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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Interesting stuff abounding: (From KeystoneThrills- with many thanks)


LaMarcus Bros updated their site with a 'log-in' section. The first known password is goldenRod85- which will bring you to a download of a spreadsheet from what looks like AFW (Remember the first clue from before the Research Studies?).


Another person figured out a phone number- and recorded the voice mail from Fred O'Connell Plumbing and Drain- which was quite interesting.


Either way, a third party has now been opened in this campaign.


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There is a phone number listed near the bottom of that spreadsheet in light grey. Calling it reaches a voicemail box. I created a subtitled version of the voicemail message, which you can see below. A transcript also follows. Some things to note:


  • The voicemail password is 0852#
  • The first two voicemails are from Rocky LaMarcus and Jan Van der Velde.
  • The last voicemail from Fred O'Connell's wife asks who is singing the song in the backgroud. Is that a clue?
  • Products listed in the last voicemail include glazed apple danishes with nutella and vienna bread.
  • The Jensens (sp?) have plans with the O'Connells.
  • Can anyone understand what toy might've been left in Fred's pickup?
  • The name Carina is mentioned (presumably a daughter of the O'Connells or the Jensens). Carina happens to be the name of a constellation as well.



Hello, you have happened to reach Fred O’Connell at the design firm of O’Connell Plumbing and Drain. I invite you leave a message which should include your name and surname, which company you are with, and precisely what we can do for you. Thank you for taking the time to contact O’Connell Plumbing and Drain, and please remember to always live life by design.

Mailbox? #


Please enter your pass… 0852#

You have messages that will be autodeleted within 24 hours.

Message 1 will be autodeleted. You have two new messages.

Message 9. New. Received today at 11am.


Freddo – Rocky. Listen, we’ve got solid air footings over this thing, so you guys are good to go. There’s still an outside chance we hit some last remaining air-rock, but as far as major variables are concerned you can unleash your people.

I've seen the plans and gotta hand it to you partner, it's classic O'Connell Plumbing and drain.

What a skyrush dude, hats off my friend. Call Me.


Good day Mr. O'Connell, This is Jan Van Der Velde, Director of Comp... [silence] at AFW.

I've now left you several messages with specific requests regarding your work with RIT and LaMarcus Brothers.

Specifically, Mr. O'Connell, I need to know about your involvement with Hersheypark.



I love this song. Who sings this?

Oh, hi hon. Hey, if you haven’t passed the store yet, could you pick up some glazed apple danishes with Nutella

and the Vienna Bread that Carina likes?

Hey, I made plans with the Jensens(?) tonight, and just wanted to be certain that girls have something for dessert. Love you, bye. Oh, and a dozen eggs too. Thanks Fred.

Hey! Shoot!

Hey is [something] in your pickup? If so, would you bring it when you get home? Thanks, love you, bye!.

Edited by ahecht
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I think with the current spread of colours we're close to finding that out... but there's something about the local locales of each organization that's making me think we've got another buried clue along the way...


I'm also thinking there's another anagram, too- as in the initials of each company might be a clue in that as well:


R.I.T. L.M.B. O.C.D (And if there's a fourth, well... who knows???)

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The source codes have found to be similar to the RIT and LaMarcus websites. Not much on the website yet though.


The source code has little more than a google analytics script. It's hard to call it similar to the other two, especially when the other two are so different themselves. I'm pretty sure one was put together with dreamweaver and the other may have been hand-coded or made originally with google sites. Not that any of that matters though. The only thing tying it to this campaign at this point is the nameservers, which are the same as the la marcus bros site.


Trying to look through all of this campaign has given me a headache though. As interested as I am, I think I'll have to pass on any more analysis of these sites and just wait for the announcement

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The source code has little more than a google analytics script. It's hard to call it similar to the other two, especially when the other two are so different themselves.


The line from the google analytics script contains the account id and it is the same for all three sites. The only difference between the sites is the site id number.


RIT: UA-21784032-1

LMB: UA-21784032-2

OPD: UA-21784032-3


Google analytics will throw an error if you use a site id that is not registered. So, all three websites are administered by the same group, therefore they are related and confirmed to be part of the "game".

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It's gone full tilt boogy today- HP's got bumperstickers up EVERYWHERE from O'Connell Pluming and Drain- featuring references again to the #12, plus MANY other interesting phrases. Also: Nantimi appears to be back folks- as there's been some passing references more updated recently to the site.


Here are the pics, posted originally by Walter White (From Facebook's HP2012 page)








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The Guggenheim reference is to the Guggenheim museum in NYC. A large tower was added to the classic Frank Lloyd structure, making it look like a gigantic toilet, complete with 'flush handle' balcony at the top of the tower.


Nothing to see there, move along please.


(However, with as much publicity as they're putting into a new toilet structure, I sure hope they're awful purty when they're done!)

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An interesting post from CoasterBGW at Keystone Thrills:


Do we have a name?


On 07/05/2011 the Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Company filed trademark paperwork for the name "SKYRUSH" for a products of beverage glassware, mugs and cups, T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps in Entertainment services in the nature of an amusement park ride




More documents here:




In the voice mail is the following line:

What a skyrush dude, hats off my friend.


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