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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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On 1/9/2025 at 11:11 PM, Johnlloyd said:

The supports for AlpenFury have began to rise! It will be interesting walking through International Festival once the construction has been completed and the park is open in the Spring! :)



On Monday, the first pieces of track were installed! :)



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I forgot to share this here, but last week Priestly Demolition shared a video of 1,000 feet of track recently being removed on Mighty Canadian Minebuster. Retracking in recent years has not helped this roller coaster much. I do not know who is performing the retracking on Mighty Canadian Minebuster during this off-season, but I hope the process is successful and makes it more enjoyable! :)

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The Gravity Group got the contract to retrack 960 feet (from the first drop to turnaround).  But it's not only retracking it's also reprofiling with a steeper first drop and extra speed bump I believe.  They will also use their new track system (vertical engineered track system)!  And Alpen Fury looks awesome!!  Can't wait to go this summer!

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4 hours ago, ricklap77 said:

The Gravity Group got the contract to retrack 960 feet (from the first drop to turnaround).  But it's not only retracking it's also reprofiling with a steeper first drop and extra speed bump I believe.  They will also use their new track system (vertical engineered track system)!  And Alpen Fury looks awesome!!  Can't wait to go this summer!

That's great to hear Gravity Group got the contract. I am looking forward to riding Mighty Canadian Minebuster again this year! :)

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Looks like progress is great with AlpenFury! Does anyone have even a vague idea when we may expect opening? I never know this **** but people always seem to have a good idea. I am planning on this park for the first time, kind of afraid crowds will be heinous but thinking in June. 

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I hope it is open in late June when I visit.  Alpen Fury looks awesome  and is the perfect addition to this wonderful park!  Also The Mighty Canadian Minebuster is being retracked and reprofiled by The Gravity Group with their new innovative track system.  And on top of that a rumor is going around about Wild Beast (in the near future) being RMCed or bulldozed and a new RMC coaster would be built from the ground up!!!

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I am not going to complain about a new RMC if that comes to pass, but that would also mean the SLC/Volare plot would skate by once again. I really want to see them both ripped out for good and replaced by a single new coaster.

Regardless, looks like we will be making our second trip ever to the park in early August as long as AlpenFury is running.

I am also realizing now that despite being there two years ago, we somehow have six credits still waiting. The two new coasters weren't there, of course. Wonder Mountain and the Boomerang were down. We chose to skip the hang and bang for road trip time and this time we should have the three year old twins with us, so kiddie credit.  

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On 2/2/2025 at 9:33 AM, abovethesink said:

I am not going to complain about a new RMC if that comes to pass, but that would also mean the SLC/Volare plot would skate by once again. I really want to see them both ripped out for good and replaced by a single new coaster.

Regardless, looks like we will be making our second trip ever to the park in early August as long as AlpenFury is running.

I am also realizing now that despite being there two years ago, we somehow have six credits still waiting. The two new coasters weren't there, of course. Wonder Mountain and the Boomerang were down. We chose to skip the hang and bang for road trip time and this time we should have the three year old twins with us, so kiddie credit.  

As of the beginning of the 2024 season, a child is no longer required to ride Taxi Jam or Snoopy's Racing Railway! Snoopy's Racing Railway is a fun launch coaster! 🙂

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