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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Anyone who's been there recently, can you tell me if they have the volume up on Cyborg by now? I might go back next year with my brother, and by that time, I shouldn't have to strain to hear "I can't let you do that, Victor."

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LMAO those are the usual responses I get from that. My work here is done.


I might be going back in 2020 with my brother and we might ride Supergirl. I'm kinda scared :O


But what can I say, I hope the audio for Cyborg is turned up by then.

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Are we sure the ride list is even up-to-date? It still lists Riddler Revenge as Mind Eraser and Buzzsaw.




Edit- On mobile, nothing is shown below Holiday Thrills. On the web version, I can see the accurate ride list. The FAQ section still lists Mind Eraser and Buzzsaw though so that's probably an oversight from the first year they did the event.



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The Holiday in the Park map is out. There are no big changes aside from the fact that there's no major show this year which is a pretty questionable move. I would imagine that Flashback will (once again) be open despite the park never putting it on the map.


I thought that there was no show as well. Went to opening night tonight and didn’t look at first ended up seeing that there is one. I didn’t get to see it unfortunately but instead of the variety type show I heard this one is more singing / dancing based and called Holiday Wishes.

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I'm just glad that there's something in there.


PS: Flashback is closed, but the rumor is that they plan to start running Pandemonium next weekend. I'm not sure of the validity of those rumors but the sources seem semi-decent. If true, that's a big upgrade.

Edited by coasterbill
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^Pandemoium is prone to valleying, it won't be running in extreme cold. It seemed like it was running with different wheels though so that should help. But if there are some extreme cold days, I bet it will be the first to close.



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Six Flags New England doesn’t seem to be as incredibly aggressive with cold weather as Great Adventure and Great America but they’re still pretty great. Pandemonium is also probably more valley prone than anything that Great Adventure or Great America is running and if it valleys it’s more likely to do it way up in the air.


I wouldn’t be shocked to see Pandemonium closed for weather on rare occasions but I’d venture a guess that they’d be more worry about a combination of cold and wind than just extreme cold.

Edited by coasterbill
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