind.


Watching Andrew trying to get laid is like watching a trainwreck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will admit I love The Real World. I know its the same thing every season, they get together, love each other at first, then sleep together, fight, and make up by the end. In reality though doing a show like that can impact you for the rest of you life. You do not know these people and in this manner you will really learn who you are as a person.


My favorite cast members this season are Callie and Emily. I feel like I can relate to them the most.


I have been through the interview process. It was actually to be on this current season. They do group interviews and you really have to stick out.

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