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It's kind of disappointing that US coasters can't get close to the ground like the Klotti Coaster or close to the water like Atlantis Adventure. Stupid safety.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ I am not sure exactly what you mean by either of your claims. The hulk and maveric both go extremely near water, and haven't you ever heard of a terrain coaster? Here are pictures of coasters that are really close to the land or the water.


Close to the ground



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^ I am not sure exactly what you mean by either of your claims. The hulk and maveric both go extremely near water, and haven't you ever heard of a terrain coaster? Here are pictures of coasters that are really close to the land or the water.


No they don't, they give the great illusion of it, but if you stuck out your hand as far as you could go, you would still have nothing but air as opposed to Heise Fahrt and G'sengte Sau, where you could literally mow the grass by sticking out your hand, or getting smacked by tree branches in a helix lol.

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^Well if we're talking about branch whacking, you can do that on tons of rides! I've been smacked by trees or bushes on both Riddler's Revenge and California Screamin (among others). I'm pretty sure (I haven't really tried) that you could probably touch the ground or get close to doing it on Cobra at SFDK.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No they don't, they give the great illusion of it, but if you stuck out your hand as far as you could go, you would still have nothing but air as opposed to Heise Fahrt and G'sengte Sau, where you could literally mow the grass by sticking out your hand, or getting smacked by tree branches in a helix lol.


Expedition GeForce has a spot where you can stick your hand out and hit some branches. At least it did last year and the year before that.


To the actual topic, we ventured out to Klotten last year on our own. It's a great little park in a very beautiful part of Germany.

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^He is clearly talking about reaching out and touching the GROUND, not just touching a branch.


I know Whizzer is great for ground touching! Especially on the long ground hugging turn.



Where the rocks is now grass. So you won't smash your hands.

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^He is clearly talking about reaching out and touching the GROUND, not just touching a branch.


I know Whizzer is great for ground touching! Especially on the long ground hugging turn.



Where the rocks is now grass. So you won't smash your hands.


But then, you get hit in the face with a branch

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok I've tried to upload two video clips so far & can't get either one to upload,how do you change file sizes/formats so as to make the video upload properly?

Give it another try. I've deleted some files that might have been causing some trouble.



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Ok I've tried to upload two video clips so far & can't get either one to upload,how do you change file sizes/formats so as to make the video upload properly?

Give it another try. I've deleted some files that might have been causing some trouble.



I'll give it a shot,I did manage to finally get my Ricochet off ride footage posted to my youtube page this afternoon.

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