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Top Thrill Dragster- Scary?

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^ I agree with CP_RULES, I have ridden it over 15 times, and when I rode it this year, it was pretty boring and tame. After riding it so many times, it's nothing special anymore and really isn't worth waiting in a long line unless you have a first-time rider with you.

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Tame?! TAME?!

Dragster's launch is ANYTHING but tame. It is WAY stronger than any other hydraulic, LIM, weight drop, or LSM launch in the world (with the possible exception of Ka, of course). I don't know what you're comparing it to that you think it's weak.



Xcelerator and maybe Stealth have more powerful launches. SR might as well.



It's a really fun ride. Not super intense or scary, just a lot of fun. However, I would argue that the level of enjoyment drops off significantly the longer the wait (just like any other coaster, but worse). A 10-15 minute wait is perfect for the great rush that it provides. An hour is way too much for such a short, albeit fun ride.

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It's a great ride. Just a little short. The launch is pretty intimidating the first time but once you've done it it is less so.


If you wear contact lenses I don't recommend the front row.

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Here is the story line for you to get a better feel for this ride:


Top Thrill Dragster is not bad at all. You wait in the long lines where the sun is beating the crap out of you and then you get on the train. BUCKLE UP! Then you will move forward... then you will see the lights.... and you will feel some vibration and you will go 120 mphs and go straight up with the twist and you get to the top which gives you the nice view of the park and go twisty twist down and BRAKES!!!!!!! Game over. Get off the train.


Simple as that. First time maybe be intense... but all i gotta say and it is one word... BREATHE! Simple... Enjoy your ride! Hope to hear about your first time experience here!

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TTD is one of 3 coasters that elicit a bit of fear whithin me. By fear I don't mean maybe I shouldn't ride, but a feeling of oh yeah, this is gonna send my brain into overload. TTD is one of the best rushes in coasterdom and I hope you enjoy it.

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Xcelerators launch is nowhere near as powerful as Dragster's launch.




You're wrong, Xcelerator's launch is more powerful than Dragster's. The full list of launches more powerful (in acceleration) than Dragster's is as follows:



Kingda Ka



Superman Escape

Storm Runner


Hypersonic XLC




So yeah, it's not the most intense. It is very intense and very fun though.

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^ Do you have proof that Xcelerator's launch is more intense, or is that just your opinion? I have ridden both and, while they were both very intense, they felt the same, only TTD's lasted longer. It may just be that Xcelerator's is shorter so it seems like it is, but it really isn't.

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Just do it. The launch isnt really scary, IMO the scariest part is going up the tower at 90 degrees. I was a little nervous of Dragster my first time but after the ride I was like, Why was I afraid of that? So just do it, its really not that bad and there is nothing to be scared of.

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^ Do you have proof that Xcelerator's launch is more intense, or is that just your opinion? I have ridden both and, while they were both very intense, they felt the same, only TTD's lasted longer. It may just be that Xcelerator's is shorter so it seems like it is, but it really isn't.


From the fastest LIM launch topic:


From http://www.coaster-net.com/


Top 10:

- Acceleration (MPH per sec):


1. Dodonpa, Fujikyu Highlands; 64mphps/102.9kphps (2.91 accel. g's)


2. HyperSonic XLC, Paramount's Kings Dominion; 47mphps/75.6kphps (2.1 accel. g's)


3. Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure; 36.5mphps/58.7kphps (1.7 accel. g's)


4. Storm Runner, Hersheypark; 36mphps/57.9kphps (1.6 accel. g's)


5. Xcelerator, Knott's Berry Farm; 35.6mphps/57.2kphps (1.6 accel. g's)


6. Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point; 30mphps/48.2kphps (1.4 accel. g's)


7. Joker's Jinx, Six Flags America / Mad Cobra, Suzuka Circuit / Poltergeist, Six Flags Fiesta Texas; 21mphps/33.7kphps (1 accel. g)


8. Rock 'N' Roller Coaster, Disneyland Resort Paris / Rock 'N' Roller Coaster, Disney's MGM Studios; 20.3mphps/32.6kphps (.9 accel. g's)


9. Incredible Hulk Coaster, Islands of Adventure; 20mphps/32.1kphps (.9 accel. g's)


10. Superman: the Ride/ Xpress, Walibi World; 19.9mphps/32kphps (.9 accel. g's)

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Tame?! TAME?!

Dragster's launch is ANYTHING but tame. It is WAY stronger than any other hydraulic, LIM, weight drop, or LSM launch in the world (with the possible exception of Ka, of course). I don't know what you're comparing it to that you think it's weak.


