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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Playland's 2025 Season Starts on May 17th!

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A very quiet HAPPY CANADA DAY! at the park earlier. I couldn't believe how small the crowd was, there.

Maybe because the holiday is on a Sunday this year, so people are going away for the whole weekend,

plus Monday? I don't know. But I only rode Coaster twice, because we had to keep waiting for people

to show up, to fill the train! Their standard "minimum" is 12 people out of a max 16. Still, for the

second ride, we waited literally ten minutes for anybody to show up. That's when I decided I'd

had enough, and we headed home.


Before the park, we hit the annual Canada Day Picnic, outside the community centre where David

does his lapidary work with his rock and gem club, there. Good sized crowd today, and lots of

stuff for the kids to do and play with. And eat and drink. An excellent Canada Day, indeed!


(Pardon for the so-few amount of photos in this post. It was sunny, no real crowds, why bother taking pix?)


On the grounds beside the East Hastings Community Centre.


The Rock & Gem Club booth - giving away free rocks to the kids.


Two bounce houses! We were impressed. There was hot dogs for sale, too.


Nearby, the neat kids' "water fountain" was going.


The little red pole at the back is where you turn on the waterworks.


There has to be some kind of musical soundtrack to all of this! (o;


At the park: David and me on the West Coast Wheel. Note the lack of crowds, below us.


A fuzzy Wheee!


A dumb shot.


Got the dollar refill popcorn; David got some mini donuts; and today's Fudge is..... London Fog. wtf?

Haven't eaten it yet, but it smells like lemon and poppy seeds. Stay tuned....


I also picked up my first Ice/Skee Ball prize of the season. Sparkly Snake!

I was born in The Year of The Snake, so it only seemed right to get one, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Happy 60th Birthday, Coaster!


Great article via CBC news on it https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/pne-s-wooden-roller-coaster-celebrates-60-years-of-thrills-1.4733579


Still going great guns after 60 years! I took this shot of it in 2015. Lots more taken, since then. (o;


Way back when. Photo from Vancouver Archives.

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We had a real heavy rainfall/downpour a couple of days ago, but that all cleared up, the sun's come out,

and it's been a pretty great week so far, weather wise. So today, was my day at Playland, taking several

turns on Coaster, and enjoying a rather non-crowded afternoon. Not many groups were there, so

the masses of colour co-ordinated t-shirts was nowhere to be seen.


I also ran into a TPR touring friend of mine, David. He was with friends also enjoying the day there.


Same two flats, still down for maintenance.


One train running.


And it's the purple one!




All adults on the water gun game. Always a Winner!






View from the Wheel.


Close up.


Downtown Vancouver.


Going down.


David and friend on AtmosFEAR.


Up they go.


Round and round, higher and higher. I feel dizzy.


Some shade in the park!


...Right by the Kettle Creek Mine coaster.


Now who doesn't love fudge?


This piece I got is called: "What Do You Bean?" Truth!

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Friday The 13th ~ Sunny day, light crowds...and a Car Crash!


I spent a couple of hours at the park today. Really hot and sunny, so shade was needed, as was water. But the crowd

was so light, I could just meander around, sit in some shade, use the water fountains, enjoy the park and it's noises.


And then - after 5 rides on Coaster, and buying popcorn and fudge to take with me, I headed home on the bus.

Got off at my stop, and found police everywhere in the intersection, and two cars having had a Big Collision.


And this crash happened just 20 minutes before I got to my stop! Timing, huh?


Hmmm. Crowds must be down during the week.


Bunny Hop #1


We Have A BIG Winner!


Well, the disc is attached, now. Getting there.






Close up.


The view.





Looks like a big picnic is going to happen down below.


After getting the popcorn and fudge, I headed home on the bus....


...to this. The intersection of East Hastings St. and Victoria Dr.


What hit it. I didn't see the drivers (or any occupants) around, so I hoped everybody was okay.


