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Theme Park Review's 4th Annual Coaster Video Contest!

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Has anyone been successful in transferring their videos to the ftp site? I woudl try, but my .avi files approach 1 GB in size! My Internet connection usually crashes if I try to upload large files.

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^I'd hate to see Robb downloading all these avi files from the ftp site. It'll probably take him a week!


I sent the mini-DV tape through the mail. I say that's the best way to go. They can capture the videos in real time and do their crazy delicious things to it so they can post it.

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^^I'm preparing a miniDV tape as well (once I get my second entry finished. Once that is done, I will mail it in. But, my DV deck has been tempermental lately, and exporting to DV seems to leave strange marks on my videos (random delays, audio jumps and more). So, I uploaded the first entry as insurance in case my deck dies on me before I can send in the tape.

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I submitted several really bad videos in 2006. Hopefully 2008 will be better for me, as this time I have a lot more footage to work with and my skills have improved somewhat. I've been looking over a lot of my old footage and noticed how bad it was back then.

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I am afraid I have to drop out of this years contest , this is due to me spending most of my spare time trying to refurbish my house so I can move in to it.


Serve me right for buying one that was built in 1849.


Good luck to this year entry’s


Nick Collins


Current state of my new/old house

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I hope my entries arrive, I will send it in the mail tonight or tomorrow. Robb, if you receive my entries on somewhere between February 2nd or 3rd, will it still be allowed? (I know the deadline is February 1st, but are g you allowing some lee-way to accommodate Snail Mail?)


EDIT: TPR has an FTP available for "normal member" access? How come I didn't think of that? *D'oh!* Anyway, what is the specific URL for the FTP?

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  Tanks4me05 said:
I hope my entries arrive, I will send it in the mail tonight or tomorrow. Robb, if you receive my entries on somewhere between February 2nd or 3rd, will it still be allowed? (I know the deadline is February 1st, but are g you allowing some lee-way to accommodate Snail Mail?)


EDIT: TPR has an FTP available for "normal member" access? How come I didn't think of that? *D'oh!* Anyway, what is the specific URL for the FTP?


One, postmarked means it was sent out on or before February 2nd, not when Robb receives it.


Two, all the info on uploading through FTP is on the Video Contest Announcement.


Three, reading is fun duh mental.

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I finally have internet in my new house after being here for more than a month and I'm slowing catching up with the TPR times. I'll be submitting some vids and good luck to everyone that enters. Hopefully this will be the best contest thus far and maybe the entries can be put on a special "Disc 3" in some Coaster Expedition Volume.


Jimmy "Holy sh*t I have internet!" Bo

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