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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Things are looking good at the park. Here’s a few drone update pics thanks to SFNE Online.



South End will definitely have a new look this year.


Harley Quinn is installed.


Tea Cups are now in their new location.


New rest rooms coming along in the North End and Speed Trap has been moved to where the Loney Toons stage used to be.


Mind Eraser / ?’s new look is well underway.

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That green looks great. Its a shame Batman is not getting a fresh coat, would really tie it all together.


Also is it just me or is that frisbee entirely too close to Joker? I'm sure its fine but it looks entirely too close.

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^ Riddler's Revenge at SFMM used to have the green and black color scheme before switching to the bright green and yellow one seen here. I agree that I personally prefer the black supports too, but the track color pops so much that is what you mostly notice.


That green looks great. Its a shame Batman is not getting a fresh coat, would really tie it all together.


Also is it just me or is that frisbee entirely too close to Joker? I'm sure its fine but it looks entirely too close.


When I heard where Harley Quinn was going, I knew it'd be close to the Joker. That's going to create some really scary visuals on the swings.

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I wonder if they are going to have to put up netting or some other type of protection over Joker’s queue to avoid an potentially issues with flying objects from HQ.

Edited by Sluggo77
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That green looks great. Its a shame Batman is not getting a fresh coat, would really tie it all together.


Also is it just me or is that frisbee entirely too close to Joker? I'm sure its fine but it looks entirely too close.

Apparently it gets within 12 feet of Joker, and 10 feet of the Hot Dog stand.

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That green looks great. Its a shame Batman is not getting a fresh coat, would really tie it all together.


Also is it just me or is that frisbee entirely too close to Joker? I'm sure its fine but it looks entirely too close.

Apparently it gets within 12 feet of Joker, and 10 feet of the Hot Dog stand.


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It’s Official! Today SFNE announced the newly themed GOTHAM CITY Area highlighting the 2018 Season Opening. As part of the south end retheme Mind Eraser will now be themed THE RIDDLER™ Revenge.


Here’s the full press release. https://www.sixflags.com/newengland/newsroom/april-4-2018


Photo’s from SFNE.







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I think it looks fantastic! The green and yellow really makes it pop and seems well suited to that layout and track style. I haven't been on it since before they got the new trains, so I'm looking forward to giving this a second chance when I get back up there later this season.

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Yeah, I love Mind Eraser now. It feels weird having those words leave my mouth in that order but it's true.


Also... check them out painting rides that barely even need it. A few years back I was very critical of this park but I love everything they're doing lately.

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