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Lou's Year In Review: 2007


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Back at the hotel, I had to photograph one of my absolute favourite tiny little details about Japan... No, not Jeff, the umbrella lockers!


I've been upstaged by umbrellas.


How humiliating!

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After the Rapids. I'm sad because they didn't deliver: Despite 8,000 signs telling us we WILL get wet, I had three drops on one shoulder. And my hair was a mess. LOL.

Congratulations! You've gotten 2 rapids credits here, not 1. Wild River Gorge Dumbo's hard as well.


That aside, good to see another Lou update. Amusing that there's a Godzirra statue about. Since this CHAPTER of adventures is ending, you *could* retitle the tread and chronicle your further adventures. Just a thought.

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^ No Jeff, you've been upstaged by UMBRELLA LOCKERS. And that isn't humiliating, it's an amazing invention!!!!!!


I stand corrected.


Still humiliating.


So, am I right in assuming that Japan is the coolest place ever?


Quite simply, YES.

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Great trip report Lou! I also find it funny that we hardly ran into Westerners during this trip, including our time spent at Tokyo Disney & Universal. IIRC, Brian & I finally ran into a bunch on our trek to Hanayashiki Amusement Park in Asakusa. More folks should visit Japan, language barrier or not. Japan is the coolest!


Mike "Me hoping there's more drop towers for Brian to conquer "

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South Korea!!!


I've been putting off doing these updates, because I know how crap they're going to be. LOL. I was not particularly impressed to be there. I don't really get homesick, but after five weeks away, I wanted a good night's sleep in my own bed, and within hours of arriving in Seoul, I didn't miss home as such, but I missed Japan!!! Korea was great, I met some lovely new people, our tour guide was fantastic, and there were a couple of parks that I really liked. Ooh, and a few damn good meals too! But the culture and the atmosphere... I missed Japan, and after two or three days in Korea I was beginning to look forward to getting back to California and then heading home. I feel the need to emphasise, I did not dislike South Korea. It's a beautiful country and I'm glad I had the opportunity to go there. But going there directly after three weeks in Japan was a bad idea. Walt Disey World one day and Uncle Bernie's the next. I couldn't help but compare, and nothing is ever gonna beat Japan for me.



All that said, and this is possibly related, I didn't take too many pictures in Korea. I don't know whether it was lack of enthusiasm but there aren't as many, and I only seem to have retained random factoids and opinions on various parks, coasters and events, so this whole section of the report is going to be vague.



After mooching around at the airport for a few hours and trying to decide whether to do souvenir shopping there and then or whether to wait until we were on the way back to the US, we headed off to our plane, via an HSBC tunnel:



Bye Bill!!! This is a terrible shot, but he's actually waving a white handkerchief in farewell, to give you the context.



We got into Seoul quite late, and pretty much just crashed. The next day we went to Lotteworld, but I remember very little from this day other than being really surprised by Le Coaster, riding the balloons with Chris and trying for literally like ten minutes to get the attention of Dave, the Alveys, Joey, and whoever else was on the ground beneath the ride, and wandering around and around with Chris (theme!) trying to find the entrance to Imitation Indy. Which by the way is like the most awesome rip-off of anything. Ever.



That night we drove to a hotel near the park for the next morning, Tongdo Fantasia, and a group of us headed down to the bar as usual. Most of us (*ahem* not Miles and Steve *ahem*) headed to bed pretty early, but it was cool to chat (albeit briefly) with Brian, Richard and Paul, as well as the usual randomness of the Japan crew.


Next morning, we spent half an hour at the park entrance selecting weird random drinks from the vending machines. Emily, our tour guide, had told us about various drinks that were hangover cures and the like, so we were experimenting. I found a chocolate soft drink (which was disgusting), and people had drinks cans which were like soup with rice and stuff in them.



South Korea is stunning, such gorgeous backdrops everywhere.



I took this picture specifically to use the caption "Hey Jahan". Bahahahaha.



The triple corkscrew actually really wasn't bad! I actually *liked* it! It was one of those rides where you just keep waiting for the pain to arrive, and when it doesn't, you're confused. There was also a family coaster that even rcdb doesn't have details of. I remember almost nothing of it except for squeezing onto it with Jeff Waters and us laughing at people.



I wasn't feeling too great this day, so a bunch of us ended up sitting out near the station whilst people were finishing up on the Fantasia Special. I think George wanted an ice cream.

But unfortunately we couldn't find any food places open. I was dying of starvation for some reason this day, but it was worth the wait for food for what I was about to witness when we did eventually eat!!



Every park in South Korea must have a Disney style castle. It's a rule.



So, after wandering with Jeff for a while... Jeff, seriously, did we do ANYTHING at this park?!?! I don't remember anything except discussing the haunted walkthrough or whatever with people and it being closed when we went to do it... And yes I was relieved about that. We rode something... Was it a flatride??? I keep thinking maybe a Condor....


