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The Amazing Race 12


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I was *so* excited to see Viva Laughlin canceled - cause that meant one thing - AMAZING RACE!


What a fun new season - it seems that they have gone back to the original formula of cool challenges, over the top contestants and more of the "race" aspect. I was really surprised to see as much running as there was in the first episode.


A few thoughts on the teams -

I like the older father and son - but I don't think they are going to last very long.

Goth couple = very annoying or fun... I can't quite tell yet.

Father and Daughter - might actually last a while if they keep their wits together.


Can't wait to see what happens next - god I hope the ratings stay decent so we will see a season 13!

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^ It has the most amazing donkey footage EVER. Friggin hilarious!


^^ It is a good idea to pad prime time shows on sunday by 1/2 hour due to football in the fall when you are recording on your TiVO - you can set that up in your season pass settings. Although that messed up my Desperate Housewives season pass which now gets relegated to the other TiVO so there are no conflicts!

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^ I only have one tivo, and it only has one tuner. That's the one thing i hate about the Amazing Race is that it's time gets shifted around so much.

I was frantically trying to catch up last night so i wouldn't miss much when i switched from taped to live. I think I only lost about five or ten minutes.


Still a great show. Not sure how I feel about all the couples.


Did anyone catch what Phil said at the start of the race? Does the switch from "may" to "will"be eliminated mean there are no non-elimination legs?

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A few notes...


- Just watched it today.

- They say right at the beginning that 8 out of 11 checkpoints are elimination so there will be 3 non-elimination legs.

- I HATE the fact that at least 4 teams are from SoCal...I mean seriously? Why have so many teams from the same area. 2 of them are even the same 'dating couple' team!!!

- I laughed when I made the right choice at the beginning and said "dude, take the aer lingus flight, don't go through Heathrow!!!"

- Anyone else disappointed that they started at the Playboy Mansion, but didn't do anything with it!?!?

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Goth couple will get on my nerves quick. They're already 60% there.


I was glad to see that first team eliminated. He got on my nerves right away.


As soon as I saw the BA flight, I was like "no, go Aer Lingus, Dublin is always quicker".


Donkey's are stubborn, but the two teams that couldn't get theirs to move, had no clue on how to get an animal to co-operate.


I'm pulling for the grandson/grandfather team, but I think their speed will suffer in the more physical challenges. My second choice would be the brother/sister team.

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Yay! Amazing Race is back! I love this show, probably (along with The Office) the best show on TV. Last night was great. The goth people are actually pretty good, considering how well they did last night. That asian dad is pissing me off, he contradicts himself! He says he wants to be calm, and then he goes and yells at his daughter! Oh well, I feel sorry for the daughter. I'm pulling for TK and Rachel, but I wouldn't mind seeing the brother and sister win.


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The Amazing Race has always been one of my favourite reality shows. Beauty and the Geek is the other! ha!


I can't wait to see the father/daughter team go. The dad annoys me beyond belief, and I just feel sorry for the daughter for having to put up with him.


No real favourites for me yet, I missed the first episode unfortunately so I haven't gotten a good judge on all the teams yet.

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^^ I was alos really sad to see them go. They were so loving and had such a great attitude about everything as ooposed to many other teams who just yell and scream at each other.


No real favorite yet. All the "just started dating" get way too confusing.

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I know what you mean, actually, they ran their Sunday Schedule in full. It was just 55 minutes delayed. Why they didn't fill for 5 minutes on football really makes me wonder. If they would have filled 5 minutes, you still would have got 60 minutes, but Shark would have gotten cut. I am glad I didn't work last night, but wish I would have for the overtime.

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I am so glad that there were no football overuns and i got to see the entire episode. Though it really didnt matter much since i watched it live after last week's mess. (my Tivo was sooo confused, You aren't taping this or even something else? Are you feeling ok? Did I do something wrong?)


Still not feeling the love for a few teams. Team Hernia dad drives me nuts. As does the son on Team Skuzzy Granpa. I don't think team "Bitch"'s relationship is going to survive the race.


I think I like the team that won tonight the Best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Azaria and Hendekea are gone and I am sad.


They were so strong so early, but like they said at the end of the episode, they beat themselves by making mistakes at the airport in Lithuania.


I don't know who's got it now. Don't really have a favorite in this race yet. Next episode isnt for two weeks tho due to the Survivor finale.

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So Azaria and Hendekea are gone and I am sad.



Ugh!! I missed the end this week and I was wondering who got cut!! I only had about the first half hour...very disappointing! Oh well, I was hoping they would hang in there a bit longer. He was getting on my nerves a little, but not as bad as hernia Dad!

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