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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I've never been to Pass Holders night, instead I always just wait until Opening Day. From what I've heard you get better crowds on opening day (or the following few sundays after that) than you do on the Passholder night.


I've been on the Sunday of opening weekend with little to no crowds.


Though if you feel like braving season pass preview, do yourself a favor and process your season pass a couple weeks before the park opens. If you plan on getting your pass processed on preview night, that line will be longer then Behemoth's.

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^ I've done the same thing. I find Sundays (especially the morning) in May and June to be a great time to visit the park. I'll usually do a power trip around the park in 2-3 hours hitting anything that doesn't have a line and taking pictures as I go. It's nice and peacful and really reminds me of why I like theme parks.

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^^ You pick the one nice day in over a month that we've had to make that post. I'll own up to the fact that we had the most snow for the month of february in Toronto on record this year. Atleast I'm pretty sure I heard that...could be wrong, probobly am. It was definitely -17 for 2 consecutive days last week though, plus add the wind chill on top of that.

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Yeah, but Florida is bigger than the bottom part of the Hudson Bay, so America wins for having a bigger penis than Canada


I never thought of that one!




I tend to skip season pass night on years when we get new coasters. When the Italian Job opened the lines were horrendous that night, breakdowns and undertrained staff made for a 2-3 hour line. Opening day is pretty good if you get there right when the gates open, or go on friday nights when the park is dead.


^Shawn I hope you are up for a mad dash to Behemoth on opening day!

(p.s I have to live up to my Geography degree somehow and maps are strictly Monday-Friday, don't make me change your address point to somewhere in the arctic!)


Try this.....


Take a map of Ontario and rotate it 90 degrees so that west is at the top (ie. Windsor/Detroit should be at the top). Now look at the map and you should see that the southern Ontario land-mass now looks like an elephant. Now find the city of Owen Sound on the shores of Georgian Bay at the base of the Bruce Peninsula (the elephant's tale). Proof positive that Owen Sound is an elephant's a$$hole. My wife is from that area, she hates this experiment.

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