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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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Looks like the new restaurant, Gator McGee's, is replacing the Mardi Gras Subway. Makes sense, that building was still vaguely Southwest Territory themed (if you can call it "themed"). Also, it does look like a new path will connect Mardi Gras to Gotham City, a very welcome change as it was a pain to walk all the way around


It is interesting they would remove the kids waterpark area this offseason... Still hoping for a SkyScreamer in 2016, so maybe two additions in 2016?

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This park still sucks but there's no doubt that they're slowly improving and that's nice to see. I loved last year's additions and this looks to be very nice too.


Plus... this makes 2 brand new coasters in back to back years! Amazing!

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Why does everyone hate SFA? Its my home park and I like it very much!

Personally I enjoy the park, but as a home park it becomes stale very quickly, especially compared to nearby parks like Great Adventure, Kings Dominion, Hersheypark, etc

The park is fighting it's way back from absolutely deadful ownership in the 2000's. The park was run down, pulled al the wrong crowds, was dirty, and overall just not a good place to spend a day, especially for families. Superman has essentially kept the park in business since 2000.


What's unfortunate is the park is in a good location in a great region for families and tourists near DC, but over the years, due to the poor reputation which the park is working very hard to change, the park just hasn't been managed and invested in properly to stay competitive (or even clean).


Since around 2010, however, the park has nearly turned a 180. They are still fighting off the poor reputation and have to deal with the conditions the park got into in the 2000's. Very little shade, a layout full of dead ends, onoy one custom built coaster is in the park (Roar), which has been cloned and just kinda sucks. Although, there have been great signs of improvement in the last few years. Apocalypse, however crappy the ride is, was a great step. The first coaster sice 2001. They've continued to invest in the waterpark, which is the bigger draw in the summer, and the past two years of additions have revamped what was the worst (or second worst) themed section of the park that was a dead end and had very few rides into possibly the best themed area filled with family rides, restaurants, and a great atmosphere.


Six Flags America still has a very long way to go to reach the same level as some of the parks I listed. They'd need significant investment for the long haul. The last few years have been a great start, though, and the park has really turned a new leaf and I've heard has enjoyed record attendance since.

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It looks no idea as rundown as people make it out to be and parts of it actual looks pretty nice(like coyote creek). I agree that its kind of annoying that they barely have any original coasters though. I hope they get some soon


I went there for the first time this summer and it was very nice. I enjoyed it very well. I could see how it could get boring though. I wouldn't return unless they got a good coaster. (My 2 home parks r kd and bg, which r both an hour closer than sfa)

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Six Flags America still has a very long way to go to reach the same level as some of the parks I listed. They'd need significant investment for the long haul. The last few years have been a great start, though, and the park has really turned a new leaf and I've heard has enjoyed record attendance since.


I know some people in high places in the park, and I can tell you that attendance is a few hundred thousand off from the "glory days." By no means is the outlook for the park poor, but attendance is still not exactly where it needs to be. In fact, 2014 experienced a small dip in attendance.


Ever since a private off-season tour, Six Flags America is actually a park I'm looking forward to visiting this summer. I have a knack for finding redeeming qualities about places many people like to criticize. Clones in all, SFA does offer a nice variety of coasters that aren't all found in parks nearby.

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Six Flags America still has a very long way to go to reach the same level as some of the parks I listed. They'd need significant investment for the long haul. The last few years have been a great start, though, and the park has really turned a new leaf and I've heard has enjoyed record attendance since.


I know some people in high places in the park, and I can tell you that attendance is a few hundred thousand off from the "glory days." By no means is the outlook for the park poor, but attendance is still not exactly where it needs to be. In fact, 2014 experienced a small dip in attendance.


Ever since a private off-season tour, Six Flags America is actually a park I'm looking forward to visiting this summer. I have a knack for finding redeeming qualities about places many people like to criticize. Clones in all, SFA does offer a nice variety of coasters that aren't all found in parks nearby.

Exactly; it's important to take the park as it is without expecting something like a Great Adventure or even a Kings Dominion.


As for the attendance, by "glory days" I assume you mean around the turn of the millennium when SFA was expanded far too rapidly. Considering what they must've invested then and what they have the last few years, I'd say it's perfectly reasonable to expect attendance won't quite be there yet, though I think it could with a few more solid additions. What I meant was the last couple seasons versus the rougher days, the mid-late 2000's when the park was absolutely ignored.


This park has done a fantastic job is improving what they've had and filling in holes where they're lacking. Their coaster line up is very diverse for a park with almost exclusively clones and only nine coasters. An RMC coaster, however possible it may be in the future, could put this park on the map for sure, along with continued improvement and a few more quality additons/upgrades.


I'm excited for the future of this park.

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They should remove mind eraser, give it to great escape, and replace it with a B&M invert. It would look so cool because of how close it is to the path. ( And yes I know there is literally a zero percent chance of this happening)

Plus if Six Flags wanted the great escape to have an SLC I'm sure they wouldv'e gotten the one that went to La Ronde.

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They should remove mind eraser, give it to great escape, and replace it with a B&M invert. It would look so cool because of how close it is to the path. ( And yes I know there is literally a zero percent chance of this happening)


Why would you wish to inflict an SLC on another park?? I totally agree with removing it though, SLC's are wretched.

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^ SFA is my home park. All I care about is if it gets another B&M. Six flags is never going to spend any money on great escape otherwise so it might a well get it.


as much as I love Batman: The Ride , if Six Flags was to ever build a B&M Invert for one of their parks, I hope it would be a custom layout.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why does everyone hate SFA? Its my home park and I like it very much!


Me too^^!! My daughter and I went well over 20 times last year. We have a meal pass; we use it quite often . They added a snack this year. They messed up with that (sarcasm). That means funnel cakes and Rita's Ice for no charge! That alone is worth the meal pass. I spent a good amount on funnel cakes last year. Mydaughter is going to burn the place down when she finds out that water attraction is gone.


Does anyone know if they pushed back opening day? Schools around here are making up a snow day on the 2nd.

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One person that is supposedly in the know (ear to the ground) tells me that this 'is' a quiet year on purpose @ SFA. Tells me that the same may be true for 2016 ,not including a tide'em over type attraction. Something serious is supposedly in the works for 2017.

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^This wouldn't surprise me at all. 2017 would be Wild One's 100th, but I assumed that if that were to be a focus, it would just be a re-track and fresh paint. Maybe this project concerns the other wooden coaster and a special company making its way around the chain

I still think the park could use a Skyscreamer though. And sorry, what do you mean by "tide 'em over"?

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Wish I knew! Bourbon st fireball is a tide over. Bet I'd still have fun on it though. I tried to get him to give more info, but he balked. He did put out there that depending on attendance this year, the park may get a mid level water attraction or a popular flat. I'm not sure what mid level is. I wish he would just tell me. He has been just as vague the last two years too. Was right on though! He basically told me two years ago that SFA would get another ride transfer (Rajin Cajin) and a flat (flyers). Last year he told me that there were some infrastructure changes coming and a common ride (fireball). Don't know what infrastructure he's talking about; maybe wrong on that one, unless he's talking about those eating establishments...don't know.

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Well, I appreciate you posting the info! If you hear any other rumors, you know what to do

It is a little unfortunate how slowly this park is improving. I'm not complaining by any stretch of the word, but for a park that is so much better than it was five, six years ago, I can imagine the park could do very well with just a little more capital. It's just a lot of off-years that make a decent impact -- what can they do with more than a couple million in a year?

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