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Animal Crossing: City Folk


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I just wish it wasn't so similar to the previous two.

My biggest complaint with it too. For those who didn't place the DS version there is a lot in the Wii version compared to GameCube, though.


Still, I'm totally addicted to it for the third time!


I'll update and add everyone who has recently posted their FC tonight.



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It's also a good idea to check that everyone's entered codes correctly. I've added everyone who has posted a code, but many (especially some regulars) don't show up as a "two-way" friend code on my list, because someone made a mistake entering the friend code.


Also, get WiiSpeak if you don't have it already. Just don't mock my accent if you come to my town! I'll be online until around 10/10:30 EST

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I love the "Let's go to the City" name, it's soooooo British!!!


Having owned and played the game every day since Christmas I totally agree that "Let's go to the City" is the MUCH better name.


City Folk just doesn't make sense. You aren't a 'city' person. You still live in your little town and do the same little town things as you did on the DS (I can't comment on the GC version), occasionally 'going to the city'.


Anyway question for the Animal Crossing guys. How do you go online? I've added everybody from the 'list' on here, but whenever I chose to go out, all I get is an empty list with no towns names in it? I also open my gate, but as far as I'm aware nobody has ever wandered into my town.


Am I doing something wrong?



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We just need to set up some times where people have their gate open. If you post "My gate will be open today at XX:XX, anyone want to come play?" I think you'll get some takers.


We just need to make sure people who have the game are reading this thread frequently so they can find out when people will have their gates open.



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I will probably be on from 9-10 tonight (EST). If anyone does drop by, be sure to check out some of the new shirt designs at my Able Sisters store


I have added nearly everyone to my friends list, so if I'm not showing up, let me know so I can add you.


I now have "TPR Donkey Shirt" and "Ketchup Dude" designs

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here's my info







Also a couple of the residents have asked me for a Tuna and a Blackeyed Goldfish so if somebody has those available to buy I would be eternally grateful and my gate is open tonight for pretty much the entire night and I'm adding everyone right now and for those of you who were into Angelina Jolie's early movies you'll know where those names come from.

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So I bought and planted my first ever red turnip yesterday. What's the deal with this? Do I water it everyday and then pull it up on Saturday and sell it to Nook?


I'm also getting very low turnip prices. I bought my white ones for 108 bells, but the highest I've seen them in the shop in 60. Am I doing something wrong?

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So I bought and planted my first ever red turnip yesterday. What's the deal with this? Do I water it everyday and then pull it up on Saturday and sell it to Nook?


I'm also getting very low turnip prices. I bought my white ones for 108 bells, but the highest I've seen them in the shop in 60. Am I doing something wrong?


Well from what I remember when I bought mine yesterday she said to me that I have to water it everday and a week later I can pull it out.


Also I have no idea why your turnip prices are so low because I've never seen mine drop below 110 bells per turnip.

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So I bought and planted my first ever red turnip yesterday. What's the deal with this? Do I water it everyday and then pull it up on Saturday and sell it to Nook?


I'm also getting very low turnip prices. I bought my white ones for 108 bells, but the highest I've seen them in the shop in 60. Am I doing something wrong?


Well from what I remember when I bought mine yesterday she said to me that I have to water it everday and a week later I can pull it out.



So I do have to pull it out, rather than dig it out with my spade?

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^ You dig it out. It grows in size and value each day that you water it so if you can remember to water it every day and then sell it on Saturday, you can make a bunch of bells.


In the DS version, you could also give them to Wendell to get super rare items, but I am not sure it it works in the Wii version.

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^ You dig it out. It grows in size and value each day that you water it so if you can remember to water it every day and then sell it on Saturday, you can make a bunch of bells.


In the DS version, you could also give them to Wendell to get super rare items, but I am not sure it it works in the Wii version.


Cheers dude. I have watered it at least twice (sometimes many more times) a day, I was actually worried about over watering it? Is that possible?


Oh yeah, I got 566 bells per whie turnip the other day. Just wish I'd bought more than 20.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anybody else received a letter from Nintendo today? I had mine hand delivered by Pete this morning.


Want to say a massive thanks to USCoaster as well. He had me over last Saturday night and supplied me with all the fruit I needed. Cheers dude

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