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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

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^ Well, I certainly enjoyed that Tilt-A-Whirl, waaay more than this one. While running, it was like, continually "bumping along", something I've felt on coasters, before. But never on a T-A-W. No matter. Today, I didn't ride it. I should have listened to it, to check if it still 'sounded' like what I felt yesterday.


No matter. Today was a much bigger improvement over Opening Day. Three rides, including Coaster, were still down, but that was okay. All the arcades were open, and I was surprised that practically all of the food stalls were open as well! Including White Spot, Pizza Pizza, and Fundunkers. I got to do my first rounds of Ice Ball at the Quarters Arcade, starting my build up of tickets through the season, for a bigger, better prize or two.


Here's where I get the bus to get to the park...#14 Hastings. One bus, no transfer needed!


And here's where it lets me off...


...Right opposite the park! Great!


And there's the sign that should have been out, yesterday. But today, now we know what's not running.


Including this one. Eventually I'll ride it.


Arcade is OPEN!


My Play Arcade.


With all the prizes that are available, right now. Most of them will be gone by season's end.


Corkscrew was running, so I took a ride on it. Not too bad, actually.


I got two rides on Bug Whirled, which was fun.


Revalation was running, all the time I was there.


Crazy Beach Party still down for the weekend.


Time for a ride on The Wheel.


The mountains above, and the PNE Race Track below.


To be continued....


Edited by Nrthwnd
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The rest of the photos I took, today....






Going doooooown.


This is the REAL "Tilt-And-Whirl"! (o;


Many, many food stalls open today.


Token Alien Abduction ride shot. NOTE that child in front, was given back to Earth. :p


The main entry into Doll Keepers Factory is here. I wonder if they're planning to

open it again for this season, rather than just the PNE in August. Stay tuned...




Fright Night's newest haunt house's facades still up. Lazy staff. /o:


Nom Nom Nom!




No, THANK YOU for making it a really good Opening Weekend! (o:


My first $1 drink (Barq's Rootbeer) and my first tickets from Ice Ball

- in my Surf Lounge (plastique) Glass, thanks Cedar Point! (June,2017)

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Hellevator was a blast and a drop. It has such an interesting sequence now. It basically combined the launch mode and the drop mode in to one round. You get launched upward first and drop back down to the half way point and bounce back up to the top. You stop at the top and it does the usual drop sequence. Playland also really should get rid of corkscrew and replace it with a new ride! *Cough* RMC Raptor *cough* *cough*

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^ I'd rather have an El Loco in Corkscrew's place. And be the first park in Canada to have one.

And while riding Corkscrew yesterday, I could definitely see an easy "fit" for one.


(Picture this in Corkscrew's place, with the mountains behind it.)


The one I rode at Flamingoland. Named MUMBO JUMBO. TPR 2010 UK Tour.


I loved this part of it.

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^ I'd rather have an El Loco in Corkscrew's place. And be the first park in Canada to have one.

And while riding Corkscrew yesterday, I could definitely see an easy "fit" for one.


(Picture this in Corkscrew's place, with the mountains behind it.)

Well true, but I feel like a Raptor will be a main star attraction and attract a lot of people to come to this park and it will be first of it's kind in Canada

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^ Well.....if we're dreaming, let's have BOTH of them, then!


My First Signature Martini at PlaylandNIGHTS+19 last summer. It was held only one night mid-July.

The place was slammed and a half! So there's 6 dates available this late June-July which is great! (o:

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~ Happy Mother's Day! ~


To all you mothers, moms, mamas...and all muthers in general.


The day was very quiet, Coaster was still SBNO (same for Crazy Beach Party and Hells Gate, too), but it was a brilliant sunny day, everything felt more 'casual' about riding and just taking it all in. And there were several mothers there, taking their families to the park, and just being Mom.


And since I was sad about waiting to get my annual Onride Coaster Photo taken, I did the next best thing.

And rode the Kettle Creek Coaster for this year's Onride Pic, lol.


Oh well, lots to still enjoy while here.



AtmostFEAR has it's own Special Events Tent! This also becomes one of the bars during PlayandNIGHTS+19.



This colour reminded me of those Rose Pink Minnie Ears, available at the Disney parks.


Nice wooden Adirondack chairs to sit in and cool off, with. They sit elsewhere during the PNE.


Great view of Corkscrew's lift hill.


...And the second inversion.


Photo Bomb!


Looking below Alien Abduction here...


....I spotted two relics of the past....telephone booths.


A Mountains View.


I think this was added to take the place of the down flat rides. As was Alien Abduction and Tilt-a-Whirl.




New Face Painting booth. A bit smaller than the set up before, but it looks nice and "woodsy.".


