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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Likely heading back on Wednesday morning for some Behemoth rides



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^ Don't forget a stock update on the dildo pens!!


And find out if anyone has bought one of those Behemoth leather jackets.

Yes! The people demand to know about the dildo pens! It will be done!


Perhaps accompanying video will be provided :o

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Not very newsworthy, but great photo accompanying the article (showing a couple people taking on-ride photos, no less):




Wonderland tells customers to hold it in, or go to the back of the line


By Jenny Wagler, National Post


Canada’s Wonderland says it will not be relaxing its lineup policy, despite customer complaints it can prevent them from using the washroom for hours.

Anyone who leaves a lineup can’t get back in — even if it’s just to use the toilet and your linemates vouch for you, park spokesperson Dineen Beaven said today.

Ms. Beaven confirmed the park has recieved a customer complaint; one man cited in media reports waited in line three hours for the new Behemoth roller-coaster before being sent to the back of the line when he left to use the bathroom.

She said the park will not review its policy, which states that anyone who cuts in line is inviting dismissal from the park without refund. The policy, available at the park’s Web site, explicitly states that the rule “INCLUDES USING THE REST ROOM FACILITIES OR TO PURCHASE FOOD OR DRINKS.”

Ms. Beaven said the policy, which she calls “an industry standard across amusement parks in North America,” is there to ensure all guests have fair access to park rides.

However, neither La Ronde in Montreal, nor Playland in Vancouver have clauses that identify bathroom runs as line jumping, according to spokespeople Martin Roy at La Ronde, and Laura Ballance at Playland.

At Canada’s Wonderland, Ms. Beaven said, employees do make occasional exceptions to the policy for “special circumstances.”

“When you’re dealing with a single parent with a small child and perhaps they’ve been waiting in line and the child needs to use the bathroom – we would certainly allow the parent to leave the line and come back in.” But for adults, she said, the no-bathroom policy is in place.

“We do really try to stick to the policy,” she said.

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^ Hahaha, nice!! That picture is from media day. I'm in the front row left seat. (right side of the pic)


Haha, I just realized that the layout of the page makes it look like I'm taking pics of that hot chick through her window.



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Here's what a very reliable person said on CWMania (the same person who helped prove it's a 75 degree drop, not 85):


The new gearbox was a fluke - it's a purchased component from an outside supplier (Roberts, IIRC? Never heard of them). The issues with the last car's seats has to do with either the mechanism in the station that pushes up on the release bar (FESTO type DFM) or the bus bar system along the side that completes the circuit for the lap bar switches. I've no idea why it's taking them so long to get that repaired/looked at.
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Well, back seat was open on all three trains yesterday anyway...


Was planning on doing a TR but the camera I pilfered from a friend to use didn't come with a USB cable, so I'll have to wait until Sunday to post it up. Sad, I know.


I did get some shots of the heralded dildo pen and Behemoth leather jacket. Huzzah.

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I'd really like to know who would be sad enough to buy a leather jacket with the Behemoth logo on the back.


Leather jackets alone look cool. But put the logo of a roller coaster on the back of one and you're just going to look like a tool.

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Just noticed this in an e-mail from CW:


The Behemoth Burger has launched at Backlot café! Step up to our one pound burger with an extra large fresh Bun and all the trimmings, 44oz Coke, Large fries and a t-shirt for $18.99 plus tax.


That's like a heart attack platter.

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Well considering it comes with a T-shirt, it sounds like a much better deal then the normal hamburgers.


The standard hambuger platters at Coasters are $14.99.


But eating a 1 pound burger + 44oz coke might make me so bloated that I couldn't ride anything.

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Well considering it comes with a T-shirt, it sounds like a much better deal then the normal hamburgers.


The standard hambuger platters at Coasters are $14.99.


But eating a 1 pound burger + 44oz coke might make me so bloated that I couldn't ride anything.


I don't think my stomach could keep down 1 lb. worth of a theme park burger. Who can eat that much low grade beef?

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^ Do you eat at McDonald's?


I swear that Six Flags and CF manage to find worse beef than McDonald's uses. Either that or they're not as skilled in jacking up the flavor of inferior grade beef. Not that McDonald's tastes good, but I think it's better than theme park burgers.

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^^ or 10 cheeseburgers, or 5 doublecheese burgers/Big Macs


The regular meat is 1/10 of a pound. thats why they never fill you up!


(formerly a McDonalds Crew Trainer )


-Tracy "Has had his fair share of employee discounted cheese burgers" Salas!

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