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"I Want It That Way"

from the Broadway Musical "& Juliet"

It's one of those "jukebox musicals" (think "Mama Mia") all based on the premise of .... "What if Juliet took the 'sleeping potion'. Then woke up to find her Romeo is (supposedly) dead. But he too, has faked his death. unbeknownst to her. BUT instead of taking the real death potion (to be with her Romeo in heaven, she thinks),ย  Juliet takes off and" .......... ๐Ÿ˜‰


Both the Broadway and the London Cast recordings, are great!

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14 hours ago, CaptainUnknown said:

So the radio station I was listening to played a soundbite that said, "sorry about your penis." They immediately played Blink-182's All the Small Things.


lol that's awesome..... sounds like someone was trying to send a message after a breakup!

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I have quite a rare taste of music, I listen to Technobase.fm at the moment and they are playing "Another world" from DJ Shog.
The style is Handsup, its like some turbo techno-trance like haha, anyone also listening to Handsup music?ย 

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Originally, I was offended by this song. I didn't listen to it for years. I believed it was yet another trending shot at Christianity. As I listened further my perception changed. I believe the song is more anti-establishmentarianism by addressing endless profitable war, control, and deception.

Although, other interpretations are the song is about drug addiction, and indeed possibly a song about Christianity. Maybe all three? I prefer my interpretation as relevant to modern times. The genius is the possibility for all interpretations and the choice of interpretation.



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19 hours ago, prozach626 said:

Originally, I was offended by this song. I didn't listen to it for years. I believed it was yet another trending shot at Christianity. As I listened further my perception changed. I believe the song is more anti-establishmentarianism by addressing endless profitable war, control, and deception.

Although, other interpretations are the song is about drug addiction, and indeed possibly a song about Christianity. Maybe all three? I prefer my interpretation as relevant to modern times. The genius is the possibility for all interpretations and the choice of interpretation.


Damn, analysis of a 23 year old deep cut off of A Perfect Circle record, impressive.


Anyways the new Johnny Blue Skies/ Sturgill Simpson record rules, I think I listened to it about 20 times over the weekend. A little bit of a departure from his previous styles, but then again he never makes the same kind of album twice anyways. There's some pretty heavy stuff in this album if you dig into it lyrically, like all of his work, but there's also some really great "porch drinking" kinda of songs. Now those porch drinking songs are still pretty heavy and thought provoking, but they're more fun than the ones straight up about love and loss.

It's a great album, probably not my favorite Sturgill album but he never misses.




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from the Original Broadway Cast Album... Water for Elephants.

Starring wonderful, sexy Grant Gustin (he of GLEE, and "The Flash," filmed here in Vancouver!).


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