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B&M Giga coasters???

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I hope Carowinds get something ordinary in 2010 bacuse I'm going there this year!


If I was a betting man I would say KD and Carowinds will get junior B & M hypers, I don't think either park is in a big enough market to financially justify a Behemoth or a Diamondback.

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I hope Carowinds get something ordinary in 2010 bacuse I'm going there this year!


If I was a betting man I would say KD and Carowinds will get junior B & M hypers, I don't think either park is in a big enough market to financially justify a Behemoth or a Diamondback.


LOL, junior B&M hypers!?!?! I don't think such a thing exists!!! It's either below the hyper status or it's over it!!! That's like saying Intamin is building a mini giga, WTF!?

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Just to throw in my two cents:


Allegedly, Cedar Point asked for a bid from B&M on what was to become Millennium Force, but B&M refused to submit one because they weren't interested in building something that big.


Obviously, that was 10 years ago--so things might have changed...or could still change.


Still, as others have pointed out, B&M have done quite well for themselves by playing it safe.


/Imagines a B&M bid would have been three times Intamin's in any case.

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Just to throw in my two cents:


Allegedly, Cedar Point asked for a bid from B&M on what was to become Millennium Force, but B&M refused to submit one because they weren't interested in building something that big.


Obviously, that was 10 years ago--so things might have changed...or could still change.


Still, as others have pointed out, B&M have done quite well for themselves by playing it safe.


/Imagines a B&M bid would have been three times Intamin's in any case.


So your saying that Cedar Fair approached B&M to build what would become Millennium Force and B&M refused?

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I can understand saying "junior" hyper. Technically, a hypercoaster is 200-299 feet tall, thus, a 150' coaster should be called a kilo-coaster (100'-199'). I mean, we wouldn't call Kumba a hypercoaster, would we?


I think people tend to miss use the word "Hyper" and "mega". It only refers to height/drop, it has nothing to do with the layout. If you want to describe a 150' coaster with air-time hills and no inversions, it should technically be called an out-n-back kilo-coaster, etc.


Yes, it is a little pet peeve. Everytime I hear someone call Goliath (SFOG, Walibi, etc) a hypercoaster I say to myself "kilo-coaster, not hyper".

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Well I will just say that I heard some news from someone in the industry and I think we are all going to be pleasantly surprised at what we will see Carowinds getting next year!!!




Jarvis "does that make me cool too??" Morant...

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So your saying that Cedar Fair approached B&M to build what would become Millennium Force and B&M refused?


Yes. And to follow up on what Emiroo said, Cedar Point approached three companies: Intamin, Morgan, and B&M. Intamin bid $25 million, Morgan bid $50 million, and B&M refused to even entertain the idea of building it.


For the record: I can't prove any of it. I can't even say that I know it's 100% true. I was just kind of around near that time, and that was the story told by people whose names I'd rather not drag into the conversation. What Emiroo heard might be right, or maybe even something completely different. So salt to taste.

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It would be great if the B & M does something that really pushes the boundaries but I'm not holding my breath.


I would be surpised if Carowinds gets a $26 million + coaster, if they do, great. But the parks in the cedar Fair chain that have been attracting that level of investment generally have been the 3 million plus attendance parks like CW, CP, and KI. Carowinds isn't anywhere near that, and is unlikely to have the demographics to come close to that level of attendance but I guess we'll find out in time.


As far as B & M Junior hyper go, Hollywood Dream at Universal Japan is what has been referred to as a B & M Junior hyper.

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Interesting...would B&M consider building a ride that has a 240-255 ft. lift standing on a large hill, with a drop into either a tunnel that goes 50ft. underground or into perhaps a deep ravine that will make up a 300ft. drop?


They won't build up to 300ft. with a lift hill, but if the drop was larger then the lift hill?

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Interesting...would B&M consider building a ride that has a 240-255 ft. lift standing on a large hill, with a drop into either a tunnel that goes 50ft. underground or into perhaps a deep ravine that will make up a 300ft. drop?


They won't build up to 300ft. with a lift hill, but if the drop was larger then the lift hill?


That's an idea I've always liked for solving the problem of getting high enough for a large drop without all the problems of a launch or a really long lift hill - build at the top of a hill.

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It would be great if the B & M does something that really pushes the boundaries but I'm not holding my breath.


I would be surpised if Carowinds gets a $26 million + coaster, if they do, great. But the parks in the cedar Fair chain that have been attracting that level of investment generally have been the 3 million plus attendance parks like CW, CP, and KI. Carowinds isn't anywhere near that, and is unlikely to have the demographics to come close to that level of attendance but I guess we'll find out in time.


You do have to realize that Cincinnati, where KI is, is roughly the same size as Charlotte and the surrounding areas. The only real difference between the two is that Charlotte is growing, one of the few growth markets currently. Also, were growing fast enough that road systems cant keep up, there is always construction going on.

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Interesting...would B&M consider building a ride that has a 240-255 ft. lift standing on a large hill, with a drop into either a tunnel that goes 50ft. underground or into perhaps a deep ravine that will make up a 300ft. drop?


They won't build up to 300ft. with a lift hill, but if the drop was larger then the lift hill?


That's an idea I've always liked for solving the problem of getting high enough for a large drop without all the problems of a launch or a really long lift hill - build at the top of a hill.


The question is which parks have an large empty hill and plenty of space around it? And second, do they have a coaster that's over 200ft.???


Does Carowinds have a large area with a large hill in it?

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It would be great if the B & M does something that really pushes the boundaries but I'm not holding my breath.


I would be surpised if Carowinds gets a $26 million + coaster, if they do, great. But the parks in the cedar Fair chain that have been attracting that level of investment generally have been the 3 million plus attendance parks like CW, CP, and KI. Carowinds isn't anywhere near that, and is unlikely to have the demographics to come close to that level of attendance but I guess we'll find out in time.


You do have to realize that Cincinnati, where KI is, is roughly the same size as Charlotte and the surrounding areas. The only real difference between the two is that Charlotte is growing, one of the few growth markets currently. Also, were growing fast enough that road systems cant keep up, there is always construction going on.


But do you realise that it isn't just the city that a park is in that defines it's market but also the size of nearby markets. Carowinds get just over a million visitors whereas KI has been getting almost for 3.5 million visitors for quite a while which speaks volumes about it's proximity to other large markets.


Anyway we can speculate all we want, I'm sure they'll announce it in time.

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