My Annual Onride Photo - Kettle Creek Mine Coaster ~ Mother's Day, 2018 ~ I look like I'm having a seizure. (o;

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HA! So I finally checked my online ONride Photo of me on Kettle Creek coaster,

last Sunday But - the actual photo was 'bigger' than what I got,

in hand. Hmmm. Seems they did a bit of "cropping", lol. So now my Caption is:


"HOT DAMN! I just saw me Overhead BOOBS, comin' down that dang coaster hill!"


Hee hee hee. Waiting for a meme, ANY meme! (o;

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"Sad New of The Month" Dept....


I just came back from Playland, and having asked at least four people who worked there,

(including a higher up who was walking around the park)... COASTER is not likely to open

until......early July. It's all about parts, etc. etc. etc.



Oh well, I can go back again and again and eventually ride Coaster. But for those of you in the U.S.

close to us, or anywhere else actually, who were planning a June visit to Playland, be forewarned.

It could open earlier, and I am hoping that it does that, and then I will post immediately, but for now... SBNO.




Same goes for Hells Gate and Crazy Beach too. SBNO, for now.

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heh, I know they film the CW superhero shows in Vancouver, but I perked right up tonight on Supergirl, when several characters went to an arcade -- in what was clearly Playland.


so thought of you, Bill.

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^ Thanks and yeah we PERKED UP too, when we saw the whole scene happen, lol.

And ARROW keeps having major intersections and bldgs of town popping up from time to time, too.

And The FLASH, as well LOL. Busy town for CW tv series.


Add to this, Supergirl herself, Melissa Benoist is headed to BROADWAY,

to take part in "Beautiful: The Carole King Musical"... as Carole King!


And SUPERNATURAL, too. Go Winchesters!

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^ Movies and tv loves this city! And PLAYLAND too, LOL!

We (supposedly) also have the best "non-descript alleys"

a lot of producers/directors and networks LOVE about it, too.

They can turn them into any place/time/city/country they want to.


The fact that Playland is so generic (truth) in it's layout (practically a

rectangle when you look at it's map)...it's really simple to redesign a small

area of it, to the film/series' liking....easy!


Last year's Playland Map.


The "Supergirl Does Broadway" plug. And only for two months, to early August. Then she comes back to YVR, to be Supergirl again!

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Meanwhile, at the park today....


Just in case you forgot.


And now, there's a no-see-through fence set up, which also now closes the mini-golf. And Coaster Dogs.

There are containers behind it, so the parts they're waiting for, could be for the lift hill/brakes.


Busiest I've seen the games in a while, which is great for business. btw, #1 (farthest away) won this game. (o:

This game is also opposite (to the right) of the Arcade where the recent "Supergirl" scenes took place in and outside of.


Hoping to ride ya in (early) July!


The swamp boats ride, called Gladiator, for some reason.

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New in Playland this season! Where there used to be a mini-grandstand opposite AtmosFEAR,

there's now a few self-charging, charging stations available, with seating. And a bit of shade.


Very cool idea.


The big planter is kind of bizarre looking, in the middle, there.


Charge 'em up!



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From the "Well, Whaddya Know," Dept.....


The higher ups have posted a full explanation why Coaster and two flats aren't operating at this time:


During the off season, 3 of our rides (Hell’s Gate, Crazy Beach Party and Wooden Roller Coaster), have been undergoing routine maintenance. However, with many parts custom manufactured, suppliers have been slow to deliver required parts. This has meant that our rides are behind in their maintenance schedule and will not be operational until late June/July. The PNE takes our guest experience very seriously and so to ensure a very good experience within the park, the PNE has brought in 3 additional rides to ensure guests have ample ride opportunities (Tilt-a-Whirl, Octopus, and Alien Abduction).


Update: we expect that the Wooden Roller Coaster will be operational by mid-to-late June.


Follow us on Twitter/Facebook or sign up for our email newsletter so we can keep you posted as to when we expect Hell’s Gate, Crazy Beach Party and Wooden Roller Coaster to re-open.




I think they're working towards getting Coaster (and the flats) up and running by the first of their 6 PlaylandNIGHTS19+ happening, Friday June 22.


Here's hoping. And thanks for the explanation, Playland(PNE)!

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Just found this retro photo, from Playland's early days in our annual fair, The PNE.


From the 1950's, and it made me realize that, at that time, the Ferris Wheel was a

Big Enough Thrill for amusement parks and fairs. Our current Coaster, didn't

really open till the end of the 1950's (1958 to be exact). So for thrills and chills,

they needed three of them to keep the crowds happy and moving along.


You can also see four (one's almost hidden behind the middle wheel) iconic neon towers that were

spread throughout Playland, and parts of the PNE grounds, I believe. But mainly, in Playland.


Three Ferris Wheels in one midway! From Vancouver Archives.

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heh, I know they film the CW superhero shows in Vancouver, but I perked right up tonight on Supergirl, when several characters went to an arcade -- in what was clearly Playland.


so thought of you, Bill.


I remember seeing it on a Flash episode a few seasons back as well. The Star Flyer was very visible. Coaster was hiding though.


