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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Playland's 2025 Season Starts on May 17th!

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(translation: A final look at the) Chinese Festival Visit was mainly in the "Concert Bowl" area of the PNE, where nightly concerts play.

With a minimal crowd there when we were there, the taking of photos was pretty easy. I could back up and include the whole

display, rather than waiting and jockeying for position, so that no crowds of young ones were bolting in and out of the frame.


We knew this was probably the case, when crowds of people were coming in as we were leaving! The obvious best tip for one

of these 'events,' was the same as some theme parks - arrive early! The pace was much more leisurely, and we didn't feel

crowded in at all, the whole time we were there. Including taking photos!


After finally seeing all of the displays, statues and such, we went into a tent set up for "Sales." Unfortunately, there was nothing

to buy that connected to the Festival itself (not even post cards? ), but I did manage to find and buy a couple of things.


And then there was the "dinosaur parked outside," mainly for kids to get on and have photos taken. I tried to get on it for a shot,

but the height between the plastic stool and the "saddle" was too much for me to deal with. So I "sat side saddle," lol. And when I

was doing that, people started getting attracted to where we were. After I got off it, there a small queue already lined up with

kids and adults, wanting to do the same.


All in all, it was a great different kind of holiday event to attend, and we definitely want to do it again next year, if they have a

few new lanterns on display. We won't expect the whole setup changed. But a few new lanterns placed here and there would be cool.



Wow! A BIG Dragon!


Ha ha! I will eat all your fortune cookies!


Once again, a display that isn't Holiday-ish. But DINOSAUR...ish.


A second entry way arch. Probably for people who worked there.


Lilies and Lanterns.



Peace Doves. They were changing colours like a lot of the displays.


Close up on a few doves.


The Sea Scene!


Complete with jelly fish and sharks!


"Totems" on either side of the performance stage. I didn't take any photos of the stage.

It was pretty ordinary (read: boring), compared to everything around it.


Christmas Scene #3.


This was really something to see.


And close up, the detail was amazing!


Butt of Dragon.


Inside the "Sales Tent."


No real "souvenirs" of the event here.


But the candy sculpting was really cool to watch.




Heading out.


A look back at what we'd just seen.


Some sponsors.


Back to the archway entrance. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!

Edited by Nrthwnd
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AHA! Turns out I was right (again) about next year's Season Passes still being offered at a discount....


This Boxing Day Special rate on Season Passes is only available online. Season Passes will be available for sale at retailers in April 2018. The Boxing Day promo pricing expires at midnight on January 21, 2018. Pricing includes applicable taxes.


Still, it's nice to know there's still a bit of a discount on this. http://www.pne.ca



Shhh. Coaster is sleeping until May, 2018. (o; (A postcard, taken several winters ago.)

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^ I would have liked one too, but the queue was so *&%@^*# long! In the c-c-c-cold!

However, when we returned home a bit later, and I tucked into a spiced rum 'nog.


Very tasty.


Add a bit of Bailey's,

and we're all set! (o:

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  • 3 weeks later...

From the "And When The Snow Was Here" Dept...


http://www.pne.ca just posted a great photo of their annual Farmer's Market, which is held every Sunday,

through the winter. During our massive dump of snow in early November, somebody caught a great shot of the

Market "in action" with all the beautiful stuff overhead. And the PNE site posted it.


Just beautiful. This is actually between two main PNE buildings, as you enter the PNE grounds.

Hard to believe there would be a Prize Home at the end of this pathway. (o;


The corridor between the Market Place and the Garden Auditorium, is the start of the Farmer's Market!

From the 2015 PNE Map. BLUE STAR is actually from (roughly) where the photo was taken!

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  • 1 month later...

From the "Not Quite Playland But..." Dept:


BCplace Playdome has come back to BC Place! They skipped us last year for some reason or other, but they're back

with a big selection of flat rides, games, food, all under the roof of BC PLACE Stadium! Through Easter Weekend!