What got hit.


Hmmm. Wonder what flavour it is? :p


...Oh yeah. Here's the fudge I bought.

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Well, I was at the park today.....without the camera.


But I did get a popcorn refill, and I did get some more fudge.

And I ended up riding Coaster 6 times in a row, too! I was proud of that.

And won a good-sized bunch (69!) of Ice Ball tickets, as well.


So here's the pic of the popcorn and fudge.....


p.s. Going back on Friday, with the camera. Need some new Coaster shots.


The popcorn and the fudge: Birthday Cake... with SPRINKLES!


For those who aren't too sure... Ice Ball is Skee Ball! With a much shorter "bowling lane," too. (o:

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This was just posted at Screamscape.com ...


Park News - (7/19/18) The expansion of Playland will have to wait a little longer, as the local government has not had the opportunity to properly review the plans. Apparently now they wont have time to do so before the October election so a full review of the plans needed to get final approval wont happen until sometime in 2019. Follow the link to see some great concept artwork and new maps showing off how the park will be expanded and transformed to have themed lands as well.


Here's the link location to this news: http://dailyhive.com/vancouver/pne-playland-theme-park-expansion-2018

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Another Day, Another 6 Rides on Coaster...


Arrived before noon today, and got six rides in on Coaster. Then, strolling around the park,

trying to find some interesting photos to take, etc. It was actually a pretty easy not-too-crowded

kind of day. I mean, there was only two of us on Hellevator, and I was by myself on my

side. Great view facing north, btw. And even AtmosFEAR had to wait a few times for "12 riders"

(their minimum) to show up, for it to run a cycle. Such is a day here, some times.


Then, it was a popcorn refill, some more fudge, and my day was done!



Purple train, today.


Noted. But for $27 per pizza??? Nope. Not from my wallet.




....The rest of Hells Gate is over here.




Bit of cloudiness, today.


Can still see downtown.


Eatin' some tail....Beaver Tail.


Closed up. Maybe not re-opening until the PNE in mid-August.


Looks like "the kids" are behaving.



Yes, there is a fountain in Playland. It's theming!


Hidden in the corner of the park, by Corkscrew. Noted.


After being bandaged up, this is what I would/could see from First Aid.


And if I stuck around long enough...


Future Dark Ride. I hope.


After getting off at my bus stop, I remembered to take some photos of this.


Made by a friend of ours.




And Today's Fudge ~ Mint Oreo. I could smell the (probable) fake mint when I unwrapped it.

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THIS JUST IN! Actually, a bit of history first....


In earlier years, there used to be a GAY DAY at Playland, usually in July, and

on a Saturday, prior to the Pride Week held in Vancouver, culminating in the annual

Pride Parade. This year it's Sunday August 5th, for the Parade.


But Gay Day at Playland fizzled out a couple of years ago. Nothing of it happened again.


Until now.. https://www.pne.ca/thefair/ways-to-save/


And on that page:


Out at the Fair Day – August 30, 11am – Late


Purchase Pride socks at Vancouver Pride Weekend events or the Fair Gate at Hastings & Renfrew streets, and get into the Fair for FREE!





http://www.pne.ca ~ http://www.vancouverpride.ca


A past Gay Day at Playland ~ 2014.


Just bought my annual PNE Pass. Good for 6+ visits (re: $7 per day, per elder)

to visit the entire two weeks' Fair. But I also need a new pair of socks, so.... (o; YAY!

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Hot Day in the "Frozen North".



Yes, we get those hot, hot OMG-HOT days here, too. Thankfully, not as bad as it's been in either Eastern Canada, Japan,

and probably most of Europe and Eastern USA. But when it happens here, it's very intense, and as humid as other places now are.

I do hope everybody is coping okay, in these intense weather systems we now find ourselves, in.


That said, I only got a couple of rides in on Coaster. Even standing in the shaded station, it was really in need of one of those

mist-blowers they had back where the outdoor areas were. One IN the station would be really super nice, Playland take note?