A shame to hear that Coaster has been down to start the year, but fortunately it sounds like it'll be back up and running in a few weeks. If I ever make it to this park, it'll likely be around Labor Day so I can also tie in the Washington Fair to get that elusive wooden coaster.

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^ Yeah, this is quite the seasonal area for getting coaster credits, lol.

And of course, riding some really good coasters, too.


Hope you get to ride them all, both sides of our border, eventually.


***And they're posting "mid to late June" for Coaster opening.


Another Retro Shot: The Towers lit up, during the PNE. They also had their own lighting pkg. which was cool to watch.

Vancouver Archives photo.

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Went back to the park today, to check and see if there was

any ongoing work with Coaster, for an eventual opening...


I see a lot of new railing there. Guess that needs to be updated, as much as the track and structure, itself.




Also noted.


It's Free! It's Free!


It's Empty! It's Empty!



Only a few putting around, here.


Soon, soon.


Oooooo dead Coaster wood!


Workers. And that's all I got, for now.


More clouds will be coming in by tomorrow. Then.......thunderstorms!!! (EDIT: They never came.)


Lineup for entry into the weekend all-day concerts being held. Hee hee, they're gonna get SOAKED tomorrow! :p


Food trucks ready and waiting...and the bar, too.


Crazy Beach Party (Baywatch) is still missing it's main parts.


And speaking of missing parts....




It's sooooo fluffy!


Guess what this is for?


Parts of The Body = Pay The Price.


Future PNE Face Painting Booths (twins!), opposite Bug Whirled.


Somebody just won himself a GI-normous rainbow poo!


And speaking of rainbows. Do you see an elephant, too? Or two? More?


High above the Triple O's of White Spot.


The Beast chomps down on The Light!

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Not only was Playland starting it's daily schedule today, but Surprise! COASTER was OPEN and RUNNING!



And I ran into TPR member, Stefan/VGplay, from ClevelandOH (and of the TPR 2011 Japan Tour!),

who "took a chance" on Coaster being open, having just returned from an Alaskan Cruise with his folks.

They were leaving the next day, so he thought "why not" and took the chance...Winner Winner!


And after his and my visit, I helped him get to my fave poutine spot, Belgian Fries, which he had already found

on the net, and wanted to try some good poutine. I hope he enjoyed what he ordered.


While waiting for the bus to get to the park. And I have no idea what BIA stands for.


First thing I saw: AtmosFEAR is stopped, just hanging there, not moving. Oh dear I thought, those poor riders.

But - whatever they needed to do, it was done, and everybody got back safely to earth, lol. And it was still

running alright when I left, so I guess that 'hiccup' was taken care of quickly. Good for them!


Yay - Open Daily!


omgomgomg - what's this? No "Wooden Coaster" on the sign any more?


Yes, yes yes!




I ended up riding it four times, which is a lot for one visit for me. (o;


Pre-PNE set up for Win A House! Win A Car! tickets' sales.


Grey skies and overcast, but the screams are the same.




Hmmm. These "future face painting booths"....


...appear to have refrigerator units there, now. Maybe for the PlaylandNIGHTS+19 perhaps? Multi-purpose!


Still not reassembled or running, yet. "Help" indeed.




A Mountain Peek.




Final shot - and it "amost" goes fully upright.

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Great photos once again of PNE Playland. I really need to travel out there sometime to visit Playland and ride the classic Roller Coaster. It looks like an amazing wooden roller coaster! Also, the ride collection they have there looks phenomenal for the size of the park. By the way, BIA stands for Business Improvement Area.

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^ Thanks. It's really a rectangle of a park, with not a lot to photograph in it. But, I do try my best, lol.

I visited it today, in it's first week of daily openings. Temp around 1pm was.....27' C = 80.6' F !

Very very hot for us, here. And the Arcade was the only real shade in the place. Still, I got three rides

on Coaster, played my usual rounds of Ice/Skee Ball, bought some fudge. Which was almost melted by the

time I got home on the bus. I reshaped it, and put it in the fridge = good as new, lol. And good, too!


It was a fine, though really hot, day.


And now that Coaster is running daily....


...I guess that's it for these three flats. Too bad. I wanted one ride on Alien Abduction, at least.


The Chairs are back! Eventually, they'll end up in another part of the PNE grounds, during the annual Fair.


Have a birthday? Want to work here? Part of a group? They got FLYERS & INFO. for you!

At Customer Services, right there as you enter the park. And the Playland Map, too. (o;


The slightly-melted, re-shaped and re-fridgerated....fudge!

Pralines and Cream. It was delish. (o:

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So I went back today, to the park...


...and I found that while I was gone, The Giant Oh-Canada! Chairs had kids!!!


Today's Slice of "What The Fudge"....fudge: Blueberry Cheesecake! (o:


Great fudge selection ~ right beside the Haunted Mansion!

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