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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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We're stopping by in mid Dec for Holiday in the Park, but will only be there for a couple of hours to pick up the iRat credit. Sad to hear that Superman will be closed as I was hoping to get another ride on that before heading further west.

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I heard somewhere that roller coasters tend to slow down in the cold, some so much that some parks warm their trains before park opening.

Is this correct?


This is true. Some parks warm the wheels prior to dispatching trains.

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See, I never understood why B:TR is closed during HATP, but not Goliath. Plus, SWSA runs their batman clone also. Hmmmm . . . questions, questions, questions. I think that SFFT is getting better in terms of ride selection during HATP now that IRAT is finished and will operate during the winter, and from what I understand, Poltergeist now runs depending on the weather compared to it being completely closed when I went I believe two years ago, and it was cold that day also.


I didn't see Poltergeist listed on their ride selection. We are going in mid-December so my boys can get to ride IRAT. Was hoping for another round on Poltergeist and Superman, but will have to be happy with IRAT, Goliath, and Boomerang.

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I didn't see Poltergeist listed on their ride selection.


I didn't either, but I could have sworn last year someone did a TR that was like "Surprise, Poltergeist opened!" It was a warmer day too; you know Texas weather, it was 37*F this morning and is supposed to warm up pretty nice this weekend!


EDIT: BINGO! After searching through many construction pictures and complaints about IRAT being 'too short', behold, let it be know that Poltergeist was operational 22 December, 2012 during Holiday in the Park. So, I guess if you go on a good day there is a slight possibility you can snag a couple of rides on Poltergeist!



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I didn't see Poltergeist listed on their ride selection.


I didn't either, but I could have sworn last year someone did a TR that was like "Surprise, Poltergeist opened!" It was a warmer day too; you know Texas weather, it was 37*F this morning and is supposed to warm up pretty nice this weekend!


EDIT: BINGO! After searching through many construction pictures and complaints about IRAT being 'too short', behold, let it be know that Poltergeist was operational 22 December, 2012 during Holiday in the Park. So, I guess if you go on a good day there is a slight possibility you can snag a couple of rides on Poltergeist!




I got a few rides in on Poltergeist last year at HiP. I've heard (don't know how much truth there is to this) that as long as temps are above 45*, they usually don't have issues with it and will operate during HiP. Only coaster I've not seen open during HiP is SKC. Anyone know if it's ever opened in the past?

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Iron rattler valleyed on a test run just before the airtime hill before the tunnel. Temperature at opening was about 40 degrees.


While trying to take another picture from inside the park, the employee at the slingshot yelled "sir, no picture of construction please!"

I've never heard of anything rule like that.


Setting up to pull the train over.


Sorry for the low quality picture. Here is the stuck train.

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Wow! That's strange, At the speed of Iron Rattler I would expect it to make it through. But I was riding it on Tuesday and it was going REALLY slow, And superman was even having a hard time getting out of the station!

I just found out that the cold weather increases friction between the rails and the wheels.

And does iron rattler have polyurethane wheels? If so, then friction + polyurethane = A valley. < At least I think.

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At the speed of Iron Rattler I would expect it to make it through.


Iron Rattler with a train full of screaming riders flies through that top section; Iron Rattler with no screaming riders sort of crawls through that top section. Just compare a POV with a full train to a POV with an empty one and the difference is evident. One of the things that stuck out at me when I first saw the coaster at the travel channel film shoot was that during testing, it ran MUCH slower without all of the rider-weight. Iron Rattler with no riders and 40 degree weather, I'm NOT surprised it volleyed. I'm surprised they cycled it. I believe the minimum temperature for most coasters to operate is a whole 10 degrees warmer.

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I wanted to ask about the park's offer for the "bring a friend free" for all 2013/2014 season pass holders. Since the park closed due to weather the previous weekend, the extended it to 12/1. I have a gold pass and took my brother-in-law. Got to guest relations and they told me "That was only for certain people" and turned me away.

Who was it for? I assumed it was for everyone with a pass since the park posted that on Facebook.

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I was at the park for HIP opening on Friday. Superman and Poltergeist are not even on the map so theres no hope in them opening that up. As promised I-rat was open. I believe it got down to 57 degrees that night? They were only running one train when I got on. Maybe it's because I haven't been on irat since August but I couldn't tell a difference in speed. I rode 2nd from the back and it was a kick butt ride as always. I did notice that they had a ride op at the entrance telling people where to sit. At first I didn't like it because I want to sit where I want, but they realized its probably so they know they are filling the trains. As always the park was festive. Having the pathway connect from sky screamer to irat was nice. Yes, the waterfalls were on and lit very nicely. That was a nice touch. The pathway isn't decorated as much as the rest of the park but it was nice regardless.

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God, that park looks freaking beautiful


You should see it in person. While rock quarry in the background is a nice setting and some of the park is still nice. It still lacks in certain areas of the park. Mainly where Six Flags has added it touch. Honestly, the fact the park did not begin as a Six Flags is probably while the park still has some beauty left.

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