But I also played my Ice Ball games, did a turn on the West Coast Wheel (most of today's shots are from it), and just before

heading out, the usual dollar popcorn refill and some fudge. 100 grams worth of...





Purple train's in the "reverse curve", there.


Not overly crowded, today. Must be the heat.


Train's in the first ....uh......screw, there.


Inner Workings.


Right side of the tree.


Left side of the tree, with the tree.


Close up. I love these mountains, especially when there's snow on them.


Take The Tunnel! And....they did.


Buh bye!


Culture Shots #2.


Culture shots #1. On the way back home.


And Today's Fudge: Chocolate Peanut Butter. (o:

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The Yellow Train Rules!


Today, they decided to give the purple train a rest on Coaster, and brought out the yellow train,

which hasn't been used much this season, so far. Definitely during the upcoming PNE itself it's

used, but not much this time of year. Whatever the case, it was out, so the majority of my

photos today is of 'it'.


Forgot to mention... I went through three IceBall games, before a) It finally worked and/or b) It finally gave out tickets!

It was so freeky how FAILed the first three reacted to my quarters, and playing. The games attendant and I laughed,

when it happened the third time....and later after my fourth machine worked, and I'd left the Arcade,she found me and

handed me a bunch of prize tickets for losing two dollars on two machines, etc! Very cool of her to do that. I didn't get her name,

but want to commend her to Operations. So I'm heading back on Sunday, and hope to find her there and get her name, somehow.


Some kind of "game" out front of the Gate. Sponsored by CTV! Whee.


Yellow, yellow ~ Yellow, yellow...







And that's it for Yellow Train!


Another AtmosSHADOW.


(possible forest fire) Haze Over The Mountains.


My view from here.



...And Today's Fudge: Raspberry Cheesecake.

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Just wanted to chime in to say that I’m thoroughly enjoying these TR’s I really hope I can one day get to this place sand experience Coaster, as well as the rest of the park!

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^ Thanks! And yeah, I'm pretty sure Coaster will last for another 60 years, if they keep taking good care of it,

like they have in the past. And who knows? By the time you finally make it out here, they may have

already begun the expansion and renovation plans (new rides and new coasters, see below) they're hoping

to start by next year, pending city (finally) approval blah blah blah.


In this old proposed design, they put way more coasters in it, than I think they actually will.

And the original, current Playland Park space, sits to the left of Coaster, there.

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"I Didn't Know There Was a Blue Section!"


This morning, I was determined to get to the park as it opened, and then just marathon Coaster for an hour.

Since I turned 65 back in March, I wanted to do this little "challenge", of riding Coaster as many times in the

season, as my age. Simple, right? But, Coaster wasn't open until the end of June, so I had some catching up

to do. And I don't go to Playland every day it's open, so I have to "bunch up" my rides as I've now been doing.


Today, I had the satisfaction of riding Coaster 10 times, bringing my season's total to 50 rides. Pretty good

for my old body, lol. After an hour, and ten rides, I called it a day, and rode other rides in the park.


I did get a little surprise from the ride op of Gladiator, asking me..."Sir, could you ride in the Blue Section?"

For a second I had no idea the three sets of ride vehicles actually were in colour groups! Red, blue and green.

Things you learn every day, right?


Because I was there between 10 and 11, the games weren't open (they open at noon), and my What The Fudge

shop wasn't open till noon, as well. But they did have a popcorn stand open at the front of the park, so I got

my dollar refill, and headed home.


A morning coffee to get me going.


Opening Day crowd, 10 am.


Once again, it's the Yellow Train!




In front of me.


...And in back of me.



Taking the tunnel.



The Blue Section.


The Green Section.


And the Red Section of Gladiator.


Tilt-A-Whirl and Alien Abduction were both back open.....


