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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Is under 90 days, a "Season" for some smaller (or larger) parks?

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from the sound of the description on the PNE Website which can be found here:




it sounds more like the HUSS Giant Frisbee as the XXL from what I've heard doesn't go as high as 120' but I could be mistaken, I haven't seen those rides outside of America for the most part except for when WCA used to bring something like that to the PNE.

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You are mistaken XXLs do go up to 120ft. You confused me when you said "For those of you wondering what the new ride Playland is getting, it's the Giant Frisbee by HUSS" because it sounded like a confirmation to me.


Here is a picture of the seats from what I believe are Playland's XXL at the factory in the Netherlands:


The seats being black with a bit of green seem to match the style of Playland's from the artwork we've seen. I think the only other XXL KMG are building this year is Apres Ski XXL and the seats on that are pink.

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Nov.20 - 2013...


It's being reported at IAAPA that the PNE will be replacing their HUSS Frisbee with a KMG XXL to debut on Easter of 2015.


This was several pages back in the thread.

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great, looks like I won't be going onto this one either, considering KMG makes their restraints smaller than the Spin Out and I've gained some weight since the last time I went on that one I doubt I'll be going onto that one unfortunately, but I wish it'd have been a Giant Frisbee because those are so much cooler than this one, and they don't hurt as much as this one they're getting.

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Forgot that the one I was thinking of was La Revolucion at Knott's Berry Farm and that was made by Chance Rides, not KMG, I wasn't able to get on that one over there because the restraints on Chance Rides for some reason are more restricting than European Ride Manufacturers for some reason, I remember being able to get onto the Spin Out when I was around this weight so hopefully this one will be the same as the Spin Out, course my only gripe is that the restraints on these rides are super hard and feel weird, almost like a Carbon Fiber or some other dense material. This one isn't as wild as the Spin Out so hopefully it won't matter too much, and considering Playland usually butchers good rides by running it at speeds young kids will like, they probably won't be running it like you see on YouTube.

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yeah I know that but they made it so that only somewhat skinny people can go onto it, something like 275 pound people and lighter can only get onto it, but the weird thing is that for the most part when it comes to European Restraints like HUSS, KMG, and some Moser Rides I didn't have much problems when I was pretty heavy it was always the American Restraints that I've had problems with, some, not all, but rides from Chance Rides I've always had problems with for some reason, so there's that small chance I might be able to get onto the KMG XXL because the restraints are pretty much identical to the Spin Out which I believe is a KMG ride.

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Just want to say to Playland, I love the cycle that AtmosFEAR goes through, as of last season.

The Final DROP down to around 20 feet above ground, is awesome! Almost a free fall while

circling above. I honestly thought we were going to crash, it was so swift and fast.


Please do it again this season? Thanks in advance.


Last August, PNE shot. Great flat ride. Good ride cycle with great ending! (o:

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Just found a few retro photos, off the PNE's BLOG. They show in the first shot, the original Mad Mouse that used to arrive every year without fail, for our annual fair, The Pacific National Exhibition (PNE, last two weeks of August). The second and third shot show the eventually redesigned MONSTER MOUSE, that added track and more thrills, during the PNE. These were probably taken in the early 1960s.


And... I do not like AT ALL the "new versions" of this classic ride, and wish somebody would remake the original, with up-to-date technology, etc. IMhO this original version is way more thrilling, than what I am riding nowadays. And while I'm at it, what about the ZIPPER too? That could use a renovation, into something totally awesome!


The original mad Mouse layout - with a go kart track in back, at the PNE.


The Monster Mouse, which in this shot, doesn't really show that much of it...


...Until you look to the right of this overview shot of it. It was a great "add-on" to an old favourite.

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And from the "What The Heck Is That?" Dept...


A retro photo, from the PNE BLOG, taken during Playland's early days.

This looks to be about late 1950's, early 1960's.


Our old beloved Shoot The Chutes was right behind

this....thing in front....in the luvie duvie shot.


And they're STANDING too!

A precursor to the (sitting down) Music Express, perhaps?


Pretty neat way to have a PNE Date, circa late 1950s.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The park needs more larger, modern rides like this. Their star attractions are an old (but undeniably awesome) woodie and a horrible outdated vekoma corkscrew that is nowhere near as fun as it looks in Final Destination 3. I did read somewhere about the owner talking about some giant 5-year expansion plan that involves the removal of several rides and the addition of more modern ones, so I guess this is the first ride in the plan.

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^ My blue sky hope would be for an El Loco to replace that corkscrew.

Should fit the footprint pretty neat, I'd say.


And actually, it's a 13 year plan, the PNE announced...




But they could be speedy, and cut a few years off, lol. Not likely.

And let's hope the (reported) $80 million (Cdn) for all of this, is well used.

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^knowing Playland/PNE I wouldn't be surprised if they do decide to buy crappy coasters, or maybe they'll simply buy $40,000,000 worth of kiddy rides or buy some great flat rides but run them at kiddy ride speed like they do with most of their flat rides now it seems, minus Atmosfear which is kinda decent.

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And from the "What The Heck Is That?" Dept...


A retro photo, from the PNE BLOG, taken during Playland's early days.

This looks to be about late 1950's, early 1960's.


Our old beloved Shoot The Chutes was right behind

this....thing in front....in the luvie duvie shot.


And they're STANDING too!

A precursor to the (sitting down) Music Express, perhaps?


So, this would be a "never again" in the U.S. and Canada?

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I was near the park, early this afternoon, so before the rain really starting coming down, I

managed to snap a few photos from outside the gates.


And, now I know where everything moved to! The Beast took Crazy Beach Party's spot,

CBP moved over to where Music Express originally stood, ME just moved over and took

Scrambler's spot, and the Scramble is up at the front of the park, taking up some

of the asphalt area by the Log Flume ride....easy!


Walking up to Playland's main entrance...I see it!


Better view of where The Beast is set up. Good old Coaster to the right.


Closer shot, with a bit of Playland's "theming".


Then I saw Crazy Beach party in the back of the park.


And here's where CBP now sits, with Music Express literally beside it. Blue pole is part of the swinging Pirate ride.


Last look at The Beast, from the side, before heading on my way.

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