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The 2015-16 NBA Season

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They weren't supposed to make it that far in the first place. Not a SINGLE person thought they would.
"Not a single person" gave the number three seed a shot? Tough sell there, captain. Good try though.


Hey, at least I'm trying.


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^Although I said I was done, I just wanted to say that I think you just proved my point. Maybe the problem is that you believe everything you see or hear in the media. I mean if Tim Legler predicted it or said it was true.......





Scott "Now I'm done" B.

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^Although I said I was done, I just wanted to say that I think you just proved my point. Maybe the problem is that you believe everything you see or hear in the media. I mean if Tim Legler predicted it or said it was true.......


What are you talking about? I just proved my own point, not yours. It isn't about me "believing" what the media says, because I don't. I knew the Cavs couldn't beat us. It's about everyone in the media (and 90% of general NBA fans) thinking we wouldn't win. Do I really care what they have to say? No, because they're obviously a bunch of trained monkeys. But it still proves my point. The team exceeded expectations.

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T-Mac is on pace to start the All-Star game.

It's 33 degrees in hell and the mercury is dropping fast.


Okay, So Gilbert Arenas deserves to be punished to degees past the highest caliber. If you haven't read any articles of his current weapons possesions charges, you can do so here.


Okay, so whether or not anyone wants to say it or admit it, actors, musicians, athletes, models, and celebrities are looked at as "better" than everyone else. Here you give people privilege, money, fame, a solid gold house, and a rocket car-and the only thing that people ask for in return is that you act accordingly. Whether you want to accept it or not, as a professional athlete, you are better than "everybody else". You agree to assume that role when you take money to be the face of a sports franchise. No owner is going to let you play for their team, no commissioner is going to let you play for their league, and no fan is going to back you if you make an ass out of yourself. (well, stupid ones will)


You are supposed to be a professional athlete. A PROFESSIONAL athlete. Those who are profesionals in their fields dond go around toting guns to their work. Cops, Drug dealers, and drug dealing rappers are the only people that should have a gun when they clock in for work, and if Gilbert Arenas wants to make a laughing matter out of a serious incident that damaged the image of an already image hurting sport, he deserves to be shown the exit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm surprised that Orlando isn't up there with the big three this year as they were last year, but I still look for them to finish strong after the all-star break.


I do see the Raptors as a surprise as Chris Bosh is pretty much carrying the team with no help. Memphis didn't surprise me so much as they did speed up the schedule. Quality big man in Marc Gasol, quality guard in OJ Mayo. It was just a matter of time anyway.


Joe Johnson was a strong 2nd option in Phoenix, but now that he runs the show in Atlanta, he really has shown that he can hoop with the best of them.


Dallas being the second best team in the west right now, I see the Lakers sailing to another Finals appearance. That said, I think watching the east playoffs up until the finals should be more fun to watch.

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  • 2 months later...

Without George Karl on the bench, the Nuggets are as good as done. Dantley will make a great coach someday, but his demeanor and poise just don't fit the cast of characters that is the Denver Nuggets. Good run boys, but really, best of luck to the continual recovery of George Karl. Miss you big guy!

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Without George Karl on the bench, the Nuggets are as good as done. Dantley will make a great coach someday, but his demeanor and poise just don't fit the cast of characters that is the Denver Nuggets. Good run boys, but really, best of luck to the continual recovery of George Karl. Miss you big guy!


Apparently I am a future predictor.

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^Yea...they didn't even put up much of a fight. To me, I don't see how L.A. is as good as they are. They are capable, but inconsistent. This series with Utah shouldn't go more than 5 games, but I have a feeling it's going all 7.


my Jazz put up a good fight yesterday, staples center has not been their friend the past few years, if they win game 2 the series takes on a totally different look, I hope they can pull the upset, but i don't know if it will happen.

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