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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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^yeah they got to ride and my supervisor kept saying sorry even though it was clearly their fault. Who cares anyways I dont ever wanna work there again


Wow, If anything, the guest should of apologized to you, they did after all instigate it. Oh well, not much can be done now. I'll leave it be now and not bring it up anymore and I agree, I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to work there ever again.




Random note, looks like I'll be visiting the park once again tomorrow. I am aware that it will probably be swamped with people but it's not like I haven't dealt with a busy CGA before. Anyone else going tomorrow? I'll (now that they've arrived) be wearing one of my TPR shirts...now just deciding what color: OMFG Orange or Classic Red. My cousin will be in her "Amazing Green" TPR shirt. So yea, if anyone's interested in meeting up, shoot me a PM.


And the permit thing, I feel a little more relaxed now seeing that some of these other rides had later dates. In all realism, I think before any announcement is made, we will probably see some activity on that permit site. I'd probably encourage everyone who's into CGA to probably bookmark the page.


Actually today, it seemed a little less busy than normal, just at our 3 rides, it was not too bad the lines for them (well Flying Eagles, that thing always has a line....) But like you noted, I'm almost sure too that it will be busy, the fireworks almost always make it that way. I'll be working the closing the shift tomorrow, hopefully it'll be easier than the last time I worked a closing shift during the fireworks (one time at Eagles, everyone for the most part left the line to watch the fireworks, but returned as soon as they ended, making the line long again and having to spend the half hour after closing clearing it out) I've made it a habit to check it too from time to time, the permit page, hopefully something will either be announced or filed on that site for a new attraction.

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I was at CGA yesterday and had the worst thing happen to me. I was waiting in line for grizzly for the back row when an employee came up behind my friend and I. (thank goodness for the little wall) But he put his hands on our shoulders and then put his head on my other shoulder, asked what my name was and then sniffed me saying,"You smell like a man." I felt so violated, the park doesn't need this kind of attention right now. My friend and I went and reported it.

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I was at CGA yesterday and had the worst thing happen to me. I was waiting in line for grizzly for the back row when an employee came up behind my friend and I. (thank goodness for the little wall) But he put his hands on our shoulders and then put his head on my other shoulder, asked what my name was and then sniffed me saying,"You smell like a man." I felt so violated, the park doesn't need this kind of attention right now. My friend and I went and reported it.


Maybe he was joking around and trying to break up the monotony of your wait in line?



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^When I go I never drive there. I take the train to Mountain View & then the lightrail to the Great America stop which stops directly across from the park. It doesn't take that long by public transportation if you take an express Caltrain. The lightrail gets to the Great America stop around 9:45 so I get there in time to hear the National Anthem.

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Just got back from the park, met up with ABW earlier. Busy day but bearable. Flight Deck had waits ranging from 5 minutes up to 15 minutes later in the day. Longest waits I had were probably 15 minutes. I made it a point to hit up Boomerang Bay for the last time and had some fun moments...nice airtime on Down Under Thunder (and flipping out of the raft as it stopped on the exit run), nice wall time moments on Didgeridoo Falls, and a nearly empty lazy river. Firefall (Waterfall/Steamfall?) had both volcanoes working today as opposed to the 1 last weekend. Later however, the waterpark was packed so I'm glad we did it early. The parking lot also looked rather full and there were a lot of families and aimless kids running around (I had to be the eyes for them). I even caught the fireworks display when leaving Firefall and was heading out of the park. All in all, I had a great day, a nice way to spend my labor day weekend, and plenty of GP (or jeeps) to encounter.


Almost forgot to note that some Toy Factory construction was going on today. The outside halls were assembled and I saw (from 220 feet up) people placing toys on the shelves, as well as getting things assembled in the first indoor section. Last weekend, any traces of TF were nonexistent, however I saw people working on CarnEvil. Now, we have Jack greeting us once again, scaring little kids and adults alike!

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I was at CGA yesterday and had the worst thing happen to me. I was waiting in line for grizzly for the back row when an employee came up behind my friend and I. (thank goodness for the little wall) But he put his hands on our shoulders and then put his head on my other shoulder, asked what my name was and then sniffed me saying,"You smell like a man." I felt so violated, the park doesn't need this kind of attention right now. My friend and I went and reported it.

^ I don't know what was going through that guy's head but that was completely uncalled for. That guy wasn't even one of the regular Grizzly operators, but he has been dealt with.