...So I decided to try a ride on AA - my very first time on it - and my probable LAST time on it, lol.


No mountains seen from West Coast Wheel, today.


Starting to set up for the annual PNE fair.


Tented tables for Games and Gambling.



Looking towards Burnaby....


...and downtown Vancouver...


and Burnaby.




New buildings going up as fast as they can build them!


omg - What The Fudge is Closed!!! - until noon. (o; I was there between 10 and 11am.


Like I said, gambling tables are normal here during the PNE


One last look at Yellow Train, before heading out...


...but not before noting the First PNE Prize Home/Car/Cash stand open for ticket sales!

Edited by Nrthwnd
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PNE looks fun. Does PNE get any additional rides during the fair or is it just what they normally have?


The PNE brings in West Coast Amusements who fills out the ride selection with a bunch of travelling flats.

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^ I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but to myself, "a bunch" is not what keeps showing up year after year

during the PNE. Last year's fair, for example, we had a second scrambler, the lame (IMhO) Haunted House dark ride,

a second but much shorter Starflyer, a round up, that thing called Orbiter (see photos), and three flats that are

already here, because of Coaster not opening until mid-June: the Octopus, Tilt-A-Whirl, and Alien Abduction/Starship 3000.


Also, most of these brought in flats don't really sit in Playland itself. They sit on the perimeter of it, and within what's called

Celebration Plaza, home of a giant tented bar, Rib Fest, another performance stage...and a few flats.


There were also two walk-thrus that are staples here every year: Mardi Gras house (mirrors and slides) and Toon Town, both

of which (other clones of) I have seen in much better condition at other parks. And a small children's flat (flying helicopters?).


I really don't consider it worth the $$$ to pay to enter the Fair, deal with several thousand people everywhere, and then wait in

lines without shade (if it's that sunny and hot which it has been in the past) for flat rides, you could easily, practically walk on,

during Playland's season, before the Fair, or in the weekends in September, after the PNE closes. And you pay a higher Ride Pass

at the PNE than you do during Playland's season.


I do however, keep my options open, for buying single tickets, if by some great chance, they bring in a really new flat ride

that's unique and (probably) able to scare the pee out of myself, lol. That ride, I would buy tickets for. You can buy individual

# of tix for one ride. But not tickets/pass for everything else. Only the Orbiter, which is a relatively new flat for WCA still,

although it's been at the Fair for at least four years now. I would consider buying tix for Orbiter, at this time.


^^ Your choice I understand. But mid June through July would be much better to enjoy what's here already. And West Coast Amusements

in my Not So Humble Opinion, keeps bringing back old, OLD flat rides that are about ready to be trashed. They really need to "up"

their selection. The Orbiter is a good first step.


Prices for everything at the PNE (entry tickets, ride passes, deals etc.) : http://www.pne.ca


Orbiter - pretty purty, hmm?


The shorter StarFlyer with Orbiter.


Oh yeah, this too.


The kids' Heli Ride.


This thing. I predict they will bring it back. Whee.


Round Up



Actually, all of these flats and "houses" look much better at night with lights glowing.


These three are already in place. Maybe. Could be moved for other flats. We'll see in a couple of weeks.

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^ I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but to myself, "a bunch" is not what keeps showing up year after year

during the PNE. Last year's fair, for example, we had a second scrambler, the lame (IMhO) Haunted House dark ride,

a second but much shorter Starflyer, a round up, that thing called Orbiter (see photos), and three flats that are

already here, because of Coaster not opening until mid-June: the Octopus, Tilt-A-Whirl, and Alien Abduction/Starship 3000.


Also, most of these brought in flats don't really sit in Playland itself. They sit on the perimeter of it, and within what's called

Celebration Plaza, home of a giant tented bar, Rib Fest, another performance stage...and a few flats.


There were also two walk-thrus that are staples here every year: Mardi Gras house (mirrors and slides) and Toon Town, both

of which (other clones of) I have seen in much better condition at other parks. And a small children's flat (flying helicopters?).


