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Paintball PTR: MSXL KY Event

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Hey TPR!


Just a random photo TR, but I thought I'd share. I got lucky enough to do some professional photos of a semi-pro paintball event with a friend's team! Hopefully it will be permanent.


Here's some shots from the day! There's more to come.













Team JFK








That's me, haha.




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Thanks for the comments, guys! There shouldn't be too much worrying about being hit, unless you're point blanked with one of these guys' guns. Or when it's at a velocity higher than 10 balls a second. I've seen some NASTY blood blisters/welts. I got shot atleast 7-10 times from strays, or just the line of fire moving to where I was, haha. Only 2 or 3 left bruises, just little ones! I think it's exciting! Gets your adrenaline going..

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Those are awesome pics. Paintball is one of my favorite sports, and yes you get huge massive welts. Especially if you are hit at point blank. I have a paintball park sort of near were I live and it is actually themed. There is a castle, a western town and a bombed out war zone place.

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I used to be really into paintball, even played in the World Cup a few times. Its been awhile since I played and I still miss it, but with a family and all now its just not easy as it once was.


Those are some great shots, paintball is a really hard sport to take pictures of.

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I used to be really into paintball, even played in the World Cup a few times. Its been awhile since I played and I still miss it, but with a family and all now its just not easy as it once was.


Those are some great shots, paintball is a really hard sport to take pictures of.


Down at Disney's Wide World of Sports? That's still pretty damn awesome!

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Or when it's at a velocity higher than 10 balls a second.


Technical correction: all tournament guns are capable of firing 10+ bps. It's all in how fast the person can pull their trigger. Velocity refers to how fast each ball is going (usually capped between 280-320fps depending on the tournament and field).

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Or when it's at a velocity higher than 10 balls a second.


Technical correction: all tournament guns are capable of firing 10+ bps. It's all in how fast the person can pull their trigger. Velocity refers to how fast each ball is going (usually capped between 280-320fps depending on the tournament and field).


Ah, yeah...you're right. I'm still trying to get used to all the terms, picking up new stuff here and there. But there were MANY hot guns during the tournament. The refs weren't doing a great job checking guns. One gun even shot through a dude's mask! Quite a bloody sight.


I think the most popular gun there was the Ego. Those things are pretty awesome!


I think I'm in the most expensive hobbies out there....photography, paintball, theme parks, skiing, and guitars.

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I used to be really into paintball, even played in the World Cup a few times. Its been awhile since I played and I still miss it, but with a family and all now its just not easy as it once was.


Those are some great shots, paintball is a really hard sport to take pictures of.


Down at Disney's Wide World of Sports? That's still pretty damn awesome!


Yea at WWOS in 05 and 06

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On the difference between the Halo and Rotor, I find the Halo to be extremely heavy and inaffective at some moments. When my brother used one for a short amount of time, I had to clean out the eye many times because the motor would stop. Now I know almost nothing about the Rotor, but from what everybody is saying, it sounds like a great hopper.


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Great pictures. Paintballing always looked like fun, but I doubt I'll ever do it. "I hear those paint ball thingies hurt."


Huh?? You won't try it cause it hurts for like 5 seconds? That's a boring way to live life!


Please explain... Most masks are rated up to 400 fps, and If someone was shooting that, Well, It would probably break your balls before it left the chamber


I don't understand it either. I've heard that story a lot of times, and while I don't think they're lying, I just don't see how that could happen..

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Or when it's at a velocity higher than 10 balls a second.


Technical correction: all tournament guns are capable of firing 10+ bps. It's all in how fast the person can pull their trigger. Velocity refers to how fast each ball is going (usually capped between 280-320fps depending on the tournament and field).


Very good point, though most regulations at fields here during tourney's are 280fps, I have seen a few events that have had 320 as max cap. I have had a few dang good years in the sport and tournaments. I miss it alot. To be honest the only thing stopping me from playing right now is that alot of my money has gone to the new apartment I got + getting married a week ago. I do see a fair amount of Rotor in there and yea alot of my friends even have them, for me though I will stick to my Halo and empire reloaders.

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Great pictures. Paintballing always looked like fun, but I doubt I'll ever do it. "I hear those paint ball thingies hurt."


I thought the same thing for many years...


Last fall at a county fair one of the local woodsball places setup a small airball field as a demo/ try it out arrangement. I watched for a couple of games listened to the safety briefing twice and then the guys running it where like come on give $5 I know you want to!


Shortly I was holding a Tipmann 98 with 100 rounds walking onto the field.


In 10 min I got hit maybe 6 times, first hit was on my left hand in the knuckle! That stung for abit, but bad enough to for me to walk off, in the briefing it was said that if you cant handle getting hit that's understandable.


Next 4 where more like it's not that bad, felt more like a rubberband snap.


My last hit was in the forehead right above the mask! I was trading shots with 2 players on the other side of the field! What I did not realize is that my 2 teammates where out at this point. That was more like getting hit in the head with a 2x4!


So at this point I call myself out. Turn around to see my teammates leave the field because they are out of paint. Ref calls you got paint left? Yes.. started to walk back to the start, he calls 2 on 1 go, go go!


I head for the closest bunker, one of them heads for the same area, we are 25 feet apart. Due to not being familiar with the gun, it turns out I only had 4 rounds left.. I did not use them wisely! Part of it was I was not used to the equipment, suffering from abit of a headache and heat from wearing a nylon jacket for protection. I was out at that point.


Overall it was interesting experence and at some point I will go visit a field!



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