For tickets, prices and info: https://www.bcplace.com/events/2018/playdome-2018


My plans are to visit it, on Thursday, March 29th, around 5pm. Ride and take some photos.


EDIT: Just bought my one day pass online, for that Thursday, woo hoo!***





*** And I turn 65 years old, the day after I'm at Playdome! Not too bad, hmmm? (o;


They even have a DARK RIDE this year! I am hoping it's not the one from the PNE - Haunted Mansion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm heading out, later this afternoon to take in PLAYDOME for a couple of hours.

The weather is rainy and generally miserable looking. But that's okay, because this

is all indoors, woo hoo!


The food I am concerned about, because of this post by them...


No outside food or beverages are permitted into BC Place Stadium. A wide selection of menu items will be offered at the concession stands and on the fair grounds. Items include hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, popcorn, mini donuts, wiggle chips, slushies, etc.


But - But - no CORN DOGS???


I will find out about this, eventually.

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First of all, Happy Birthday To ME! I turned the "elderly age" of 65 today, but not before

paying a visit yesterday, to the annual PLAYDOME that happens every Spring Break...except last year.

Didn't happen. Don't know why. Whatever the reason, it came back, I bought a pass for yesterday,

and went to see if the rides lineup is a good one.


Not to mention whatever foods and drink I might find as well. The weather was lousy with rain outside,

but that didn't stop a mob of people being there.


And I got just a few rides in, ones I was only interested in. Like the ferris wheel.

Still scares me to death, lol. But it was great finally riding one, after not riding one for several years.


BC Place Stadium - where I was headed.


Terry Fox Plaza. He's a Canadian Hero. Amazing kid who gave so much.


Where everybody goes in. And then moves down...


The walkways....


Walking two-four floors of this....


It wasn't till I was ready go, I discovered an ELEVATOR nearby, that I could use. And I did!


Up ahead there.


Quick look to see that corn dogs were NOT featured here.


Didn't find corn dogs anywhere else in the place.


Three Fun Houses" you could walk through, and be thoroughly worked out, in.


Turned out the Haunted House from the PNE made it here, too. I rode it. Still cheesy, but a bit of fun.



Rode this. Nothing like girls screaming to an '11' while inside - and echoing my ears off!



Simple, but still efective in scaring a few people, myself included. Great indoor stadium view.


In case they think you can't read small print.




And what would any carnival be without Mini Donuts! (To be continued...)

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There were plenty of games to try, food and drink to enjoy, and plenty of benches for parents to sit on,

and watch their offspring go nuts in the DOME. Here's the rest of the photos I took....


Of course I couldn't resist a ride on the Carousel....


Which actually had some coloured lights on it, besides the STARK WHITE LIGHTING over most of it.





And I got a ride in, on the ZIPPER! Man, I hadn't ridden of these in ages! And it was great fun.


Sideways, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!






Oh look, a Larson Lo.........Fireball. :p



I just noticed that there were no rainbow lights across the top of the stadium.




Heading out of the place, via elevator, I passed the BC Place Suite.

Couldn't sneak a peek of it inside. The windows need some cleaning, LOL!

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^ Thanks! This is also a good deal, when you consider Playland won't be open till May.

And I got 6 rides in, so that wasn't too bad for myself. But, I wish it was darker when I was

there, as it looks a lot better in the evening, when there's no sun shining into the Stadium,

and the rides' light packages really pop and shine brightly.


And there will be corn dogs a-plenty, when the PNE gets going in mid-August.


^^ Thankfully, it doesn't get as intense weather-wise over here, as it does east of the Rockies,

to the Maritimes, lol. We get rain, grey skies, and sometimes freezing temps. But not as much

snow (that often, thankfully) or ice storm conditions. Being dry while on rides is nice, though.


And "weather-challenged" is a great way to describe myself too, LOL!