I really don't consider it worth the $$$ to pay to enter the Fair, deal with several thousand people everywhere, and then wait in

lines without shade (if it's that sunny and hot which it has been in the past) for flat rides, you could easily, practically walk on,

during Playland's season, before the Fair, or in the weekends in September, after the PNE closes. And you pay a higher Ride Pass

at the PNE than you do during Playland's season.


I do however, keep my options open, for buying single tickets, if by some great chance, they bring in a really new flat ride

that's unique and (probably) able to scare the pee out of myself, lol. That ride, I would buy tickets for. You can buy individual

# of tix for one ride. But not tickets/pass for everything else. Only the Orbiter, which is a relatively new flat for WCA still,

although it's been at the Fair for at least four years now. I would consider buying tix for Orbiter, at this time.


^^ Your choice I understand. But mid June through July would be much better to enjoy what's here already. And West Coast Amusements

in my Not So Humble Opinion, keeps bringing back old, OLD flat rides that are about ready to be trashed. They really need to "up"

their selection. The Orbiter is a good first step.


Prices for everything at the PNE (entry tickets, ride passes, deals etc.) : http://www.pne.ca


Well you basically confirmed what I said by "a bunch" haha! They really do bring in a bunch, but I never did say they were worth it


The last few years that i've gone to the PNE I haven't done any rides, just the fair food, drinking, shows etc. The rides are too busy.

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^ Yeah, that is true. Your "bunch" is my "several" LOL. And like I said, I will only ride a new ride if it's a) NEW and

b) Unique, etc. And buy the individual tickets for it. I think Coaster is '10 tix' by the way. Must check on that when the fair opens.


I did enjoy watching everybody else go crazy in Playland, from the Ride Side Bar in Playland itself. It's only open during the

Fair, and the Adult Nights they've held, and Fright Nights. Great little bar, good staff, and great front views of humanity with

big stuffed POOPS, LOL! A really fun place to just people-watch in the midway and carnival games.


Ride Side Bar, renamed the SANITARIUM, during Fright Nights, 2017.


Like I said. Taken at the Ride Side Bar, my last day at the Bar (and the Fair) during the PNE.


The Ride Side Bar during last year's PNE.

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Dragons are coming to the PNE!

Lost World of Dragons - NEW!


Garden Auditorium | Open Daily | 11am – 10pm

FREE with admission


"For thousands of years, one magical, mythical creature has captured the hearts and imaginations of cultures throughout the world. The Lost World of Dragons celebrates the wonder of dragons and gives visitors of all ages the thrill of seeing them brought to animatronic life. Visitors will be immersed in the stories of dragons, which appear in the lore and history of nearly every region and culture, from Norway to ancient China, where the creatures were revered and regarded as a symbol of good luck. Interactive displays invite visitors to engage all their senses. Photo opportunities include “Smaug’s Lair,” where visitors are eyed warily by the beast nestled in piles of gold and treasure."




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Every year, the advertising dept. of the PNE tries to come up with new and interesing campaigns

to "sell" Playland. This year was no different, but they didn't put as many paper ads up in usual

places like bus stops, or our rapid transit stations. So it was very hard finding them, this year.


Nonetheless, I copied these 3 images at the PNE site, which sort of gives you an idea of how they

advertised the park, before the Season started...




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Knights of Valour - NEW


Agrodome | Daily | 1, 3, 7pm during the PNE

FREE with admission


"Prepare yourself for entertainment worthy of a King and Queen. With full contact, un-choreographed, real live jousting, this is a thrilling show of horsemanship, bravery and chivalry like you’ve never seen before. Come and see your knights in shining armour as they ride into battle – it’s positively medieval!"


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Street of Dreams - A 360 Fabrication Classic and Custom Car Show - NEW!


Miller Drive | Open Daily | 11am – 11pm during the PNE.