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I went today to CGA, and it was more packed as usual. I skipped many low-capacity rides such as Delirium and Flying Eagles. After looking at the Invertigo site, it seems really good for a WindSeeker. Lately, EDIT: On Flight Deck I have seen lines just for front seat extending outside of the designated front seat queue and I have to wait in it because in my opinion the front is the best, but the 2nd to 6th rows have less than 4 people standing in line while the front has around 30 people. Plus, today I took some photos to photoshop with WindSeeker which I will post when I have the time to do it.

Edited by XYZ
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I went today to CGA, and it was more packed as usual. I skipped many low-capacity rides such as Delirium and Flying Eagles. After looking at the Invertigo site, it seems really good for a WindSeeker. Lately, I have seen lines just for front seat extending outside of the designated front seat queue and I have to wait in it because in my opinion the front is the best, but the 2nd to 6th rows have less than 4 people standing in line while the front has around 30 people. Plus, today I took some photos to photoshop with WindSeeker which I will post when I have the time to do it.

When you talking about the 'front seat' I'm guessing you're probably talking about Flight Deck? At some points yesterday, we had lines ranging from the start of the ramps to starting at the shaded area, then at one point the line 'magically disappeared' allowing us to walk right back on for another ride. However, there were still people in line for the front and 2nd rows.

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I went today to CGA, and it was more packed as usual. I skipped many low-capacity rides such as Delirium and Flying Eagles. After looking at the Invertigo site, it seems really good for a WindSeeker. Lately, I have seen lines just for front seat extending outside of the designated front seat queue and I have to wait in it because in my opinion the front is the best, but the 2nd to 6th rows have less than 4 people standing in line while the front has around 30 people. Plus, today I took some photos to photoshop with WindSeeker which I will post when I have the time to do it.

When you talking about the 'front seat' I'm guessing you're probably talking about Flight Deck? At some points yesterday, we had lines ranging from the start of the ramps to starting at the shaded area, then at one point the line 'magically disappeared' allowing us to walk right back on for another ride. However, there were still people in line for the front and 2nd rows.


Sorry, it was a typo, I already fixed it.

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Angry_Gumball... do you work at CGA or just go there often? Because it sounds like you visit there a lot and I was a little confused on whether you are a ride op.


Side note: I met someone yesterday who said she worked at CGA. It was after the TFK concert and we were being fan-tards and standing at the gate to meet the band and get autographs. She told the guitarist that she had to cut off her dreds because Great America wouldn't let her keep them. This is what I said:


Me: "You work at Great America?"

Her: "Yes."

Me: "Have you ever been to Six Flags?"

Her: "No."

Me: "Not even Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo?"

Her: "No. I live in San Jose and I don't go very far."

Me: "Well you should. Discovery Kingdom is getting an awesome new coaster next year... and come on, Great America just took out Invertigo."

Her: "Yeah, I know. I guess the chain broke or something and they had to take it out. It's too bad."


It seemed like a weird explanation for CGA taking out Invertigo, and I didn't get to ask her more about what she meant by it, but it made me wonder: do we know why they took it out, exactly?

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Angry_Gumball... do you work at CGA or just go there often? Because it sounds like you visit there a lot and I was a little confused on whether you are a ride op.

I work there as a park guest Actually, I just go there a lot. A lot of people seem to recognize me now that they've seen my face many times...even got stopped by the park's entertainment director Patrick so he can introduce himself to me.


And the chain failure/malfunction I believe is just coincidental that the ride was being pulled.

Edited by Angry_Gumball
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Angry_Gumball... do you work at CGA or just go there often? Because it sounds like you visit there a lot and I was a little confused on whether you are a ride op.

I work there as a park guest Actually, I just go there a lot. A lot of people seem to recognize me now that they've seen my face many times...even got stopped by the park's entertainment director Patrick so he can introduce himself to me.

LOL that's awesome! If I lived near a park, I would definitely get a season pass and go all the time too (theoretically that is, life tends to get busier than I expect it!).

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^Still, that's not bad. I live 1.5 miles from a Walmart/mall/any other major shopping center let alone an amusement park. I'm not complaining because we have some really nice natural beauty, but I always like to plan at least one trip a year to SFDK or SFMM. I haven't been to CGA in a long time because it doesn't feel worth the cost and effort it takes me to make an excursion like that, but I'm considering just going anyway if TPR does a SFDK/CGA weekend again next year.

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