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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I just added Behemoth to my coaster counter account, and it has officially become my 100th credit. Not a bad way to break a milestone.



Really though, it's probably something like 105 since I've been on several traveling coasters, mostly clones, that aren't listed anywhere.

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Sorry to be potentially annoying, but does anyone know if Behemoth is back up yet?


According to somebody at CWMania:


Behemoth is repaired! They've fixed the problem, and Behemoth should be operating Friday morning


Not sure how they know, but I consider them fairly trustworthy.

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Canada's Wonderland is the BIGGEST rip off park you will ever know! First they said the drop on Behemoth was 85 degrees. And now, my park insider (http://www.flickr.com/photos/clewis4u91/2457909256/sizes/l/) says that there's ERT for Action Zone on Saturday in May and June. Well well well, my visit to CW today showed how much of a rip off park this really is. They said that it was only Nickelodeon Central with ERT today and Action Zone is on Fridays. WTF?! I swear to GOD this place is going to find out!

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Canada's Wonderland is the BIGGEST rip off park you will ever know! First they said the drop on Behemoth was 85 degrees. And now, my park insider (http://www.flickr.com/photos/clewis4u91/2457909256/sizes/l/) says that there's ERT for Action Zone on Saturday in May and June. Well well well, my visit to CW today showed how much of a rip off park this really is. They said that it was only Nickelodeon Central with ERT today and Action Zone is on Fridays. WTF?! I swear to GOD this place is going to find out!


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Yeah, calm down for a second there. If that really is a mis-print though I'm sure there will be quite a few people that end up going to the park early on a saturday and being annoyed that it's the kids rides and not Action zone open early.


I still think the bigger concern is guest control getting into the park at openings. I'll see on monday if they've changed anything since the apparent trampeling last weekend.

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They have changed things. They have a group that just wants to ride other rides in Action Zone (besides Behemoth) and they have a LINE of people who are WALKED straight into Behemoth's queue a half hour before park opening.

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Sounds the same as opening day to me. They cut everyone off between Skyflyer and Poop Deck and form 2 groups there. They attempted to have people walk from that point all the way over to Behemoth in 2 phases, but it failed miserably. I'm not sure how the first group of people faired, but once the rope dropped and they let the second group "walk" towards Behemoth all hell broke loose.


It really doesn't seem like the safest and best way to move people to the rides at opening. I know they're trying to cover themselves by trying to make people walk, but even at that it's a LARGE group of people all flowing together very tightly.

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I think you mean the 400.


I really don't think the ride is visible from over 30km away.

Truth, but I live about 4km from Wonderland and I can see Behemoth from on the main road

What main road are you referring to?

I can sometimes see the ride from Rutherford and Weston if I get the right view over/between trees when I'm driving from my girlfriend's place.

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I think you mean the 400.


I really don't think the ride is visible from over 30km away.


Sorry; screwed up my highways, though it actually wasn't the 400. We took the 407 and I forgot it went further north than the 401.


In any case, I actually tried to take a picture while stopped in traffic... I got a decent one and accidentally deleted it a couple of days later.

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I think you mean the 400.


I really don't think the ride is visible from over 30km away.

Truth, but I live about 4km from Wonderland and I can see Behemoth from on the main road

What main road are you referring to?

I can sometimes see the ride from Rutherford and Weston if I get the right view over/between trees when I'm driving from my girlfriend's place.

Dufferin and Rutherford

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