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Six Flags Haircuts?!

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Sounds like their hair salons will be better themed than many of their parks.


I may be wrong, but I give this new enterprise one year--tops. Or maybe until April 1, when this is revealed to be an elaborate April Fools joke.

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Six Flags' world-famous cast of characters, including Mr. Six, also will be on hand to meet and greet children as they explore this magical escape built especially for them.

Anyone else find it amusing that the park's main character is bald?


Come to think of it, give Mr. Six a white barber's jacket and a thin gray moustache, and he would be the spitting image of Clyde Cripe, the guy who used to cut my hair when I was a kid.

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I still can't believe Six Flags is desperate enough to actually offer haircuts as a way of making money.


Six Flags' world-famous cast of characters, including Mr. Six, also will be on hand to meet and greet children as they explore this magical escape built especially for them.

Does anybody else here find this kinda creepy? An overly happy old guy greeting children seems kinda scary.

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^ yes it was pretty busy while i was there and it was only open for about 15mins as i got there around 9:15am just after it opened. When i was leaving there was still people coming in. When you think about it its a good way to get kids interested in SF at an early age. I think you will see one in every large market city in the US.

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I'm sorry...I know this has been an active topic for quite some time. I know there's an official press release for it. Hell, there's even pictures to prove it, but just so I know this isn't me hallucinating from so many sleepless days online, did Six Flags really open a hair salon? I mean really?, REALLY?

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