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Worlds of Fun Construction - Prowler

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This from Brandon's latest blog entry.

The person does look like he is riding a coaster-hmm..

It does seem to rule out any possible doubts about a woodie- an Intamin or B&M would probably have otsr's and the seating would look different. Not like we had any doubt about that though...



This person seems to be enjoying our new attraction, doesn't he?


You will too!

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Yeah, Worlds of Fun just happens to be located in the Central Time Zone, so sorry to all you East Coast dudes, they aren't going to fit your needs and announce it at the right time. They announcement is at 11 at the park, so I'm guessing they'll announce it on the website after the announcement.

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We're watching the announcement so I figured that I would pass along some bits of info while we wait for the Prowler site to go live.


First drop – 85 feet

Length – 3074 feet

Speed – 51 mph

Elevation change – 102 feet (the ride ends 17 feet below the bottom of the first drop in a ravine).


It stays really close the ground after the 2nd hill, which goes through the lift. I'm guessing that it never gets more than 20-25 feet off the dirt.


They are keeping as many trees as possible.


This doesn't look anything like any other GCI out there. Pacing will probably be a winner. There aren't any high hills or turns for it to burn off speed.

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This looks like it will be a really good ride, and it should be a great addition to the park. I hope it isn't trimmed though, as it looks like there should be some good airtime on all the hills. I'm not saying it will be trimmed, but the trains go over those hills really fast, so I can see some trims to reduce maintenance costs.

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^I've heard Gwazi can be a bit of a rough ride.


This thing looks really good though. It almost reminds me of a mini-Beast before the 2nd lift, but with nice elevation changes and hills mixed in with the spread out, weaving turns. I'm sure Prowler will be much better at night, much like Beast, ESPECIALLY if they keep as many trees as they plan to.


Basically, looks like a winner for WOF, CF, and GCI.

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The name sucks

The layout sucks

The logo sucks

The color sucks

The idea sucks


Am I missing one?


Overall, it looks a lot like a mix between The Beast and The Voyage. I think this will be a great investment for this park. I haven't heard the greatest things about it. Hopefully this ride will change that.



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