Speaking of corn dogs... this is one stall I skipped at last year's Fair.

Hopefully this summer, it will be back at the PNE.

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First of all, Happy Birthday To ME! I turned the "elderly age" of 65 today, but not before

paying a visit yesterday, to the annual PLAYDOME that happens every Spring Break...except last year.

Didn't happen. Don't know why. Whatever the reason, it came back, I bought a pass for yesterday,

and went to see if the rides lineup is a good one.


Not to mention whatever foods and drink I might find as well. The weather was lousy with rain outside,

but that didn't stop a mob of people being there.


And I got just a few rides in, ones I was only interested in. Like the ferris wheel.

Still scares me to death, lol. But it was great finally riding one, after not riding one for several years.


Happy Birthday, YOUNGSTER! Celebrate! Glad you got on the ferris wheel. (You DO know that for every revolution it goes BACKWARDS, you grow one year YOUNGER?!)


P.S. Goodness gracious, the PLAYDOME menu sounds waaaay too American in its selections! Hot dogs, hamburgers and fries, Oh My!



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...(You DO know that for every revolution it goes BACKWARDS, you grow one year YOUNGER?!) ...


...And that's why they invented the ROCK-O-PLANE!


As for the food/drink selection...yeah it was pretty maxed out at the Nth Level of all things carnival food.

But there WAS Poutine, and Beaver Tails, and a number of things with Maple Syrup on them. Or in them. (o;


This is my fave version. It definitely shows it's Reverse Ageing Travel Capabilities. R.A.T. for short. :p

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...(You DO know that for every revolution it goes BACKWARDS, you grow one year YOUNGER?!) ...


...And that's why they invented the ROCK-O-PLANE!



As for the food/drink selection...yeah it was pretty maxed out at the Nth Level of all things carnival food.

But there WAS Poutine, and Beaver Tails, and a number of things with Maple Syrup on them. Or in them. (o;


This is my fave version. It definitely shows it's Reverse Ageing Travel Capabilities. R.A.T. for short.


NW -

(I MUST try the R.A.T! Altho...after spinning...then I'd be a pea-green colored TODDLER!)


P.S. I ALMOST asked you "where was the Poutine on the menu?".....but then I wondered if it was mainly an "Eastern" Canadian goodie!



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...(I MUST try the R.A.T! Altho...after spinning...then I'd be a pea-green colored TODDLER!)


That's why (spoiler alert?) the cage part in the front is padded, so that when you (want to) devolve to being a little kid, if you slip out of your

minimalist seat belt, you'll hit a padding, start crying and screaming, and ride op will then know to get you out, get taken care of, and get you ready

to start growing again...and then they get the cage ready for the next one of us wanting to be a "bit younger" again.


(Hey, call it a backstory, hmm?)


Other than that....you'd then be young enough and GREEN enough to be a fill-in baby for the musical "WICKED", lol!


And POUTINE was indeed served at this carnival as well as our annual fair, The PNE. It started as a staple snack food in Quebec, then just headed West in popularity. It's as popular here in Vancouver, as alllll the f-ing SUSHI BARS we got in town!

Not that there's anything wrong with that ~ I/we SUSHI!


Here's our "around the corner" spot for poutine. Voted #3 of Best Poutine In Town on

"Somebody's List", heh. http://www.belgianfries.ca Lots of varieties of poutine there.

Awesome fries and dips, too.


One of the big poutine spots at our PNE in mid-August. Great fries and toppings which = Awesome Poutine!


Here's where I go for my routine poutine fix. (o; On Commercial Dr. at 3rd Ave.

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...(I MUST try the R.A.T! Altho...after spinning...then I'd be a pea-green colored TODDLER!)


That's why (spoiler alert?) the cage part in the front is padded, so that when you (want to) devolve to being a little kid, if you slip out of your

minimalist seat belt, you'll hit a padding, start crying and screaming, and ride op will then know to get you out, get taken care of, and get you ready

to start growing again...and then they get the cage ready for the next one of us wanting to be a "bit younger" again.