Dont speak with no facts. TTD's launch is not as strong as MANY launches out there, it just lasts longer so it feels more intense. Let's use some math:



Top Thrill Dragster:

(120 (mi / hr)) / (4 sec) = 13.4112 m / s2

acceleration= 13.4112m/s2


Storm Runner

(72 (mi / hr)) / (2 sec) = 16.09344 m / s2

accleration= 16.09344m/s2 (Stronger than Dragster)



(106.9 (mi / hr)) / (1.8 sec) = 26.5492089 m / s2

acceleration= 26.5492089m/s2 (stronger that Dragster)



(82 (mi / hr)) / (2.3 sec) = 15.9379478 m / s2

acceleration= 15.9379478m/s2 (stronger than Dragster)



(80 (mi / hr)) / (1.9 sec) = 18.8227368 m / s2

acceleration= 18.8227368m/s2 (stronger than Dragster)



Hypersonic XLC

(80 (mi / hr)) / (1.8 sec) = 19.8684444 m / s2

acceleration= 19.8684444m/s2 (stronger than Dragster)




Must I continue?



EDIT- He beat me to it but my list shows others that aren't listed on the one he listed. AKA- TTD is even WORSE than #6 strongest in the world.

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Haha, I'm in the same boat of thinking TTD isn't all that in terms of intensity. The ride doesn't hold a candle to Xcele or Storm Runner, but that doesn't mean it's a bad ride by any means. Just not my cup of tea for the amount of time spent waiting in line.


The more I've traveled the less important a lot of rides at CP have become to me, but thats a whole other topic.

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^^^ I doubt that list is true. How are Stealth and Zaturn not even on that list? You're telling me that (0-40 in 2 sec.) Hulk at IOA accelerates more quickly than (0-80 in 1.9 sec.) Stealth? No way.


I did, calculate TTD and Xcelerator, however.


Xcel. is 0-82 in 2.3 seconds, 82/2.3 = 35.652 MPH per second


TTD is 0-120 in 3.7 seconds, 120/3.7 = 32.432 MPH per second



Ok, so Xclelerator's is slightly more intense, but I still don't think it's as noticeable as people make it out to be.

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Heck yes its scary. the difference between this coaster and most is that, instead of screaming in fear during the ride, more takes place on the breakrun/after the ride.


That is, if you sit in the front seat at night.


Being a southern californianer... im not quite used to bugs, right?


So being splattered with dozens of them while going 120mph wasn't exactly... uhm... fun?


Thing is, i didn't realize what i was getting hit with until the return trip down. Then i started screaming my ass off, but at the same time trying to keep my mouth closed...




God that was soooo disgusting.

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^^^ I doubt that list is true. How are Stealth and Zaturn not even on that list? You're telling me that (0-40 in 2 sec.) Hulk at IOA accelerates more quickly than (0-80 in 1.9 sec.) Stealth? No way.


I did, calculate TTD and Xcelerator, however.


Xcel. is 0-82 in 2.3 seconds, 82/2.3 = 35.652 MPH per second


TTD is 0-120 in 3.7 seconds, 120/3.7 = 32.432 MPH per second



Ok, so Xclelerator's is slightly more intense, but I still don't think it's as noticeable as people make it out to be.


I'm pretty sure the list is outdated, but that doesn't make it any less true. Believe what you want though, as I'm not a huge fan of debating coaster stats for the most part.


To each their own as always.



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TTD is 0-120 in 4 seconds. Thus, all of the coasters that I listed have more intense (higher accelerational forces) launches than TTD.



The list that was posted just after mine was older, and did not consider Stealth or Zaturn.


Based purely on accelerational g's, the coasters that I listed have a "more intense" launch than TTD. However, TTD's is more prolonged, so that may contribute more to intensity.

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^ That's your opinion, and in mine, it isn't. I don't know, maybe I just caught Xcel. on a slow day or something.


^^TTD is 0-120 in 3.7 seconds, it says 4 on rcdb, but, trust me, it's 3.7. Don't believe me? Just ride it for yourself and listen to the ride-ops, they say 3.7.

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The Mean Streak ops say Mean Streak is a good coaster. Is that true?


I'm not denying that you are right though, but don't trust everything ride-ops say. And the press release says 4 seconds.

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I'm going on this in about 3 weeks and this is the only coaster that is making me nervous. I'm just freaked out about the height and the drop! And how does the launch feel? Does it look as scary as it looks?


Hmmm, I'm pretty sure Intamin is the company that throws people out of their seats. So the worst that could happen would be flying out of the train over the top hat.

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