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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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A little more in depth information from Q&A


-Keeping Voyager and other WOF Classic rides a priority

-No specific timeline on a new coaster but would like to see one, launched coaster discussed but nothing specific

-New Main gate has been discussed and has been designed in the last 2-3 years but waiting for a big enough budget (+$1 million) as they will have to move entrance over towards shadow gate/tivoli east area due to topography and accessibility issues. Moving the catering facilities seems to be the most pressing financial issue.

-Both Frank and Wayne want to bring the floral clock back possibility to the new main gate.

-Announcement for 2016 coming this Thursday or Friday

-Season passes go on sale this weekend, renewals will still get a bring a friend free in 2015 as well as a free Fast Lane to be used in Fall 2015

-New Dark ride is being discussed up where Timberwolf games are now (old bicentennial square) No timeline but it sounds like it's becoming more financially feasible

-Some discussion on searching Europe for old classic rides but nothing WOF specific more "cedar fair mentality" as preserving and maintaining classic rides.

-Painting Mamba is a major priority probably next 2-3 years along with more maintenance upgrades such as control system and new brakes.

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Does the new haunt building look anything like VF's new haunt building? Or is it just a standard, theme less building?


The facade has not been installed yet. But it wouldn't look like that any way as the themes are different.


The behind scenes tour of the new Haunt looked disappointing



Really? You can't tell why from the photo?

None of the flats are up, which means none of the thematically are installed.

I really can't believe I am having to explain this.

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A little more in depth information from Q&A


-Keeping Voyager and other WOF Classic rides a priority

-No specific timeline on a new coaster but would like to see one, launched coaster discussed but nothing specific

-New Main gate has been discussed and has been designed in the last 2-3 years but waiting for a big enough budget (+$1 million) as they will have to move entrance over towards shadow gate/tivoli east area due to topography and accessibility issues. Moving the catering facilities seems to be the most pressing financial issue.

-Both Frank and Wayne want to bring the floral clock back possibility to the new main gate.

-Announcement for 2016 coming this Thursday or Friday

-Season passes go on sale this weekend, renewals will still get a bring a friend free in 2015 as well as a free Fast Lane to be used in Fall 2015

-New Dark ride is being discussed up where Timberwolf games are now (old bicentennial square) No timeline but it sounds like it's becoming more financially feasible

-Some discussion on searching Europe for old classic rides but nothing WOF specific more "cedar fair mentality" as preserving and maintaining classic rides.

-Painting Mamba is a major priority probably next 2-3 years along with more maintenance upgrades such as control system and new brakes.

This is really great news overall. I love that they're looking at a number of issues. Preserving Voyager is especially good to hear, with so many parks doing away with their flume or just not building one at all. I like flumes that get creative with their boats and don't just go with logs.

Edited by ytterbiumanalyst
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News For 2015:

Everything Will Be Released On Thursday

Thunderhawk Is Taking Its Last Twirl This Year. They Are Removing The Ride For The 2016 Expansion

Source please?


You Don't Have To Believe Me Wait Til Thursday..My Names Not This For Nothing

Wel, my name is not Insider Man, but my inside sources tell me that the new additions will not be near thunderhawk.

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^Social Media and the park's website

Any links? I might be an idiot but I can't find it..

Park website: https://www.worldsoffun.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorldsofFun



Just wondering, is it confirmed by the park that there will be an announcement on Thursday? I scrolled through their Facebook page and I couldn't find anything.


EDIT: Their new stuff will probably be here: https://www.worldsoffun.com/what-s-new

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^Social Media and the park's website

Any links? I might be an idiot but I can't find it..

Park website: https://www.worldsoffun.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorldsofFun



Just wondering, is it confirmed by the park that there will be an announcement on Thursday? I scrolled through their Facebook page and I couldn't find anything.


Sorry, I guess I'm having the same struggle as you. I know where the website & social media is, I just meant I couldn't find anything to do with announcements on them. My bad!

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News For 2015:

Everything Will Be Released On Thursday

Thunderhawk Is Taking Its Last Twirl This Year. They Are Removing The Ride For The 2016 Expansion

Source please?


You Don't Have To Believe Me Wait Til Thursday..My Names Not This For Nothing



Were you at Coaster mayhem? If not you really shouldn't be talking. They said nothing about the removal of Thunderhawk. Thunderhawk is having one of the least bit of trouble (topspin) wise at any cedar fair park. It's staying. You may have gotten confused because they eventually want to see a dark ride back in that AREA but not replacing Thunderhawk. It would replace some of those unpopular games.

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I also know it's staying because the park has already purchased a new motor for the ride. And that is NOT cheap. They have also gotten replacement parts from Dorneys Hangtime. Hangtime was removed because of a crack in the gondola. The crypt at kings dominion is having a similar problem. And at knotts they are rebuilding the whole ride. Why are you an "insider"? What have you gotten true insider information on? Until you can tell me I don't consider you a legit source.

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Not sure what being at Coaster Mayhem has to do with anything. News can be obtained without going to an enthusiast event.


You're Likely going to get more answers at an event than what you would on the midway.


What about behind the scenes? Will you still get more info at Mayhem or directly from the people who would know?

Chill bud, it's not that big of a deal. If "Insider" knows something, who cares. It's not worth getting worked up about it


Others on here, myself included, know what is going to be added. Who cares! The announcement is coming Thursday and then we'll all know.

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