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Im having a "REC Fest and watching REC 1 and 2. Just finished the first one. I have seen it before, but it was a long time ago(pre quarantine) and I can easily say it is one of the scariest films ever made. There is just so much scary things that happen, and unlike paranormal and cloverfield this movie is insanely action packed. Awesome film!


Hopefully part 2 to follow!

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Jackass 3D:

It makes me very sad to say that this was quite a disappointment.

Jackass was meant for TV, thats where it was best, in 30 minute episodes.

It should have never came to theaters, but somehow they made the first two (especially the second) work.

Like most movie franchises, however, the third did not live up.

The opening, closing and credits were great, but the rest was just sorta "meh".

I really didn't laugh that much, just some chuckles, and only one gag made me go "Holy Excrement, that was awesome!"

And this movie wont work that well at home, as alot of scenes were created just for 3D.

Cant really give it a rating out of 10...just a recommendation to see it in theaters if you really want to see it, as it wont be really that good at home.

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I saw Halloween III earlier today on TV, and it's kind of underrated. It's definately a lot better than Halloween: Resurrection.


The only good thing about that movie is the song that plays in that commercial throughout the movie. They really underestimated how powerful of a character Michael Myers was.

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Saw How to Train Your Dragon. Great, much better than Toy Story 3. Funnier and less predictable. What's with Pixar's sudden declinde in quality. Postively, it comes with an upsurge in popularity and reception.




Saw Toy Story 3 again this week, and loved it just the same. 2 thumbs way up! 5 Stars! 100%!


Second only to Ratatouille in Pixar's vault.

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^ IMHO .


I liked Toy Story 3 though. Up was bad in my eyes, though.


I saw Plague Dogs and Watership Down. Both great and somewhat depressing.


I liked Up, myself; actually, I think Pixar has been getting more daring since Cars. How many animated movies have a character die in the first ten minutes? (Haven't seen the latest Toy Story yet.)


I wasn't crazy about Plague Dogs (novel wasn't all that hot, either) but Watership Down was very good.

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I liked Up, myself; actually, I think Pixar has been getting more daring since Cars. How many animated movies have a character die in the first ten minutes? (Haven't seen the latest Toy Story yet.)


Transformers: The Movie. They killed off six or seven characters in the very beginning of that movie. It was a shock for a kid that watched the cartoons daily!


I liked Up, but wasn't enamoured with it. I really liked Wall E, and I just watched Cars for the first time last night. I liked that one too, but felt it was a bit too predictable. I haven't seen TS3 yet. But the second one almost had me in tears, so I'm expecting the worst!

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Wow, did I start a discussion! I really liked Ratatouille and Wall-E, but Up wasn't all great.


I saw Fantastic Mr. Fox again. Funny and quotable.


I also saw the Adam West Batman movie. It was cheesy but enjoyable. And who doesn't like Batman punching a shark hanging off his leg?

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The only good thing about that movie is the song that plays in that commercial throughout the movie.



^ I was thinking the same thing when I watched Halloween III a couple of weeks ago. That song embedded itself in my head for days afterwards!


On another note, went and saw 'Hereafter' last night and thought it was okay. Not really what I was expecting though.


But after we got home from the movie theater, we got to treat ourselves to 'Sharktopus' on SyFy. Just when I thought that it couldn't get any cheesier than the song in Halloween III, Sharktopus was definitely sailing the sea's of cheese...what a film of epic proportion!

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^ I agree about despicable me being awesome, and for me it is easily the second best Dreamworks Movie, but Kung Fu Panda will (probably) always be my favorite dream works animation film. Dreamworks has gotten MUCH better though, Shark Tale is pretty much unwatchable, and it is probably... if I though about it... my least favorite animated film. It wasn't funny, wasn't original, and it seemed like people only saw it cause there were like a million celebrity voice actors.

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I also saw the Adam West Batman movie. It was cheesy but enjoyable. And who doesn't like Batman punching a shark hanging off his leg?


"Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb!"


Wall-E's my favorite Pixar flick, followed by The Incredibles.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)


I'm a HUGE fan of the original film/series and had heard some questionable things about the remake. I thought the story itself was great, solid cast, etc. Had some good scares and I really liked that they didn't shy away from the Fred Krueger origin story and why he is "Freddy".


The one weak spot ... I have to say it was Freddy himself, which kind of brings down the whole movie. I wasn't expecting anybody to be as good as Robert Englund because it's just not going to happen. And I thought Jackie Earl Haley was a good choice for Freddy when I heard who was playing Freddy. But the Freddy face didn't work for me (was it CGI?) and he didn't have the "Freddy Swagger".


Let's face it, can't be a good "Freddy" movie if Freddy isn't very good. Sad too because it COULD have been really good given the cast and script they had to work with.

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^^I watched the new Nightmare and was unimpressed for the same reasons--weak Freddie and the goofy CGI "makeup." I think the lower budget and grittier look of the original movie work in its favor; the quality of the series declined as the budgets increased.

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The Reader


We watched The Reader in history class last week, quite a thought provoking film. It is adapted well from the novel, and supports the rather general view of the holocaust, in that it's perpetrators were mostly indifferent to their actions. Kate Winslet does an excellent, although not fantastic job as Hana, the same with David Kross who has made a living from portraying the holocaust. Some aesthetically beautiful scenes contrasting the bleakness of reality and the beauty of innocence between when Michael (the main character) sees Hana as his lover, and when he sees her as his obligation towards the conclusion of the film. However, i think in terms of content the film makes a vital error, in that it lets Hana off to easily as a holocaust perpetrator, almost using her illiteracy as an excuse to kill time and time again. Overall however, a great film.

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