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I am happy to report that my download went through without trouble. The zip file opened quickly, and both files were completely flawless (in other words, they weren't corrupted as others have been reporting).


I can only thank Robb and Elissa again for this great opportunity! To answer Robb's question to Bryan, I would absolutely pay for a downloadable version of the TPR DVDs, especially for a $5 price each. These videos would definitely make my flights go faster, and considering that I'll be flying to and from Italy this Spring, I will need plenty to keep me occupied--and I could think of no better option.


The download system, price and format of the video are all ideal (in my opinion). I would even go out on a limb to say that I would probably watch a digital version more often than a hard copy. Maybe if the digital release is made standard, you could offer it primarily as a download, with a DVD made to be an optional addon. If you offered the download for a single price and the DVD for a reduced price as a combo for the two, I would definitely buy both. Think of it as a digital and backup copy combination!


Anyways, I thank you again for this excellent pre-holiday gift--Hannukah just came early!

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Every time I try to download it, a message says, "Access denied. You do not have permissions to access this file" What do I do?

It means you'll need to re-register again. The file is only downloadable up to three times and then you'll have to re-do it.


Didn't work.




What happened?



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Besides taking a while to download (which is my service providers fault), everything worked fine for me.

I'm using Windows Vista with Mozilla Firefox.


Thanks again for this download Robb!

Even though I have all of the Coaster Expedition DVD's, as well as both RAW DVD's, I'm still pumped to be able to put this on my iPod.

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Before I left for work yesterday, I left it to download the file, but it stoppped downloading at 300 megs, so I tried again in the afternoon.


I noticed that the morning and evening files are different -

the first file is double-compressed (.zip.gz fle) while the later one is only single-compressed (.zip file).


Second download works fine, and plays perfectly in my Divx player.



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Thanks, Robb (& Elissa...I should really thank her more often, but I'm always worried I'll misspell her name...so I end up just thanking Robb. )


Anyway, I've watched enough of it to know it works. I have no idea how long it took to download, because I let it go overnight.


Certainly not trying to be a jerk, but just in case it helps: No, I probably wouldn't pay for future downloads. But that's not a reflection on quality or value. I'm just a pirate. Also, I'm cheap. Besides, y'all do so much for us for free already, I really don't see the need. (Oops, maybe I shouldn't have said that! )


Anyway, thanks again. And don't let the few naysayers get you down. You made my day.

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I downloaded it with Firefox and got the same CRC error other people reported. I downloaded it a second time in Internet Explorer and it worked.


Wonderful video, btw. It was quite shocking seeing the difference in Robb's weight between his on-stage appearance (where he called out Elissa in the audience) and him getting of California Screamin' in the Disney segment.

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