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Darn you, Big Mike! I was looking for something to do this Saturday and would have happily gotten up early and driven to Busch Gardens! Not sure I want to trek all the way out there for two kiddie coasters, though....


Depending on my work schedule, maybe we can try to rendevouz at Freestyle Music Park this year since the hurricane derailed our meet-up at Hard Rock last year.

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I will do a recap of all the totals in a few hours!!





This is awesome, not one but TWO first time TPR posters in The Big Mike Road Show in a span of a few hours!!!!!!



Welcome everybody and see how easy it is to win The Big Mike Road Show 2009 Reader of the Year Contest for a free 1 week condo stay??



njf1003 found a Mikestery Card, put up a Big Mike Road Show 2009 Valuable Reader Banner and is already 50% of the way qualified in a matter of minutes, and with a few correct Find the Ducky guesses, the title can be yours!!!


The back log for those Big Mike Road Show Valuable Reader pins for making your first post ever on TPR in The Big Mike Road Show is getting larger and larger I better get my butt moving in making some more of those lol



Time to go to the doggy park with Lucky Dog and I will post a recap of the guesses when I get back.


See everyone in Virginia in the next couple of days!!!



Peace, Big Mike

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Hello Fantastic Friends and Valuable Big Mike Readers!!!!



Another cliff hanger contest as the votes are almost split right down the middle once again!!!



2 people guessed 1 duck.

17 people guessed 2 ducks

15 people guessed 3 ducks

5 people guessed 4 ducks

2 people guessed 5 ducks



Don't forget Round #1 when everyone guessed something else and lenaapple was the ONLY person to guess it correct, so ya never know when you play the ducky game!!



Speaking of Lena, here are the current standings after 1 week of play:


1st place - Lena 1 win


2nd place - Everyone else on TPR 0 wins



See, everyone is still in the running!!!!



Sadly, Lena is on a trip to Florida this week and missed Round #2, so whoever guesses correctly in this round will be tied for FIRST PLACE!!!



For those new to the game or just need some clarification, in order to win The Big Mike Road Show 2009 Reader of the Year Award and a free one week condo stay to your choice of many exciting destinations, all you have to do is complete 4 quests!


1. The easiest - Put up a Valuable Big Mike Reader Banner in your signature and show everybody that you belong to the coolest group on Theme Park Review.


2. Pretty easy too - Have your picture taken with Big Mike one time this year. With Big Mike traveling the globe, there are many chances to meet up and say hello! I would guess that over 200 people have already done this so far this year


Just in case you have not or want to again, here is this weekends schedule:


Big Mike Productions has set up the following schedule in Virginia for THIS WEEKEND!!!!


Thursday afternoon - Central Park Fun Land


Thursday evening - Kings Dominion


All Day Friday - Busch Gardens Williamsburg


Saturday Morning - Motor World


Saturday afternoon - Gillians Funland



Yes, Big Mike is at it again looking to hunt down brand new coasters and coasters that all the other coaster sites have down as closed for The Valuable Big Mike Readers and the rest of the TPR community!


Central Park Funland is a new place that opened up and has a coaster but no TPR coverage yet.


Gillians Funland is also new but every coaster site has the coaster listed as under construction but Big Mike's in depth investigations have uncovered that indeed this coaster is open and running and Big Mike will once again uncover a new credit for everyone to see!



So, once you meet Big Mike and put up a banner, you are halfway home already!


The 3rd quest is harder, in that you have to find 1 Mikestery Treasure Hunt Card hidden in various parks throughout the World! There are still quite a few still out there in hiding and I will recap which ones soon. I said that this is harder, but some people already have 2 Mikestery cards!


The 4th quest is this Ducky Game. There will be 15 games throughout the year and all you have to do is correctly guess 3 times! 2 games are now in the books so anyone just reading this still has 13 games left to win just 3 times, still great odds!


Now once everyone completes all 4 quests, they qualify for the Grand Prize drawing at the end of the year, and wouldn't you like to be the one who is crowned Big Mike Reader of the Year for everyone to see and also win a free one week condo stay for all your work during the year??



Now, here is the catch that helps everyone out that is unfortunate not to be able to meet Big Mike during the year or find one of those scarse Mikestery Treasure Hunt Cards:


Whoever comes in 1st place overall with the most wins in the 15 Ducky games this year will recieve an AUTOMATIC exemption from having to meet Big Mike and also find a Mikestery Card!! It is a free ride to the Finals!!!!



So that being said and the importance known, here are the FINAL results of Round #2 of Find the Ducky:



1 Ducky






2 Duckies







Coaster Palooza

The Bebes













3 Duckies












Top Thrill Dragster


Yellow Jacket





4 Duckies





Guy T. Keopp




5 Duckies







NOW, my favorite part!


Everyone is free to post where you found the duckies and argue and debate the possible duckies!


I will post the FINAL CORRECT ANSWER sometime during my trip to Virginia and hopefully I will see a lot of you at one of the parks!



Don't forget, follow up to the minute Big Mike locations on his Facebook by making Big Mike your friend on Facebook! (Mike Betzler)



Good luck to everyone!!!



Peace, Big Mike

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I don't know how to post pictures of where I found them but I can point them out in the pictures.


1. Is after the series of hotdog contest photos inbetween a Dreamland "Coming Soon!" and Yellow ATM posters hanging on a fence.


2. On the second Dragon Wagon on-ride, in the station, photo. The little beach goer is under the handle, "hold on for your life", bar of the car behind Big Mike.


3. This maybe the "ghost duck" for me. In the photo of the snake girl poster, at the bottom left hand corner. That little guy may not be there so my answer could be wrong.

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Your missing 2.


then I'm missing 1. Mr. Bebe missed the reflection Duck, but after that I'm lost too.


Thank you for hosting these fun hidden Ducky challenges Big Mike, They are a blast!


Reflection Ducky is so sneaky!

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Peace, Big Mike


Well that sucks. I was on a college trip in Pennsylvania the past couple days. I left for a fourteen hour car drive on monday and didn't get back home until 10:30 central tonight. HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED A FIND THE DUCKY ROUND!!! I'm really depressed right now...

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Hello Friends!


Big Mike coming to you LIVE from the NJ Turpike!


The trip has begun, with the 1st stop being the NEW Central Park Fun Land in Fredericksburg VA with its new for 2009 coaster and an arrival time of 3pm!


Who wants to visit a new park and get a new credit with The Big Man??


Also, Kings Dominion later tonight!



Peace, Big Mike

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^^^ We wondered about that yellow spot in the bush as well. But it doesn't seem to be big enough in relation to the lens size to be a duckie (Unless the duckie is smaller than I think and that bush is larger than I think).


The carnival duck game: I checked all around, and couldn't find any duck that had the BEACHBALL on the front left side below the bill.


Calicoasters: I think you just circled Big Mikes FACE and refered to it as a duck. He might revoke your Mikestery card for that one!!! LOL!!!!

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I just saw a rollover accident and a girl got thrown from the car and I just spent 20 minutes helping..



I will tell you about the place I was just at later tonight and I will be at Kings Dominion at 5:30 if anyone is meeting.


Peace, Big Mike.

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