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About PAShawn

  • Birthday 08/25/1980

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  1. I was thinking the same thing, I like hershey and all and I am a season pass holder which was not going to renew next year anyway, I need a break from the place. This does not make me change my mind. It may shorten up the lines on storm runner though. I will get there a day next year and ride but will not go out of my way to ride it. Especially since alot of people do not like maverick which this seems to be the same type of design. Thats my 2 Cents. Edit: I have to admit also I thought nantimi was bogus as well.
  2. ^ I agree, I have never been convinced natimi is hershey but we will see tommorow.
  3. I am dissapointed, not only did I need to find it cause no one shared but its rather short and wimpy it seems. http://www.nantimi.com/coasterVid.swf I watched it again and it seems like it might be good. I would like to know height and specs though before I make a final pre judgement. As of 11:46 PM the link had been deleted
  4. ^^ Agreed I had fun, I didn't lose any sleep or anything over it but it was fun. I just really wanna know if nantimi is hershey or not.
  5. Almost time to demolish that and start a new coaster I hope.
  6. Ok since we are supposedly a little over 3 hrs away I wanna know who all is gonna be here tonight, and if so should we start the chat room up? Edit: I will try to be here unless I fall asleep on the couch
  7. Not to be mean hearsheyparkfan but this is why they are picking on you SITE UPDATES AND NEWS September- HEAT WAVE- 9.26.07 New ride released one day early! Check back here for the new ride's release one day early. It will be up at exactly 3:30 p.m. ! This information posted at your website.
  8. I Should have stuck with what I said a long time ago that nantimi is fake. Now I am all confused and do not know which way to lean. I think I will just go home, go to bed, and wake up tomorrow around noon and find out what it is. Edit: By the way hershey park fan you also have two different times on your website and not one is correct because its 4:05 now
  9. I would have to say kali river rapids is the best I have been on its like your in another country.
  10. Well its the day before if only the select 25 is getting the info a day before and is not sharing I am rather mad. Even if they share its still not right we have all been following this and if hershey pulls this I will join the boycott against hershey it just makes me feel so lonely.
  11. I am now 27 and my first steel coaster was high speed thrill coaster at the infamous knoebels grove shortly followed by the jet star My First woodie most of you know its a little coaster called the phoenix
  12. I was there on sunday as well, Nice report I was looking for myself in any pictures. I noticed they took down the divider on waverider. All the times I have riden, two people could ride at one time. Its a fun ride but pretty short, very boring if you dont do any rolls, hops, or knee riding. East coast water works is nice though, its a must if its warm. PS they also have showers in the back of the changing rooms outside, The best is hitting the water park at night when they have fireworks. No lines and a hot shower while watching fireworks what could be better.
  13. I am not familiar with no limits but does it put in items for a chain lift or anything? If it does I do not see a lift in the picture. The spike does not seem to have anything associated with it, or am I missing it?
  14. I believe it is the same spike just a different angle so it seems to be much less of a spike
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