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NoLimits Coaster News!

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^^ We're running out of 2013's fast. We're still aiming for this year, but you know what happens.. The instant we say yes or no, or hint at some sort of definite timeline, it slips. As always we gotta say, it's done when it's done.

Seriously. I can totally relate with this. My best projects are the ones where I'm not held to the wall by a deadline.

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That video looks amazing! I love that I totally recognized Voyage even before the full rendering of it.

The features... Oh the features!


I really love the depumper and the realtime G force display


the cV curve system is a little scary to me, since I just started learning CV modeling nad reached the conclusion I'm not a huge fan of CV curves but... I'll get used to it.



Is there any praticular reason you modeled Voyage without it's tunnels?

Just wondering.

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It's not exactly The Voyage. I was just building from memory and the layout just ended up that way. If anything it's an homage to the Voyage.


As for NURBS editing, nothing to be scared of. The B-spline for track creation doesn't just result in a smoother result over the old Bezier curves, but we think it's actually a lot easier to use. The old 'control handles' didn't make a lot of sense to new comers and resulted in frustration due to pumping. The B-spline is a whole lot more like drawing, you can just lay down points and expect a good curve. Combined with the editor tool set including the depumper and combs you can actually begin to approach FVD quality just hand building. We think you're going to like it.

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If any one was wondering why we haven't posted an update for the past two weeks we've been working hard to finish up still pushing for release. So we took some time out this weekend to throw together a lengthy preview video of the NoLimits 2 editor. The video flies by but if you pause and re-watch you can get a good sense of some of the powerful new features in the editor. Oh, and also... TIMBERLINERS!


I'm ready to start giving you my money now.


Right now.



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Is it sad that I don't even want to touch NoLimits anymore until NL2 comes out? Haha.

Honestly, it all depends for me. My main use for NoLimits at this point is to prepare track splines and export them as 3DS for use in 3D environments (essentially 3D-modeled parks). I'm not the biggest fan of the way the Construction Kit does supports, so I'm beginning to only export the track and create the supports completely from scratch.


When NoLimits 2 is released I will certainly use it for fun, but I will continue to use NoLimits 1.8 until the dev team or the guys behind FVD++ come up with a way to export track splines and rolls from NoLimits 2 as 3D objects.

Edited by A.J.
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Pre-fabricated supports include flanges. When you make your own supports the flange is not automatically placed, but placing them manually is easy. You can place beam nodes, open the supports panel, then flag that beam node as a flange. It will automatically become a large enough flange for the pipe it is attached to complete with bolts.


Yes, support beams are all measured in real units.



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^*watches video again.*


Hm. Don't know how I missed that.


The only thing that I'm probably not going to like about NL2 is that I'll have to delete all the auto flange supports for my current coasters and put them in with the new system, and I have like 40+ coasters, too.

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I'm not sure if this has been asked yet, sorry if it has as I haven't seen the information yet.


Will there be a demo available as well? I want to buy No Limits 2 but not before I can test it on my machine to see if it can even run it smoothly.

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Support beams are offered in a wide range of real life sizes with actual dimensions (8" tube, 12" tube, 6x6 L beam, etc). If the huge range of pre-set sizes don't work for your needs you can customize the size. The support sizes are accurate to real life options and real life steel tube dimensions.


Yes we will offer a demo.



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