(Hey, call it a backstory, hmm?)


Other than that....you'd then be young enough and GREEN enough to be a fill-in baby for the musical "WICKED", lol!


And POUTINE was indeed served at this carnival as well as our annual fair, The PNE. It started as a staple snack food in Quebec, then just headed West in popularity. It's as popular here in Vancouver, as alllll the f-ing SUSHI BARS we got in town!

Not that there's anything wrong with that ~ I/we SUSHI!


Here's our "around the corner" spot for poutine. Voted #3 of Best Poutine In Town on

"Somebody's List", heh. http://www.belgianfries.ca Lots of varieties of poutine there.

Awesome fries and dips, too.


"A GREEN fill-in baby for the musical "WICKED"" ?!! Yes! I want the part! (Baby's first intro to the Casting Crib.)


Am fascinated by all the Poutine selections you have in town! I've only had Poutine once -- on a ski trip to Mont Tremblant. And ALL the on-mountain eateries served tons of Poutine - but it looked nothing like the awesome varieties YOU have. It kinda looked like savory Pablum in a cup -- tho quite tasty! Almost addictive.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Three weeks until PLAYLAND opens!




Good Retro Times ~ Me and KC, the Playland mascot. July 2009.

(After returning home, from the TPR 2009 Scandi Tour.)


Fast Forward 8 Years ~ The Bear Remains The Same. (o; The PNE 2017.

(After I'd visited CoasterMANIA! in Cedar Park, last June. )

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to Playland's Opening Day, today....


Coaster wasn't open; Corkscrew wasn't open; Crazy Beach Party wasn't open; and Hell's Gate not only wasn't open, but partially dismantled.


I mean, WTF? Opening day, and I find out "parts are needed" for Coaster. I nearly asked them, "Well why didn't you get the parts like,

a month earlier? Or any month between October and now? When the park wasn't open?" But I didn't. It was still sad to see, and there

wasn't even their usual board outside the main entrance, saying which rides weren't operating.


I'm going back tomorrow, when the arcade and food stalls are open (usually at noon). I hope.




Sign of The Day, today. )o:


Not only was HELLS GATE not operating today, most of it wasn't even there! )o:

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Here's my first day of Opening Weekend at the park. I went on only three rides while there: Westcoast Wheel, Gladiator, and the Mean Girls Pink Tilt-A-Whirl, which got me a little bit queasy. I hadn't ridden one since Bert and I rode the one in Cedar Point. Somehow, all by my lonesome self, I managed to get my car spinning a good number of times, which surprised me AND the ride op, who watched me do it, lol! That was fun.


Not all food vendors were open, except White Spot, a couple of the usual stalls (popcorn, cotton candy, apples and drinks), and one of the Fundunkers Mini Donuts stalls. But that was okay. I was going to check everything out tomorrow, including the Arcade when it's open.


Only the Height Chart Board out in front, I saw.


New sign up, to get more family business.


Ah yes.


But. But. But.......


On the Westcoast Wheel. The Beast was swinging nicely.


Nice mountain view, as always on this kind of day.


Was just sittin' there.


What's this? What's this?


Huh. They added three rides to the park. Here an Octopus....


...There a (very) Pink Tilt-a-Whirl. And an Alien Abduction in back.


But Keepers Doll Factory unfortunately, not open at this time.


Corkscrew getting screw......worked on. (o;


So, where's the rest of Hells Gate??? (To be continued...)

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Mean Girls Pink Tilt-A-Whirl, which got me a little bit queasy. I hadn't ridden one since Bert and I rode the one in Cedar Point.


and that was a quest to ride too, as it was down with one thing after another, and we kept going back to check since I wanted to ride it


glad you had fun, even tho only 3 rides were really going that you wanted to ride!

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