There is a band from Finland called "Amberian Dawn".
They are a Syphonic Power Metal band with female operatic vocals.
They are VERY, VERY GOOD!!!! In fact, they are often compared to old Nightwish in the way they sound.
The lead singer is a trained soprano operatic vocalist, Heidi Parviainen.
Let me tell you guys, Heidi can SING!!! VERY WELL TOO!!!
That much is very evident (and more) in the first song Amberian Dawn released in their music career.
That song is "River Of Tuoni" from the album River Of Tuoni.
Since the release of the River Of Tuoni album in 2008, Amberian Dawn have released three additional albums.
The Clouds Of Northland Thunder in 2009.
End Of Eden in 2010.
Circus Black in 2012.
Amberian Dawn feature some very fast, technical and melodic lead guitar riffs and solos.
Also, the keyboards are a vital part of the band. You will hear them sometimes shread through a solo with the guitar or add their own flair else where in the song, either supporting the guitar and/or vocalist.
Sometimes the keyboards will be the main feature in a song, and the rest of the band will follow.
Each member in Amberian Dawn are EXTREMELY talented with each of their instruments, and it shows. You can hear it.
So, if you are a fan of Nightwish or Symphonic Power Metal, then I urge you to go check out Amberian Dawn.
You won't be disappointed!!!!
On a side note, have any of you guys heard of Amberian Dawn?
If you heard a song or two by them, or all of their songs and you are a fan like me, then what do you think of them?