FREE with admission


"There is something nostalgic about classic cars, custom hot rods, trucks and bikes.


Walk the Street of Dreams – a classic and custom car show is unlike anything else you experienced. This invitational exhibit is not your Sunday cruise. Stroll through Vintage Lane to see timeless classics given a new lust for life; eye up the hot rods in Camshaft Court, housing enough power to rip rubber from the rims. Lifted Lane will contrast the low-and-slow at Scraping Pavement Pullout. Cruise by the ‘muscle’ on Three Second Stretch, all alongside two-wheeled chrome on Pipes Place.


Street of Dreams – A 360 Fabrication Classic and Custom Car Show is an invitation-only event featuring the best of the best."


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POPnology - NEW!


Rollerland Building | Open Daily | 11am – 11pm during the PNE


FREE with admission


"This interactive, engaging exhibit makes the connection: how technology has been influenced by movies, books, television, art, and futurists. Which science fiction today will become reality tomorrow? POPnology takes us from fantasy to the reality of driverless cars, robots, drones, 3D printers – and into the future. POPnology not only chronicles our progression from science fiction to science fact, but also illuminates emerging technologies that are just now showing up on our cultural radar. Check out the DeLorean (from Back to the Future), Hal 9000, a 3D printed car, robot displays featuring Baxter, and more!"





Note: The red "See What's New!" button does NOT take you anywhere, lol. The PNE link is above. (o;

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Went and spent a couple of VERY WARM hours at the park earlier. Checking up

on how PNE setup is going, etc. It opens in three days!


Plan to hit the park one more time, tomorrow. Then, I CASH IN those Ice Ball tickets!


Hmmm. More flats down. Last minute maintenance before The Fair opens, I'm guessing.


One last Whee for today.


Mardi Gras fun house is back.


So is the Oktoberfest fun house.


Ooooo tacos and totchos!... Totchos? ...Yeah, Totchos!


That's all forest fire smoke over there, covering the mountains.


Smoky in the burbs.


A smaller wheel is sighted.


Right down there is where the Haunted House dark ride (yawn) is going.



Nice little carousel.


Bathrooms in The Mist.


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...And then I returned to Playland today, for one final ride on Coaster (before I refuse to pay more for it during the PNE), got all my Ice Ball tickets figured out for a future prize (I have 660 right now, that are good till the end of The Fair). and a few more photos of the PNE set up...before it opens on Saturday!




EDIT to add: I also rode my 53rd ride on Coaster this season (so far)! Which is great for me (and my system). But not quite #65 (my age),

the number I'm actually aiming for, this season. I don't ride it during PNE (and I still have to pay to enter the PNE). So that leaves me two weekends

after Labor Day weekend, and one Fright Night (x2) in October. So.... is this totally geeky or what???


The Concert Series, during The Fair, advertised at the Playland gate.


And speaking of POPnology... more information on the exhibit.


For the track nerds.


Purple train running...


...with a couple of TPR people in the back! They're from Vancouver Island.



Even on signs, we're so polite!




Oops. Not Oktoberfest, but a CUCKOO HAUS!


Lights were being run on these flats, but not available to ride today.


Totchos! And now we know.


Hope it's open by Saturday.



Still smoky and hazy, but a bit lighter today. Truth!


You can see a mountain or two, today. But not much more.


New Westminster in the hazy distance.


Celebration Plaza. Big drinking tent, and Rib Fest here with a few flat rides.


Lots of food trucks and stalls line up this long pathway.


The mini Starflyer is now up.


Entrance to the Concert Series for reserved seat ticket holders.



The Haunted House ride is almost put together.



Big bags of prizes down there!




Ah, my (soon to be) "Home Away From Home" during the PNE.


Meanwhile. Here's hoping it's running by Saturday. (o:


And here's Today's (What The) Fudge: Maple Swirl!


Another photo form the PNE site. Love it!

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