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Hersheypark 2008 - 'Lost meets the Maverick thread'

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I will say this is a very fun way for those anxious enough to be able to get some sort of information about the ride, without actually hacking into anything they're not supposed to be seeing. Great job, Hershey!


Of course, I figured the coaster was going in that area probably even before Hershey knew it. I think they may have even taken my suggestion to heart!

Sure, you may all think it's a steel coaster like Maverick, Colossus, Wicked; or a floorless dive machine Eurofighter aquatrax (EuroMaverossus Monstertrax?), but they're just throwing you all off, it's really a woodie!www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35314 You can all thank me later after you ride this without having to go to Europe

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I'm happy because I know what the coaster is, but I can't tell you or my friend will loose his job. I know you think my friend works for dippin dots, but my friend is a structural engineere, and he's worked on GB, SR, and Roller Soaker. My dad is a software designer and has worked for them under contract for 2 years, so my sources are legit. But supposidly there will also be a flat!

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^^^^ Hey, welcome to the TPR forums HP fan.


^^^The number of a member's posts really doesn't matter.


It's okay, he's from the C-net forums and over there, he proved with enough info that he knows what it is. His dad works with HERCO and if he tells, his dad will lose his job and get into a lot of trouble.


Yeah, there is rumored to be a flat ride, but from what a person told be, it might be a Tornado ride (I hope not).

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i think its going to be an exact replica of the coaster that kid made who won the $100,000 contest, lol, that $100,000 was a waste of money, i dont know about you but i made a sick dueling coaster that was actually one track, I SHOULD HAVE WON!!!! what ever,



i love HP and what ever they get will be great,

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I have not recieved any emails from nantimi lately. I guess I am not into it enough. I plan on going down on sunday. I will try to see if there are any more markings or pieces laying around anywhere. Will have to ride the kissing tower to truly find out of anything is out there.


HPFan3 wanna tell me where to look I promise I wont tell anyone until sunday at least

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I orginally tried to post these last night but ran into problems with the site slowing up. Anyway...


We stopped by the park on Sunday for a few hours to get in a few rides and most importantly to see if there was anything new going on with the potential site of next years big new attraction.


So this whole area will probably be filled up with track next year. What else will be affected? Stay tuned...


This one is right on the edge of whatever foodery/game (I can't remember) is located across from the Milkcan game and seems to be the furthest one out.


More markings out in the midway.


...and these 2 are on the back corner.


It definitely looks like the Milkcan Menagerie is history as this one is right in front of it...


Uh oh, something new since our last visit. We now have column markings on the ground. 120+ support columns? Maybe more? Interesting.


The sign on the Shoot-Out has been updated with the new announcement date.

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