Alright, I need to stop thinking out loud in my trip report. You see my point about my memory though!


So eventually we grab food from a Lotteburger near the park entrance. While we're ordering, music starts up just outside the restaurant.... Cue the beginning to the Best. Show. Ever. It's up there with anything Disney have done. Bahaha. It's very amusing, anyway.



First of all, a Michael Jackson impersonator. This guy didn't sing I don't think, just lipsynching and excellent dancing!



Next up... What IS this?! A furry Gloria Gaynor!???!



Gloria was accompanied by a fantastically talented singer with the best fake afro I've ever seen, and some other completely random dancing characters. They actually danced REALLY well considering those costumes!



I was severely confused by the whole thing.



Changeover time! Gloria is back with a new costume, there's another singer, and more backup dancers! I don't remember now what they were singing, but it was stuff that I knew, and I think a mixture of older and newer songs. It was very entertaining, we were all enthralled!



Finale time. It made me sad that they seemed so thrilled to have an audience of a dozen or so. I wonder if they perform this day in and day out, sometimes only to one or two people.



After the show, the performers go behind a screen (you can see their feet from the back, haha) to change, and then the costumes are driven away on a little truck, in full view of the audience. Disney it ain't, but it amused me endlessly!



I LOVE mountains!!



Notice the KidTums clock on the right! And what is Joey doing?! Emulating the dance moves from the show? I'm also somewhat interesting by the couple slightly left of centre.... :shock:



Later this day we moved onto Gyeongju World, where I was really ill, but I actually remember a bunch of stuff from there so I'll save that for the next update.

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Ahhhh Lou, I didn't realise you were that homesick. If I did I would of tried to help the situation a bit.


Albeit I've never been to Japan I can still understand your analogy of comparing "Disney to Uncle Bernies"


Do you remember going on the spinning ride at Tongdo Fantasia ?


Look forward to the remainder of the Korea report & wish I saw 'Fluffy Gloria' now




spinning ride at Tongdo Fantasia

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OMG that picture is amazing, Paul!!! Saved!! Nope, I'd completely forgotten that ride!! How funny.


"Homesick" isn't really the right word, I wasn't *sad* to be away from home... I think 30 days is just my tolerance level for being away, I'll likely stick with four weeks or less in future. There just came a point where I was like "hmm, still having fun but quite fancy heading home rather soon!"


Furry Gloria was amazing. I want one of those costumes. I don't know what I'd do with it, but seriously.

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OMG that picture is amazing, Paul!!! Saved!! Nope, I'd completely forgotten that ride!! How funny.


"Homesick" isn't really the right word, I wasn't *sad* to be away from home... I think 30 days is just my tolerance level for being away, I'll likely stick with four weeks or less in future. There just came a point where I was like "hmm, still having fun but quite fancy heading home rather soon!"


Furry Gloria was amazing. I want one of those costumes. I don't know what I'd do with it, but seriously.


Lou, Glad you like the pic.

Well you did have quite the worldwide trip, perhaps it was just travel weariness ?.

Mate, you should of asked for that costume after all you had plenty of luggage space

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Yay! A look at the Korea trip!


Lou, I know what you mean. I think I would've felt the same if I'd gone to Korea after Japan--that I'd been gone quite long enough.


That being said, leaving for Paris on June 20! Woo hoo!

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Next up... What IS this?! A furry Gloria Gaynor!???!



Gloria was accompanied by a fantastically talented singer with the best fake afro I've ever seen, and some other completely random dancing characters. They actually danced REALLY well considering those costumes!



The funniest thing about this part was that they were doing a song from Disney's Hercules, "Zero to Hero" I think is the name. It just wasn't that they were doing a Disney song, but the fact that they were doing it like Sister Act. I did get some video clips of the entire show.

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I LOVE mountains!!


Hold on....writing that down....


Kidding aside, always glad to see another update here. Seems the humor was turned up with Not-The-Michael Jackson and Furry Gloria Gaynor Sister Act. Well, Whoopi would be pleased, or she'd survive anyway.


Looking forward to more of this leg of your adventures.

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I love your TR's Lou. Makes me want to do an intl trip instead of just the US TPR Trips.


^Hrmm, LOL I was wondering why that seemed so familiar. Now I remember seeing her at pride while I was waiting for my friend to be Hypnotized.

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Is it me or do some of those mascots look really messed up?


They do (did). They really looked strange.


But the performance was really, really awesome!!! They were really good!!


Like Lou said, we all (about 6-8 of us) were loving it!! We just felt bad that they had to perform to such a small audience.


We also felt pretty sorry for these guys putting on these huge costumes on a really hot day.


They may have looked weird, but they were really good.




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